Nestle Nutrition Training and Research Grants

Nestle Nutrition Training and Research Grants.

Nestle Nutrition Training and Research Grants

Nestle Nutrition Training and Research Grants for Health Professionals Worldwide.

Interested in furthering your nutrition training and research? Apply for the Nestle Nutrition Training and Research Grants.

It’s that time of year again when the Nestlé Nutrition Institute invites young health professionals to apply for one of its Fellowships, giving them the chance to further their nutrition training and research.

Since 1981, these grants have helped more than 500 young medical doctors and scientists from all over the world pursue postgraduate training at leading institutions in a number of fields relating to nutrition.

This has helped build global capacity in nutrition research, and further global understanding of nutrition and its impact on the health of young women, mothers and children in particular.

Please encourage the young professionals working in your field to apply for a fellowship today.

There are two types of fellowships available:

Research Training Fellowship

The Nestle Nutrition Institute offers grants for research skills trainings which can help in performing research in the fields of mother and child health and nutrition.

We offer these fellowship grants to health professionals from anywhere in the world (except USA) applying for post-graduate research training.

The duration of the training can last up to 12 months.

All institutions offering a training programme in the area of Maternal and/or Child Health and Nutrition are eligible to be a host institution.

Clinical Fellowship

Clinical fellowships are offered to post-graduate health care professionals from developing countries working in the field of pediatric nutrition and gastroenterology.

Fellowships are available in the leading partner institutions listed (See links below).

Duration of the training ranges from 12 to a maximum of 24 months.

Applications have to be addressed directly to the training sites.

The training sites submit the applications from selected candidates to the NNI.

The NNI external Board of Advisors evaluates the applications and makes a decision for acceptance.

After completion of their training, candidates return to their home country to put in practice the knowledge gained and help to improve healthcare locally.

January 31st and August 31st are the deadlines for the submissions.


For more information and application details, see; Nestle Nutrition Training and Research Grants.

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