Open University of Tanzania Accreditation

Open University of Tanzania Accreditation

OUT Accreditation

The Open University of Tanzania is a fully fledged and accredited public Institution of Higher learning, mandated to conduct academic programmes leading to Certificates, Diplomas, Undergraduate and Postgraduate qualifications. In the 15 years of existence, the OUT has enrolled students from Malawi, Uganda, Kenya, Namibia, Hungary, Burundi, Libya, Ethiopia, Rwanda, Saud Arabia, Lesotho, Botswana and most of the United Republic of Tanzania. The total cumulative students enrolment by June, 2008 was 44,099 where the majority of students are Tanzanians.

Year 2005 saw the passing by parliament of the Universities Act No.7 of 2005 that envisaged all Tanzanian Universities to prepare and submit for approval by the Government, the respective Charters and rules. The OUT draft Charter was approved by the University Council on 28th July, 2006 during the 52nd Council Meeting held at Mkonge Hotel in Tanga. Subsequently the OUT Charter was signed by the President of the United Republic of Tanzania on 28th March, 2007 but was in use with effect from 15t January, 2007. However, the Charter was formally presented to the University Chancellor on 5th March, 2008 by the president of the United Republic of Tanzania H.E. Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete.

The Open University of Tanzania ( OUT )

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