NSFAF Awards 2017 – 2018 | Namibia Students Financial Assistance Fund Awards

NSFAF Awards 2017 – 2018

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The Namibia Students Financial Assistance Fund Awards for the 2017 – 2018 academic year has been released. Students who are yet to receive their awards are kindly advised to exercise patience. An award may be delayed due to incomplete documents, institutional delays or ineligibility. Students are advised to contact the NSFAF Student support center.

228 thoughts on “NSFAF Awards 2017 – 2018 | Namibia Students Financial Assistance Fund Awards”

  1. When exactly will the list be out ?

    • Korner, this cannot be determined, unfortunately.

  2. Hi there.Will students who are studying in South Africa als see their award result on the list

  3. hi
    I received an email to fill in my student number and other information but when I went to my application some documents were missing. .I called the nsfaf office and I was told to upload my documents
    is there a possibility for my loan to be approved?
    because they never sent me an email that they have received my documents
    am worried
    my Id is h_hern1220798001

  4. NSFAF
    Do Those that received preliminary award emails and smses wait to be contacted to sign contracts or something because I don’t understand why have been sent terms and conditions that I have already signed when completing my application. and they say I should return some kinda document with 30 days?? help me understand please.

  5. Hi, I want to know where am standing, the last sms that I received from Nasfaf is the sayed I must login. they send me ID and Password now I don’t know what do please help me.

  6. hai i m studying here at CTPD swakopmund and i m doing my first year but i did not receive my NSFAF award yet. are we able to get loan? as the institution they are the one who applied for me.

  7. I need a help? I applied forva loan bt i ddnt receive any email if ma documents are received. .so a the opportunity of nat getting a loan?

    • Lukas, this is a common problem. If you are confident that you followed the application procedure correctly then you have nothing to worry about.

  8. Hello,I applied for the special consideration in February and I don’t know my status concerning the award letter…how long can I wait?the exams are starting nxtweek alrdy

    • Ester, if you did not receive an email then its likely your application was unsuccessful.

  9. Hi! How wilI logg in to get ma applications status..Am lost, we only belong in loans..

  10. when exactly the award list will be out it almost month end and nothing provided yet.I just wonder why NSFAF system this year its too slow .This new online system is not good at all.

  11. when exactly the award list will be out it almost month end but still nothing provided . I wonder why NSFAF system this year it is too slow is it because of this new online system? I prefer the old system.

    • Yes Rebbeca, flowing the implementation of the new system, NSFAF received thousands of applications in just a few days, and it overwhelmed the system. Much work is being done to process the applications.

  12. When is the due date of reward?
    And when exactly the list will be out?
    It might be possible of not getting an award letter even though I completed that form that had to do with my students number and institutions wer am studying at?

  13. please what do i do..the password that i got is not going through at all. do i need to visit your office for the new one or what really..?? am very confused, i even heard the deadline for awarding is the 31st of may which is too close

  14. Hi, i’m confused a bit, i’m a first year student
    at CTPD and i received an email from nsfaf help desk that my application was rejected because im doing L3 while NSFAF only fund from NQF L5 upward.

  15. I’m a student at CTPD. And i’m a bit confused, i received an email from NSFAF help desk that saying my application is rejected because im doing level 3, while NSFAF only funds from NOF L5 upwards, is that true?

  16. If i am 3rd year student ,do i need to fill the award letter again?Another question is normal our details that say i am beneficial for nsfaf it appearing at my examination timetable , but this year is not showing ?what should i do ?

  17. still i did not receive my award letter. does it mean that my application is not successful or are still in the process to award us?

    • Festus, conclusions cannot be drawn at this point. If you applied early, and have still not received your award, then its likely you were unsuccessful. However, we recommend cross checking with the list upon release.

    • i am kind confused……actually i am a second year at UNAM and i heard that there will be no more refunds is this true? and if it is not true when exactly are you planning to dish out refunds especially for second year students?

      • This is yet to be confirmed and currently remains a “rumor” .

        • Lazarus Petrus asked that , when exactly are you going to give the students their allowances for second year loan holder? I am curious ,because have the same Question.

  18. was that the final list of the successful candidates or is there still more names to come out? please reply asap my name is not on this list but i have applied and uploaded all my documents. i have 26 points in 5 subjects and an A* symbol in English.

