Office of the Prime Ministers Vacancies in Uganda 2024-2025

Office of the Prime Ministers Vacancies in Uganda 2024-2025

Office of the Prime Minister (OPM) is a Government Ministry through which the Prime Minister of Uganda provides leadership of the Ministers under the Executive arm of Government.
The Prime Minister is the Leader of Government Business in Parliament established by the Constitution of Uganda under 108 A. This specifies, in addition, that the Premier is responsible for coordination and implementation of Government Policies across Ministries, Departments and other Public Institutions.

This Ministry has a long term mission to instill and maintain efficient and effective systems in Government that enable Uganda to develop rapidly.

This Ministry commonly called OPM is made up of various directorates including:

  • Strategic Coordination & Implementation;
  • Monitoring and Evaluation;
  • Directorate in charge of Disaster Preparedness, Management and Refugees;
  • Directorate in Charge of Special Programs of Northern Uganda, Karomoja, Luwero – Rewnzori and Teso Sub regions Affairs; and
  • Directorate for Administration and Finance.

How to Apply for Office of the Prime Ministers Vacancies

Apply for Office of the Prime Ministers Vacancies

2 thoughts on “Office of the Prime Ministers Vacancies in Uganda 2024-2025”

  1. By name am call oryekwun Wilfred from nebbi district kucwiny sub county am one of the youth who believe l can change my village,parish, sub county and l can act as example to many in my district of nebbi and greater alur community am a professional accountant with my diploma in accounting together with my elder brother he also has diploma in agriculture in crop production due to much competetion in job this days since we completed our school in 2018 we have been Jobless but we encourage our self by saying let us venture in agro business as way of earning a living so that community around us dont look at us as people who weasted there time for nothing in school for all those years l alone started with 2hrk of cotton l got some money in 2020 close to 120,0000 l used part of it for graduation because l never graduated in 2019 due to fincal problems and l used some for another season l planted cassava because in my sub county kucwiny cassava due to climatic change in weather people used it as a main for both money and consumption and last year we join hand with my elder brother because he is expert in crop production we planted soya beans we manager to get some 5 sucks of soya beans but no market we are humbly requesting if there is any private organisation or government who can help us and get for us market we shall be very grateful because we are planing to set up a primary co oparative within the parish so that other people can come and be part of us or learn from us because we want other people to benefit from our knowledge if there is any help from the government or private sector we welcome it with our both hands it require arround 40,000,000 million for start up capital because we have four other different project like bee keeping ,goat rearing tree planting by encouraging community t plant more trees and more cassava and soya beans we want to be giving them free seedling after harvest we used that money for buying it from them because here in kucwiny sub county we are facing problem of good buyers and store them in our store we are going to build using that money in case and offering them some fincial training on how to use there money those some kind of problems we are face us youths in kucwiny sub county we are not alone we are many but we want to be as example to many but we don’t have a start up capital to implement some of our project for God and my country thanks to who ever may go through this comment we thank God for our leaders from LC 1 up to president office l remain oryekwun Wilfred from nebbi a poor youth but rich in mind

  2. l send greetings to you all staff members at work, thanks for the great work you have done for us Ugandans.
    l humbly kneel down to request for a job as a cleaner at your work place l wish to work in search a good place for my future am faithful, respectful man to all bosses
    Give me a chance to start working and I’m sure I will not ashame you at work when given an opportunity to start working.
    God bless you so much as you answer to me back 🙏


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