Netherlands Grants for Human Rights Projects in Gambia
Netherlands Grants for Human Rights Projects in Gambia
Dutch Embassy in Dakar launches Human Rights Program – Senegal and Gambia.
Through the Human Rights Program the Dutch Embassy in Dakar can support projects in Senegal and Gambia.
The Netherlands are committed to protecting and promoting human rights around the world. Through the Human Rights Program, the Dutch Embassy in Dakar can support projects that contribute to this goal in the following countries:
- Senegal
- GambiaCriteria
The program criteria for the Human Rights Program:
- Projects should have achievable and realistic objectives and focus on clearly defined results.
- The project must correspond to the priority themes in the human rights policy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands.
- The maximum duration of a project under this program is four years, there is no minimum duration.
- There is no maximum amount for the Embassy’s financial contribution to be requested, but the budget must be realistic and in line with the proposed activities.
- A contribution from the requesting organization is appreciated, but not compulsory. The Embassy grant is usually paid in two installments.
- Their programs are aimed at non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and non-profit associations officially recognized in the countries where the activities will be carried out.
- Organizations that have not received funding from the Dutch Embassy in the past two years will be given priority in the project selection.Apply by 31st December.
For more information and application details, see; Netherlands Grants for Human Rights Projects in Gambia