  19. I recently got a password upon request but I am unable to login with my password. My nsfaf ID being impo0250677001 , can you help in this regard?

  20. Realy nsfaf this is end of may arleady and still no news about award letters,
    Please rescue us we depend on you woo!

    • Justy, much work is being put into the release of the list.

      • I just want to know when can I get my award letter and I upload my student number and until now no reply

  21. Can you provide me with the link to currently released out list, because I can not find it. My ID salk0290895001 ,I have not received my award letter yet but ,my application is seem to be approved cos I Updated my field of study successfully as well as documents, from that day I never received massage from NSFAF, I want to know where I stand, I want the link to the LIST.

    • Katale, the list is currently unavailable online. You will have to consult other news outlets. Or visit any NSFAF center near you.

  22. I’m a 2nd year student, do we also need to submit the award letterso for the second time? Or the NSFAF will just pay as long as im a loan holder?

  23. hi. when is the list name will be released? how can we find the list?

    • Jafeta, the list shall be available at any NSFAF regional center or news outlets. The exact day of release is currently unknown.

  24. Hi, i would like to know if on could still apply for funding (to study through UNISA) for the 2018 academic year?

    Kind regards

  25. Hi,I’m the one of those who is not going to write exams because of nsfaf approval. What should I do? Raina Iipumbu at CTDP.pls help me.thnk you

  26. please admin you are just talking about first year students, what about us who did not get anything since last year 2016. we are only told to wait, so my question to you is are going to be paid the same time with the first years or they will settle our last year account first ? please make me understand,.

    • Ndala, settlements for students from 2016 is underway and may be done alongside the first year students

  27. Hi, I understand NUST registration is starting early July, will students who did not receive their award letter be given something to take with to registration? What is NSFAF planning to do to the affected student who need to register but didn’t get their award letter yet?

    Concerned parent.

    • Epifania, the NSFAF is endeavoring to release as many award letters as possible before the registration begins. However, plans are being made should there be any delay. Details shall be communicated to the public.

  28. I’m writing my examination on the 20th of this month but I have not received my award letter and at the same time IUM does not want us to write examination without any award letter and again my name is not on the list u published last week, can you please check my application. my NSFAF id: I_hilt1260593001

    • Hilma, subsequent lists are to be released soon.

    • hi! how did you get to see that your name was never in the list of the previous award letter holders ? I mean how did you do that? I wanna see mine too but I don’t know where to start.plz help.

  29. If I visit or call one of your offices will they be able to advise the status of my application? I tried logging in numerous times but error displays saying contact the administrator.

    • Yes Senovia, contact the students support center

  30. Hi,I just received a rejection respond from nsfaf sayng that i didn’t meet the nsfaf requirements ..
    the question is how did I go through all those stages if I ddnt meet their requirements?
    And which requirements ‘re thy talking about?
    Im confused please help
    and dones this means that I’m not going to be awarded?

  31. Hi.. when are we gonna be refunded we the loan holders already. we are struggling in paying the accommodation and taxi money.

    • Jacobina, the settlements are currently in procession. Kindly wait a little while.

  32. When are award/rejection letters for international/SADC prospective students being released, as some courses were already starting in march and june, and invitation letters received from universities are expiring in July..

  33. When will the non-tuition fees allocation start for senior students…
    It’s really hard we need some aid…

  34. I want to ask i fail my major modules for last year and my loan was not yet paid now is nsfaf going to pay my 2016 fees non and institutions? As i heard for 2017 i have to pay for my self and do they continue to pay for me 2018& 2019 if i pass this year?

  35. I would like to know the status of my application . NSFAF ID i_elin1010890001

    • Negongo kindly login to the application portal for your status.

  36. Hi, i was funded last year, but this I seems not to be on the list. What happen and is there something I can do?

    • Tuyaku, if you submitted an application then you should wait a little while. If you didnt then contact the student support center

  37. hi….am a 2nd year student at unam…how do i know that my invoices were sent to nsfaf by unam?

    • Suama, if you did not apply directly then you may not be able to determine this, however your invoices will definitely be sent.

