Olive W Garvey Fellowship

Olive W Garvey Fellowship

Olive W Garvey Fellowship: Since 1974, the internationally acclaimed Olive W Garvey Fellowship program has awarded fellowships biennially to outstanding college students around the world through a competitive essay contest on the meaning and significance of economic and personal liberty.

Garvey Fellows have since become some of the finest of scholars, business and civic leaders, journalists, etc., applying and advancing public knowledge and appreciation around the world for the ideas of individual liberty and personal responsibility.

Awards: Students Junior Faculty Members

First Prize: $2,500

Second Prize: $1,500

Third prize: $1,000 First Prize: $10,000


Student Division: Any student 35 years or younger enrolled at a recognized college or university anywhere in the world.

Junior Faculty Division: Untenured college or university teachers, Assistant Professor or higher, 35 years or younger.

Length: Student essays must not exceed 3,000 words. Teacher essays must be 5,000 to 8,000 words long.

The Independent Institute will publish the winning essays on its website and seek to have them published elsewhere in major magazines and journals. The Garvey Fellowship Contest is held every other year. The submission deadline is May 1.

For further information, please contact: Mr. Carl P. Close, Academic Affairs Director, The Independent Institute, 100 Swan Way, Oakland, CA 94621-1428, Phone: 510-632-1366, Fax: 510-568-6040, E-mail: cclose[at]independent.org

For more information visit; Olive W Garvey Fellowship

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