NSFAF Awards List 2016 – 2017 | Namibia Students Financial Assistance Fund Awards

NSFAF Awards 2016 – 2017

The Namibia Students Financial Assistance Fund (NSFAF) is pleased to announce the initial Award Results of 2016.
In regard to students who work, they will be subject to pay their loans with interest (the percentage to be determined by the NSFAF)
For more information, you can contact the student desk via the web form or via the live chat.
Please see the respective Institutes of Higher Education at the bottom. Select the institute you are registered with.
The second and final results will be announced not later than Tuesday, 31 May 2016.
For students who have applied, meeting the award criteria and their names are not appearing on this list, kindly follow the instruction below:

  • Submit your proof of registration of the 2016 academic year
  • All grade 12 results/certificates

and where applicable,

  • Post Grade 12 Qualification obtained (Certificates/Diplomas) evaluated at NQF Level 5 or higher
  • Mature age entry results/proof

Please scan the respective documents and eMail them to undergraduate@nsfaf.na for processing.

Follow this link for list of awards : https://www.nasfaf.na/awards2016


89 thoughts on “NSFAF Awards List 2016 – 2017 | Namibia Students Financial Assistance Fund Awards”

    • Moyo, The list is yet to be released, and shall be published when available.

    • I received more than 20 emails about my missing documents. I uploaded them but no award letter. Our exams are starting on 19 June , I can’t even concentrate on my studies because I have a fear that I might not write the exams. Please is there anything you can do before exams. I have no one to pay for me, I am on my own, no one is willing to help. Is there another list coming out for IUM students that didn’t receive award letters yet?

      • James, kindly do all you can to focus on your exams, the emails you received are just technical errors. You application is being processed.

      • The id and password is telling wrong entry every time i try to find out abut th status of my application…. wht are the chances tht my application has been received and maybe considered….as a distance student!!!

        • Amutenya, this is because NSFAF is closing the platform, in order to process all applications. You are advised to wait a little while, you will receive a notification from NSFAF

    • Ananias, its unfortunate the award letters are not out. Thus the email is the only means of verifying success or failure.

  1. Hi you are saying award letters not still out but i heard some people got theirs…please

  2. please do something, i want to study but my debts its getting on my nerves.

  3. What happens to the diploma students studying education,? Are they eligible? Or…

  4. Please NSFAf help me… I heard the due date for giving award letter is the 31 of may and yet did get mine. The last e-mail i received was to confirm my student number and the tertiary. I am scared please help. Here is my student number 201611044.

  5. I have received a preliminary award but I’m told to register with an istitution but I am registered with Nust doing Bachelor Regional and Rural development. Student number 216093627.
    Nsfaf id is f_toin1060198001.

    • Toini, these are technical issues and can be resolved by contacting the student support center

  6. i didn’t write my exam because i did get my award letter and i cannot afford i hope i get to go on suplementary

  7. I have never received any emails from Nasfaf but I have an acknowledgement letter, if please I can change my password (Amukwayaaina@gmail.com) to amukwayaaina0@gmail.com

  8. I signed a contract for two years last year whch was suppose to end this year. I was told to reapply this year since I m doing a master. last year I was doing an honors when the loan ws awarded. Sadly this year I recieved an email tht application is rejected with a reason tht the course will not be funded this year. but I know African languages is a priority field within the ministry of education. I would like to know wht disqualify this course from being funded this year. And why can’t they just consider th contract I signd last year because it was for 2 years. I m a post graduate student

    • Simon, the reasons for not funding a programme are not given. Kindly contact the student support center.

  9. I read in the Namibian newspaper that the validation process will be done end of June 2017. My question is, will be all the award letters sent on the same date (30 June 2017) or they will be sent on different dates until the end of June? can you give me a clear and exciting answer please.

  10. When are you starting to pay out the senior students refunds for NUST students NSFAF?:-)

  11. My loan was on hold 2014-2016 and have appealed last year and got recommended, this appealed again for re-activation,,, and dint receive a rec-activation letter, but i have seen some who received theirs and we have submitted it on the same day. May you please help. student number 201211032,,,UNAM, HP Campus.

    • Agatha, you will have to contact the office for rectification of this problem

  12. when is the 2017 award list come out, we want to be sure if we will be funded or not?

    • Foibe, this can take days or weeks depending on the workload. But will be carried out as soon as possible


    • Justine, if you received a preliminary letter, then you will definitely get your award letter. Kindly wait a little while longer

  14. When are you going to start paying students doing Diploma in Education all over the UNAM campuses both tuition ana non-tuition, both 2016&2017, are you going to double pay for us at once?

    • Carlos, this is yet to be determined, however considerations are being made towards settlement.

  15. In case I dont get an award letter before my exam starts on 19 June, will there any possibility to write exams? Because I didn’t settle the amount am owing.. I need to pay $ 7050.00 before exams. I can’t afford that amount without your financial assistance. Now the question is, how can I be sure that I will get an award letter? I saw the list for those who got theirs at IUM notice board, but my name is not on that list.

