National Youth Service Requirements

National Youth Service Requirements

NYS Namibia Entry Requirements
i) Namibian citizen
ii) At least 16 years of age and not older than 35 year s of age
iii) Formal School Certification for Technical Trades with required points, the youth entering
the Service should not be compelled to be in possession of formal school certificate,
however exception should be made for specific programmes of the Service that require
youth to achieve a certain level of education
iv) Submit him/herself willingly for a medical test, excluding HIV/AIDS
v) Has undergone a pregnancy test, in case of female applicants
vi) Has no conviction of any offence mentioned in schedule one (1) of the Criminal Procedures
Act, Act No. 51 of 1977. among others: rape, fraud, murder, robbery, house breaking, and
treason. Sedition, kidnapping, culpable homicide, bestiality, public violence, indecent
assault, sodomy, assault-when a dangerous wound is inflicted, forgery or altering a forged
document, offences relating to coinage, escaping from lawful custody, receiving stolen
property knowingly it has been stolen, and any conspiracy, incitement or attempt to
commit any offence referred to in this schedule