Nicholas Hans Comparative Education Scholarship

Nicholas Hans Comparative Education Scholarship

Nicholas Hans Comparative Education Scholarship: Nicholas Hans Comparative Education Scholarship is presented to one doctoral student working towards a PhD in Comparative Education at the Institute of Education, University of London.

The scholarship is competitive and tenable for one year only.

The award covers a substantial proportion of the full-time tuition fee at the Institute and is at present available only to registered Institute students.

Comparative education is defined as work that explicitly compares the historical or contemporary patterns of societies and their educational patterns in a way which;

(a) exemplifies

(b) extends or

(c) develops by critique the intellectual concerns of Nicholas Hans in comparative education.

Normally such work will be informed by a strong and clear emphasis on historical or sociological theory.

Work which is critical of the Hansian and historical tradition in comparative education can be submitted provided a comparative theory which draws on alternative historical or sociological theories is explicitly offered.

The Scholarship is open to those who:

a)are registered doctoral students in their first or second year of study at the Institute or are Master’s degree graduates of the Institute of Education who have been accepted to register for a doctoral degree at the Institute;

b) are or will be undertaking a comparative education thesis;

c) are non-United Kingdom residents studying in this country.

The scholarship alone will not cover the cost of a year’s stay in England, so the successful candidate will also need to provide evidence that he/she can cover living expenses in order to take up the scholarship for the relevant academic year.

For application forms and further details of the qualifying essay please contact Patricia Kelly – p.kelly [at]

For more information and scholarship application see; Nicholas Hans Comparative Education Scholarship

List of International Scholarships 

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