NMTS Specialised certificate in weather Instruments And Observations
This is highly specialized certificate in weather instruments and weather observations. It is mainly intended for In-service personnel who would like to improve on their working experiences and awareness of impact of weather and climate around us. Climate and weather affect us daily and therefore there is need to monitor it very closely.Peronnel such as those prescribed in No. 5 above are also recommended for this course.
1. To equip personnel with knowledge of weather and climate awareness so as enhance day-to-day weather and climate forecasts.
2. To train students in language expressions through symbol interpretation.
3. To equip students with the technology of instruments in use in weather measurements
Duration:3 months
Award: Specialized certificate in weather Instruments and observations
Admission: Purely private
Tuition: UG X 300,000= per course.
NMTS Certificate in Meteorology- CM
NMTS Certificate in agrometeorology ( CAM)
NMTS Diploma in Agrometeorology
Advanced Forecasting course (AFC)
Specialized certificate in Agrometeorology (SCAM)
Certificate in Basic Meteorology
Certificate in computer science
Background of National Meteorological Training School Uganda
National Meteorological Training School Uganda Scholarships
National Meteorological Training School Uganda Courses Offered
National Meteorological Training School Uganda Contact Address
National Meteorological Training School Uganda Admissions
National Meteorological Training School Uganda Careers (Private Sector)
National Meteorological Training School Uganda Careers (Public Sector)
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