NGO Consultancy Jobs – Gender Consultant – The Water Trust (TWT)

NGO Consultancy Jobs – Gender Consultant – The Water Trust (TWT)

Job Title:           Gender Consultant Call for Proposals

Organization: The Water Trust (TWT)

Duty Station:  Masindi, Uganda

About US:

The Water Trust empowers rural communities in Uganda to reduce preventable death and debilitating disease by enabling access to safe water and a healthy, clean environment. Since 2008, The Water Trust has partnered with more than 500 communities in Masindi and Kiryandongo, benefitting more than 250,000 people. The Water Trust aims to increase the scale of its operations and pioneer new approaches to increasing the impact and sustainability of water, sanitation, and hygiene programs.

 About Project:

Revise existing training materials and train staff on revised training messages: The Gender Consultant (GC) will audit The Water Trust’s current training materials, training practices, and staff knowledge, skills, and attitudes (KSAs) through both desk review and consultation with staff. The GC will then provide technical support and recommendations to the revision of the materials (e.g., visual training aids, SOPs, etc.), and lead both a staff-wide training and a program-team training with the revised materials.

Key Deliverables

  • Template for audit of training materials, practices, and staff KSAs.
  • Audit results of training materials, practices, and staff KSAs and recommended changes.
  • Training agendas and materials for general staff and program staff gender participatory gender trainings.
  • Two-hour participatory training with all staff.
  • Two-hour participatory training with program staff on community engagement.

Anticipated Workload

  • Desk review of training materials (1 day – 8 hours)
  • Staff consultation (1 day: in Masindi)
  • Audit of training materials, practices, and Staff KSAs and recommended changes (2 days)
  • Review and advise on training aid development (1 day)
  • Staff training development (1 day)
  • Staff training (1 day; in Masindi)

Qualifications, Skills and Experience:

  • Proven track record of high-quality gender analysis, design of gender-sensitive programs, and gender training.
  • Ability to work independently
  • Written and spoken English;
  • Cross cultural and field-based experience in developing contexts


  • Experience working with gender in water, sanitation, and hygiene programming
  • Experience in rural contexts
  • Experience working with Non-Governmental Organizations; experience working with The Water Trust
  • Knowledge of local language(s) and culture is an asset, especially Runyoro, Luo, Acholi.

How to Apply:

In the Resume attachment, include:

  • Curriculum vitae (compulsory) detailing the consultant’s experience and qualifications; reference of previous assignments done or sample of work accomplished (if it is a team of consultants, all CVs should be included);

In the Cover Letter attachment, include:

  • Letter of expression of interests, including how the skills and competencies described in the Terms of Reference are met (compulsory);
  • Sample previous similar assignment; (compulsory)
  • Proposed timeline and financial proposal in UGX (compulsory). All costs related to the consultancy without exceptions should be figured in the financial plan of the consultant, including consultancy fees differentiating i) field days; ii) desk days; travel, visa, accommodation, data entry, logistics, stationary, etc. (transportation within Masindi will be provided by The Water Trust).

Note: No per diem will be paid to the consultant(s).

All candidates should apply online at the link below.

Click Here

Deadline: 29th March 2020

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