  38. Hi!, please help me, i received an email of a preliminary award , telling me to sign the general terms and condition, and again says NSFAF will make payment upon receipt of my general terms and conditions. does this mean that I’m granted or what?

    yet they say pending document to be submitted by 31 march 2017 if i only got the message yesterday

  39. Hello I would like to enquire on the payments for 2016 both tuition and non tuition as some of us still waiting upto today.

  40. Hi, I was awarded a loan last year and this year I changed the course via special consideration form, Wat should I do next year to ensure that my contract is activated?

  41. Good day NSFAF team.

    I have received a preliminary award letter in February this year. This means I’m awarded, right?

    I am SADC student, studying in South Africa:
    1. When can we expect payment?
    2. Do we need to contact the NSFAF office for refund letters? or do we recieve them automatically after payment has been made? Since we need the remaining fees to pay for accommodation.

    I am a first time loan holder.

    Kindly advise
    Thank you.

  42. I applied through mature age but till now I didn’t get any response from NSFAF, how far are you with mature application and one thing I was working but not working anymore, what should I do so that I can get non-tuition fees?

    • Klaudia, if you stated in your application to be a worker, then you will not be given the non-tuition fees. This can be corrected by logging into the application portal and making the necessary corrections. Applications are to be completely processed by 30th June

  43. i was awarded last year, but until now nothing is paid either tuition or non tuition fee for last year and i am hearing they are busy processing 2017 tuition and non tuition fee what is happening? what about us who are not yet paid anything from last year?are we still going to be paid last year tuition? we are worried. every time we call Mr Joseph that deals with Unam students we told to wait how log are we going to wait?…please we need clarity on this.

    • Pietres, the NSFAF is working on settling all previous award winners. Kindly wait a while.

  44. Hi,
    I have heard of some lists at different institutions and NSFAF’s office.
    Is there any list for SADC students?
    I haven’t receive my award letter yet.
    I’m doing postgraduate in South Africa.

    When will the payments be made? University is charging us interests monthly.

    Looking toward your prompt reply.
    Thank you.

  45. Hi please help, on the 29th March I got a an email saying rejected application. The next day 30th March I got one that says Preliminary award .. On 5th May I got another email that says Postgraduate provisional approval but the due date to give the information was in February 15 th , but my email has been working perfectly ,, thats why I got the others emails.. Now I’m totally confused ,, I don’t know which to follow. . if I should still wait for NSFAF to get back to me or what’s really going on . tried contacting NSFAF but I didn’t get any help .

    My question is when u reject the application form is not supposed to be written final rejection because mine was not written final rejection , or if awarded final award ? Please do help I’m lost

  46. I have receive the premilinary award letter this means Im going to be awarded ordy? Please help cz IUM doesn’t want us to write n this force me to postpone my exam to July tht is nxt month please Wht mst I do

  47. Hi.i would like to ask if my name is there(if i awarded a Nsfaf loan)please help i m Unam student.

  48. Hi, I am a student at at NUST, in April we were told to provide NSFAF with our bank accounts. The account i submitted was active at the time, but when i went to the bank a few days ago, i was told my account was closed and i was provided with a new account number. Do i need to visit the office to submitt my new bank account details or is it possible to submitt via email? I am concerned how i will get the non-tution fees. Pls help

    • Aina, you are advised to submit it in person.

  49. When can we get our award letters or rejection letters, some of us need do know where we stand. We will soon enter the second semester please

    • George, you will receive a notification before June 30th

  50. The University of Namibia kindly reminds students, parents, guardians and sponsors about the due date for outstanding fees to be paid.

    Due Date: 30 June 2017

    As per University regulations, UNAM Council may deny defaulters access to examination, registration for second semester modules and other services or facilities.

    Direct Bank Deposit or Electronic Fund Transfers (EFT) can be made to the following

    UNAM account:
    Bank: First National Windhoek
    Account number: 62246793451
    Branch code: 281872
    Reference: Your Student number
    Swift Code: FIRNNANX
    Email Proof of Payment to: bankandcash@unam.na

    For further information on outstanding fee balances, please contact: +264 (0)61 206 3370 / 3191 by Student Debtors Department.please let us know when are you finish sending emails, otherwise we will be on the street.