  16. My nephew met all the criteria He is doing Electrical and electronic engineering at Monitronic .. He didn’t receive an award yet .. We uploaded his documents online successfully and even via email and at different Mobile NSFAF teams that where available in khomas But nothing yet please when are you sending the award letters.

    • Lusia, NSFAF is determined to release all award letters by 30th June.

  17. Is there any list that will come out for those who qualified for loans or no more?

  18. i received this email that says i should provide proof of … for validation but i already uploaded all my documents then what should i do

    • If you have already provided proof of validation then theres no need to do it a second time.

  19. If I got preliminary award letter which means I’m automatically get the final award?

  20. Meaning if i did not get the preliminary letter i will not be awarded? Because the form i got was the provisional approval where i was asked to answer the four questions including whether i have benefited from nasfaf before and so forth

  21. I received an email saying my application reached the final stage. others got their award letters and allowed to write exams.i am confused now because no one is going to write exams if didn’t pay yet. at least even a rejection letter.

  22. When is NSFAF start paying 2017 refund? Life is getting tough everyday.

  23. So when will my loan be paid, it was awarded last year but till now no payments, it will be 2 years now

  24. NSFAF What wrong with your problem i did not get an award letter still now .

  25. Please NSFAF me I have fear that I might not complete this academic year due financial assistance was just told to wait my application processed but no update, is there any possibility of me getting a loan, do you think I will be financially assisted? because to ME passing is not a problem

  26. when will the senior students get their refund? we have been struggling during sbs

  27. Dear Nsfaf is there still hope for us, I have received preliminary award but hasn’t receive my final letter yet, realy worried I am certain I have meet all required criteria though..

  28. Hi is nsfaf done giving out award letters ?, what about those who did not get even rejection letter .is the requirement not 25 points in 5 subject and a D in English for education? When is the due date for the appeal .and how do I go about it?

    • Hendrina, appeals are currently open and you can contact support on the steps and procedures for filing one.

  29. Hello, is this how nsfaf reject applications without notifying the applicant of their app status? i went to one of nsfaf regional offices and was told my application was not succesfull but couldn’t say why. i have 26 points in 5 subjects and D in English. please nsfaf don’t leave us in despair, at least give us some answers so we know where we stand.


    • Marchell, this is just information regarding the release of the preliminary award letter, which precedes the final award letter.

  31. Hallow. I am studying towards a Master Degree in HIV/AIDS Management and I am an intern at the Ministry of Health and Social Services (male circumsision) I was given a confirmation letter in May but yet I did not receive any award letter neither have I received any payments (tuition and non-tuition). When will I receive my refund because I really need to use it for academics purposes! This may include conducting research that leads to a proper and well prepared thesis.

    • Lyambo, the NSFAF is still working on delivering all outstanding award letters.

  32. i have 26 points in five subject but i received a text from nsfaf that my application will not be considered because i have not provided my proof of registration but i have been uploading it several times.. ….nsfaf team why???

    • Marriana, Kindly visit any NSFAF office near you for rectifications of any errors.

  33. when are the names going to be out again? coz some of us did nit write due to financial problems and supplementary is starting on Monday 17th july.

    • Nehale, this cannot be determined, notifications will be delivered by mail.

  34. Good morning, im a third year student at Rundu campus i just want to know when my loan is going to be paid? This is my third year now student no: 201500964. i heard last month that you are settling all the outstandings and now we are in august approaching the exam,but nothing happened. or there is something wrong with my documents that I need to know?nsfaf id KatD1050686001. Please I need your financial assistance.

    • Cathrine, your documents are fine, and work is being done to settle all loans. Kindly wait.

  35. hi i got the password to follow my application, but all my documents that i was upload are not there, since i was told to reapply because i was applied to a wrong tile and i did applied. the tile changed but now do i need to reupload the documents again or what does that means?

    • Josua, do you meet the necessary requirements ? if so, you can file an appeal concerning the delay of your award letter.

  36. Morning? do vtc ols get money for books an accommodation non-tuition fee.?

  37. my amount is paid both non-tuition and tuition fees when check on NSFAF portal but on the transaction date there is nothing , how long it take for the money to be settled on my namic
    account and to UNAM account?

    • Rebbeca, the money should reflected within 5 business days at most. Kindly contact your bank in case there are further delays

  38. when are the award letters going to be out for some of us coz we did not yet get and we can’t write exams without it..i was at the office last week but still nothing.

    • Samuel, the award letter will certainly be released, kindly wait a little while.

  39. how can I check my funds if it is settled or not, apart from checking the balance as the balance is not yet showing

  40. Please I submitted my proof of registration at NSFAF office because i didn’t have access to internet for uploading and they said they will upload it for me, i haven’t got my award letter yet nor SMS or email from NSFAF
    What can I do?

  41. Hi. I applied for special consideration and it got approved. What is the next step? Should I just wait for Nsfaf to settle my fees if I got the approval letter?


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