Opportunity Grants for US Education

Opportunity Grants for US Education

Opportunity Grants for US Education: Opportunity Grants (OG) are small grants to support talented international students who may need financial assistance to take the next steps toward study in the United States at an accredited institution of higher learning.

These grants are available to help cover the upfront costs of seeking higher education in the U.S, and are part of EducationUSA’s broad range of assistance to international students.

1. Testing fees, including additional score reports, for TOEFL, SAT, GRE and other specialized tests required by U.S institutions.

2. Round-trip transportation and, if necessary, overnight accommodation and meals at testing sites located far from the student’s home.

3. Application fees for U.S. institutions to which the student is applying.

4. International courier fees to ensure the student’s application package reaches U.S institutions.

5. Costs related to applying for the appropriate U.S visa.

6. Round-trip transportation to a U.S Embassy or Consulateand, if necessary, overnight accommodation and meals for student visa applicants.

7. Student and Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS) fee.

8. International airfare costs to the U.S institution where the student will begin studies.

9. In-transit allowance.

10. Limited financial aid to supplement assistance offered by an accredited U.S institution of higher learning when the offer falls short of meeting the student’s needs.

Please contact the EducationUSA adviser in your area for details about the OG.

For more information and grant application see; Opportunity Grants for US Education

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