  51. Is it true that there will be No loan (Non-tuition fees) for students this year?

    • No samuel, this is yet to be confirmed by NSFAF

  52. Hy… does it mean if your name is on the list you will receive an award letter (you are funded) ?

  53. When will the ium part time students get their award lettrs?

    • Martha, the award letters are to be ready no later than 30th June

  54. Iam a 2nd year student, I applied for a loan and I uploaded all my documents. The last email I receive is to send my student number and the institution where I’m but it was successfull and yet didn’t receive award email. please Nsfaf send the reward letter.

  55. I am doing masters degree in Intergrated water resource management at NUST but I did not receive anything after I got the award letter? What is the way forward?

  56. What is preliminary award . Does that mean I will get an award etter

  57. Hey ! When can we expect our tution fees and non tution fees for those who missed out last year ?

  58. Hello, i received award letter email to sign but after 2weeks i received a rejection letter on my email saying my course is not a priority this year, which email should i follow

    • Rachela, kindly contact the student support center for assistance

  59. When can we start applying for partial postgraduate scholarship and loan for academic year 2018?

  60. Hello, i am Magnus, i previously got preliminary award letter and was told am not yet awarded, can i get final rejection letter after getting preliminary award letter ? Worried

  61. Hi. I would like to know whether my application form still have some pending documents or not because the last email I received from nsfaf says your application form is at the final stage but up to now I never received an award letter

    • Felix, you will have to exercise more patience, you will receive updates on your status.

  62. Why don’t u pay for people who upgraded with unam foundation .?

  63. How long it takes for an account to be changed if you apply under a wrong tile?

  64. I am Monika. I received a email on 29 april say am awarded ,until now I did not receive my final award letter.

  65. We are not allowed to write exam because we are not done with settlng the outstanding amount. We were told to posponed our exam to supplement. I got my preliminary award letter few days ago. Now does it mean that i will be awarded or there is still possibility for me to be rejected.????pls answer

  66. I have been asked to sign for general terms and conditions which i signed already the day i submitted the all required documents, Can you please explain for me,Do i have to sign twice?

  67. Ist possible for me to get an award letter if I did not receive that email for final step but I received my preliminary award ?

    • Yes Monica, it is possible to get your award letter

  68. Before NSFAF release the first list at least the office use to send emails and sms to succesful applicants almost everyday, but now NSFAF is quiet again. Can i hope for something good since i was told my application is approved i should just wait for final award letter and when can i expect to get that final award letter or when will NSFAF going to release our names ?

    • Mpazzd, as at now all you can do is to wait for the award letter. Actual dates cannot be provided, however should not be later than 30th June

  69. how does priliminal award letter look like? I received four or three e-mail frm nsfa one stated my application is successful prove of document Sumthing like tht, one is says dear kristine this to certify tht you hv been awarded a basic of

    fund,another one provide my student number and school tht I enrolled tht for is provisional and rejected one again .which one should I follwed. Am totally confused.pls help

  70. I received an email titled preliminary award letter to a successful registration, it has the Cover letter and terms and conditions attached, requesting me to sign the terms and conditions ,but I already signed them the day I uploaded every document, do I still need to sign them twice?

  71. I got my Preliminary award letter email in April and still haven’t received my award letter.. Do I quality for a award letter or can my application still be rejected

  72. I never received anything from nsfaf nor on the early released list, should I expect anything or jump the ship coz unam says all oustanding fees to be payed by 30 June or the road will be closed for us.

  73. I just recieved rejected e-mail telling me tht I Nsfaf will not fund me because thy didn’t fund peoples below level 5 and whn i confirm my proof if registration am doing level 6 .Am totally confused now.what should I do?should I take my proofe of registration to Nsfaf or wat nw?because it might be th school made a mistake the moment thy upload my documents coz is th school applied for us (through school) or I should reupload my proof of registration myself so tht Nsfaf will review my application?pls help

  74. What is the Emergency contact number /email for NSFAF? I am an International student that need to return home, am done with my study, school fee not paid, non-tuition fee not paid,
    Its either settle the account or or pay my return ticket ASAP. Please if u can get down to this would really appreciate it.

