Open University of Tanzania International Students Mode of Study

Open University of Tanzania International Students Mode of Study

OUT International Students Study Mode

Mode of Study for Undergraduate Courses

1. The courses shall be divided into three levels. Each level is equivalent to one academic year in a conventional University.  The three levels are identified through subject codes with series 100, 200, and 300 for level 1, 2 and 3 respectively. Students are allowed to select a minimum of 50% of Units at each level.

2. All undergraduate degree programmes are taught by Distance Study Methods, except the BSc (ICT) which is largely face to face.  The main medium of instruction is through printed study materials. Most amterials are also available in CD-ROMs.  Several courses are also available on the OUT website under the e-Learning management information system (LMS). The use of ICT is being mainstreamed as complementary and additional delivery technique of the future.

3. The main modules for each of the subjects shall be called units.  Each unit shall cover content materials equivalent to thirty five one hour lecture materials or three hour lecture per Semester.  Most of the OUT Units are now being converted into Credits to conform with new TCU regulations.  For the purpose of conversion, one OUT unit is equivalent to ten credits under TCU regulations.

4 Support services for the students will be in the form of face-to-face teaching, ICT based electronic platforms, audio cassettes, compact discs (CDs), Internet (where available), library services and other teaching/learning media.  The face to face teaching includes residential sessions for orientation and continuous tutoring and counseling.  As for B.Sc., B.Sc. (Ed), and B.Sc.(ICT), academic programmes, laboratory exercises will be organized at designated institutions/locations.

5. Every student must fill in the Student Progress Portifolio (SPP), for courses registered to be allowed to write the annual examination.  SPP must be presented to academic staff before, during or after the face to face session.

6. To qualify for the award of a degree, a candidate must clear all the three parts of the degree course.  A fast student may cover more units and thus be able to finish the course in less than the specified average period for obtaining a degree.  The minimum duration for completion of an undergraduate degree programme is THREE YEARS.  The maximum registration period for an undergraduate degree in EIGHT YEARS.

Mode of Study for Postgraduate Diploma
Candidates registered for a Postgraduate Diploma shall carry out studies by coursework, examinations and independent study.

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