NUST Geo-Spatial Sciences and Technology Department

NUST Geo-Spatial Sciences and Technology Department

The Department of Geo-Spatial Sciences and Technology was formed in 2013 during the review of the Namibia University of Science and Technology Strategic Planning (PSP – 4) of 2014 – 2018, and became operational in January 2014.  The department was part of the old Department of Land Management, under the School of Natural Resources and Tourism, currently known as Faculty of Natural Resources and Spatial Sciences.
The Department of Geo-Spatial Sciences and Technology offers degrees in Geomatics (NQF Level 6, 7 and 8) and Geoinformation Information Technology (NQF Level 7, 8) and a Masters in Geo-information Science and Earth Observation (Taught Masters) and a Masters in Spatial Science (Research Masters) both of which are NQF Level 9 degree programs. The department is supported by 18 full time staff bringing with them both local and international expertise.  In addition the department receives support and contributions from local and international stakeholders in the delivery of their degree programs, ensuring that our material is kept current and relevant.


  • Diploma in Geomatics 27DGEM
  • Bachelor of Geomatics 27BSGE
  • Bachelor of Geomatics  Honours 08BGEH
  • Bachelor of Geo-information Technology 07BGIT
  • Bachelor of Geo-information Technology Honours 08BGIH
  • Masters of Spatial Sciences 09MSPS
  • Masters of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation

Contact Details

Department of Geo-Spatial Sciences & Technology
TEL: 061-207-2342