NMTS Certificate in Meteorology- CM Course

NMTS Certificate in Meteorology- CM Course

National Meteorological Training School Uganda Certificate in Meteorology- CM Course

This is a lowest professional certificate in Meteorology an equivalent of a meteorological Technician (complete BIP-MT) run on a semester basis. It combines both WMO class IV & III syllabi. The course is comprehensive, so because of need to keep on WMO standards as well as market forces. After successful completion of this course a student may pursue a degree course in any meteorological related discipline.
Minimum requirements: UCE with credits in maths, physics, geography and English. WMO Class IV holders may also apply for it. The following category of people is also recommended for this course: air traffic controllers; ground instructors; air force; flight crews; foreign meteorological personnel.
1. To provide broad and effective first hand knowledge on effectiveness of weather and climate information
2. To broaden the scope of the course so as enhance its marketability and students competitiveness for higher professions.
3. To develop students ability to communicate through symbol interpretation and be able to present public weather and forms of communication.
Duration: 2 years (4 semesters)
Phase 1: Theory – 21 months
Phase 2: Industrial Training -3 months at National Meteorological, Agro meteorological and hydro meteorological centers or any relevant organization.

NMTS Certificate in agrometeorology ( CAM)

NMTS Diploma in Agrometeorology

Advanced Forecasting course (AFC)

 Specialised certificate in weather Instruments And Observations

 Specialized certificate in Agrometeorology (SCAM)

 Certificate in Basic Meteorology

 Certificate in computer science


Background of National Meteorological Training School Uganda

National Meteorological Training School Uganda Scholarships

National Meteorological Training School Uganda Courses Offered

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National Meteorological Training School Uganda Admissions

National Meteorological Training School Uganda Careers (Private Sector)

National Meteorological Training School Uganda Careers (Public Sector)

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