  75. Still waiting on NSFAF, my NSFAF ID lazb0191171001.

  76. For those of us who did not get our titution en non titution for last year…must we wait till when ?
    Am very worried if the school will allow us to register for next semester

  77. Hello..
    I have applied for a loan but no one responded to me. I there for wrote emails to NSFAF but still no one responded… I therefore want to know whether if I have my application was RECIEVED and dealt with and of Wetherby I have received a loan ?, because my class mates got their feedback already and they have been awarded…

  78. Please NSFAF, I have lost the hope now, no award letter no sms, no email… I’m really stressed I cannot afford to pay the tuition fee, the due date is near but I did not even get the award letter but my application reached the final stage..when is the list will be released?

  79. what is the difference between the acknowldgement letter and the prilimenary letter? iam confused

  80. I was a Psychology student and I had a loan contract with NSFAF for 2012-2015 but during my second year 2013 I failed and my loan was frozen. I paid for myself 2014 and then I passed. I changed my course and now I am an Education student and in my 3rd year, I applied for a loan and got through all the processes, the last email/sms I got was that my application is at the final stage and i should indicate my institution, course etc.. and I did, I did not receive anything else until now, Will I be awarded?

  81. Ist obvious that if i received a preliminary award letter thn it’s a must tht i wll get a loan ??? pls i am lost

  82. Please answer all our questions,
    I applied via eligibility checker, meaning I am eligible why would I get rejected?
    2. I received an email saying that they have received my application and that it is successful, I also came to the final stage which is asking for institution and student number , from there I am not receiving any email no more.
    3. Am I waiting for a rejection or award letter? This is my question.

    • Alumbungu, this cannot be foretold. The application is being evaluated, you will be notified soon.

  83. Does it mean when your name is not on the list then you application was rejected?

  84. I am a second year Diploma in Junior Primary student, I am studying at Rundu Unam campus, I signed a contract early this year in March at NSFAF office in Rundu, but up to now I did not get my loan, what is delaying now? Most of my classmate got. My phone number 0817561327 and my Nam-mic account 3000195194758, my refence number DAWID ROLLAND M 93032600952 Edu/unam428

    • I am still waiting for my response

  85. I also want an exact answer… what’s next after preliminary award letter and that stage 2

  86. This is to certify that you have been awarded based on the NSFAF funding criteria and policy for financial assistance by NSFAF, subject to validation and successful proof supporting documents as well as subject to the general terms and conditions entered into by and between yourself and NSFAF, or in case you are a minor between your parents or guardians and NSFAF.
    Your unique NSFAF ID is: x_p……………………
    Your Current Status is: Your application is successful, subject to proof documents.
    You are therefore urged to provide the respective supporting documents for validation and to read and sign general terms and conditions accordingly and return the same within 30 days to avoid delays in disbursement of fund.

    Please help! What does that mean? And what documents they are saying since all are uploaded in fact are ticked ?

  87. When am I expecting the award letter hence I’m going to write my exams in July 10… I have received the preliminary letter in April

  88. Dear NSFAF
    I receive a preliminary award letter two weeks ago,an last week i received a provisional approval that says,my application is on the final stage,i’m asking than wht is next?? An another thing my name appears on list!! I really looking at your positive response.

    • Shikongo, your application was sucessful, hence you will be awarded. Kindly wait for the final award letter

  89. NSFAF
    When our non-Tuitions fees will be paid? second year student from NUST.

  90. Although the institution is part of the delay but we informed NSFAF about the situation which some of the students are facing at Rundu campus due 2014 payment which was not settled.Thus Mr Simasiku , Nayuni and David Nathige were told about it and up to now no feedback is given and to us students it is worring situation because we are owing Unam and to make the matter worse this is our final year.

  91. I do not know what to do. My results are withheld by NUST because i didn’t receive the award letter from nsfaf and registration is starting on Monday. I only received a preliminary letter .pls advise me what to do

  92. Ugfcts are u dne wth the sendng of award lettrs??

  93. I received primarily award long time in February but i haven’t recieve an award letter. does it mean my application is unsuccessful or? I met all the requirements.

    • Veronica, stage two, is simply the next step of your application, after which a preliminary letter is given. After issuing a preliminary letter, NSFAF conducts a thorough validation of all documents and paperworks. If any document is found missing, the preliminary letter is withheld.

      • Hi

        will they let us konw if there is some document missing? and how long does it take?

