NMTS Certificate in Agrometeorology ( CAM) Course
National Meteorological Training School Certificate in Agrometeorology ( CAM) Course
This is one of certificate course in the field of agricultural meteorology. It is intended to make students appreciate the role that meteorological and hydrological factors play during agricultural production. At the end of this course students should be able to advise farmers on how to use Meteorological and hydrological factors in agricultural production Activities such as animal and crop husbandry, forestry, fisheries and horticulture, irrigation, beekeeping very much rely on agrometeorology.
To equip non-service and service personnel with basic skills in agricultural
production and preparedness
UCE with credits in chemistry, biology management
Minimum requirements, geography, mathematics and English.
A good WMO Class IV certificate or its equivalent from any recognized institution.
Duration: 2 years
Phase 1: Theory – 21months
Phase 2: Field work (3) months
Award: Certificate in agrometeorology
Admission: Annual and purely Private
Tuition: UG X 300,000= per semester for Ugandan students and $ 200 for foreign students.
NMTS Certificate in Meteorology- CM
NMTS Diploma in Agrometeorology
Advanced Forecasting course (AFC)
Specialised certificate in weather Instruments And Observations
Specialized certificate in Agrometeorology (SCAM)
Certificate in Basic Meteorology
Certificate in computer science
Background of National Meteorological Training School Uganda
National Meteorological Training School Uganda Scholarships
National Meteorological Training School Uganda Courses Offered
National Meteorological Training School Uganda Contact Address
National Meteorological Training School Uganda Admissions
National Meteorological Training School Uganda Careers (Private Sector)
National Meteorological Training School Uganda Careers (Public Sector)
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