No Experience Procurement Assistant Job Careers – Ministry of Health

No Experience Procurement Assistant Job Careers – Ministry of Health

Job Title:         Procurement Assistant (No Experience Jobs)

Organization: Ministry of Health

Duty Station:  Kampala, Uganda

About US:

The government of Uganda in partnership the Global Fund, PMI/ USAID, Against Malaria Foundation (AMF) and other implementing partners plans to conduct its third Long Lasting Insecticidal Nets Mass Campaign for Universal Coverage (LLINs UCC) in 2020. Approximately 27m Mosquito nets will be distributed country wide. The Campaign is human resource intensive and therefore require additional support to the already existing staff to avoid compromising other routine program activities.

Key Duties and Responsibilities:  

  • Provide guidance on the procurement plans from the user departments
  • Consolidation of procurement plans into one Global Fund Master plan
  • Preparation of solicitation documents, issue, receipt, opening and evaluation of bids.
  • Making sure procurements are submitted to contracts committee for approval in the required time frame.
  • Drafting of Contracts
  • Archiving and preparation of Global fund procurement files for audit (GF, Internal, External and PPDA audits).
  • Any other assignment from my supervisor

Qualifications, Skills and Experience:

 The applicant must hold a Degree in Procurement and Supply Chain Management

 How to Apply:

All candidates should send their applications addressed to the “Permanent Secretary Ministry of health P.O Box 7272, Kampala” and submitted to the Security Registry Room A 002. Application should be accompanied by CV, copies of Academic documents, copy of the NIN number and previous appointment letters.

Deadline: 6th March 2020

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