  94. I want to hear from you nsfaf, I applied the first day people start to apply, I have 23 in grade 22 anf other qualification level 7 . It was your staff member who applied for me, I give him all my qualifications but at the end I was told I applied at wrong application. My problem is, my name was written /added to the list of names of those people who applied to wrong application and I was told ur staff member will correct it, but just imagine from May until now nothing has been done. I’m always there at your office but they are always telling me different story .some are saying they are waiting for the IT to come and do the collection, anyway where are you IT and for how long are they taking to be back at work? Last week I was there, I was told my things are corrected but yesterday I was there and was told that my application is not yet corrected. How is that possible? I want an a clear explanation about this. Your things are very complicated. Contact me on 2121003 if it’s possible and my ID NUMBER is 94030300375. I’m tired of always getting different answers from ur staff member. I don’ t know kutya which one I must believe at all.

  95. Does this mean I am awarded? please reply. The exam is around the corner

    Dear ESTER PENEHUPIFO NANGHONDA, This is to certify that you have been awarded based on the NSFAF funding criteria and policy for financial assistance by NSFAF, subject to successful registration with an Institute of Higher Learning and subject signed General Terms

  96. How are you nsfaf? Did VTC student ols get non-tution fees

  97. Im being told that my application is at the final stage from August till now, why so long?

    • Mate, you application is in queue, or your documents are not complete, or your application was not successful. Contact the NSFAF support for details.

  98. I am John Angula I receive my award letter and it printed out already long time but yet I didn’t receive anything from Nsfaf’s grand ! What procedures I must take? I am doing my traing at Wvtc as a EG N1 level and the assesment is nocking around us! What can we do for those which are receiving the reward letter but yet no funds awarded?

  99. Please UGF can you respond to my problem???!

  100. when i can get a ward letter,? i was so status is approved and now it say again provisional approve when and when i visit the office say s was wait for list of name now my name is gave pls help me


  102. What does it mean by Approved application level 1, and how many level must be complete to reach final approval plus how long that may take en when is the due date of award letter?

    • Shilongo, there are two levels of approval. The second approval is carried out immediately after the first approval. This can last between a week to a month.

  103. my payment history shows that my tuition and non tuion fees is paid but the amount is not yet reflect on my account and to UNAM account , for how long it take for the money to reflect .

  104. my application status Approved level 1, is there chance for me to be rejected?

    • Yes Maria, it is possible, NSFAF conducts extensive examination after the first approval stage.

  105. Good day

    Why is NSFAF keeping us in the dark. It has been long now but it keeps telling us that we will be paid soon. How soon is soon? May we atleast get a date when the last people are expected to be paid.

    The reason why many of us applied for loans is because our parents/guardians are not really able to fund us from their own pockets. It is really not easy. Majority of the applicants are less fortunate or are orphans. We just want to get good education and feel comfortable at our institutions. But how if some of us walk to school and can hardly concentrate because we are exhausted? We do not even have books or laptops to acces academic information so we have to go to Libraries or sometimes even miss out on important academic information. I do not want to say a lot….

    All i am asking for is for our tuition and non-tuition fees will be paid. Please help me and the rest we really need it. I speak for myself and on behalf of everyone. Or can we atleast get feedback as to how many students are yet to be paid.

    Thanks in advance

    • Hello, its unfortunate the NSFAF cannot specify a date at this time. However, much work is being done to settle all students.

  106. Hi, I am not able to login into my NSFAF portal. I requested for a new password,but I have not received anything.

    • Snyger, kindly contact the NSFAF student support center for assistance

  107. Hey NSFAF, I applied for special consideration months back and I still didn’t here anything from you

    • Lipitwa, kindly excercise a little more patience, you can contact the NSFAF student support.

  108. Good Morning

    Two weeks ago I was at the NSFAF head office and spoke to Maya in regards to tuition fees. She told me payment would have been done within 6 days. No payment has been done. NSFAF team I need to pay my tuition by next week. Mancosa (the university I’m studying at) is on me and exams is the 1st week of Nov 2017. Please revert back to me. Unique ID: b_sorf1240486001

    Your soonest response will be appreciated.


    • Sorya, you will soon be notified by email, concerning any updates.

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