The Open University of Tanzania Registration
OUT Registration Form
Registration can only be considered if the University receives convincing evidence that the candidate will be adequately financed during his or her study at the University. Applicants from other countries who are in need of financial assistance to meet fees and other expenses are advised to apply for bursaries from their respective Governments, employers or other sponsoring agencies.
1. All continuing and newly admitted OUT students are mandated to re-register using the online portal. A student who fails to re-register shall not be recognized as a bonafide student of OUT for that academic year, and may not be able to access the Student Academic Records Information System (SARIS) for examination registration.
2. During annual re-registration, students must register the courses of study for that year as well as the Timed Tests (TTs) and Annual Examinations that they plan to attempt as well as any special or supplementary TTs and/ or Exams.
3. At least One month before the beginning of TTs or Exams, students are required to register online for all main, special or supplementary TTs and Examinations. Those who register will be able to obtain an Examination Hall Ticket (EHT) that allows them entry to the examination hall, once endorsed by the Director of the Regional Centre.
It is necessary to note that all services: Assignments, Tests, Practicals, Face to Face Sessions and even provision of any financial assistance shall be directed only to those students who are dully registered in that material academic year.
Registration for Examinations
Registration by a candidate for a course of study shall not be taken as guaranteed registration for examinations and tests for that subject. Each candidate shall be required to register for the examinations in specific subjects at least one month at latest, before the commencement of tests and examinations period.
The Open University of Tanzania Pages ( OUT )