PEDL Exploratory Research Grants for Low-Income Countries

PEDL Exploratory Research Grants for Low-Income Countries.

PEDL Exploratory Research Grants for Low-Income Countries

PEDL accepting Applications for Exploratory Research Grants. The Private Enterprise Development in Low-Income Countries (PEDL) programme pursues a research agenda that aims to better understand what determines the strength of market forces driving efficiency in low-income countries (LICs).

Existing research suggests that the private sector in LICs faces a multitude of constraints that act upon each other. What is needed is research that allows us to understand how these constraints interact.

The objective of PEDL is to fund cutting-edge, policy-oriented research that could be published in leading academic journals and be relevant to the policy dialogue in LICs.

It will promote research related to private enterprises of all sizes and invites applications in any aspect of private sector development, with a particular emphasis on PEDL’s four priority research areas:


  • Market frictions, management and organizations
  • Trade and macro models – agglomeration and spatial location of firms
  • High growth entrepreneurship
  • Social compliance and the environmentThemes

    They also particularly encourage proposals that address one or more of PEDL’s three cross-cutting themes:


  • Fragile and conflict affected states
  • Gender
  • Unlocking data for understanding markets and firms.Exploratory Research Grants (ERGs) are designed to allow researchers to:


  • Explore new approaches to the study of firms in LICs; and
  • To develop new (or build on) existing sources of data on firms in LICs.Funding Information

    ERGs are grants of between £10,000 and £40,000.



  • ERG projects typically run for 12 months.Eligibility Criteria


  • Only individuals can apply for a PEDL Exploratory Grant.
  • PEDL Exploratory Grants will be issued through a contract between CEPR and the successful applicant directly. In exceptional circumstances, a contract with an institution can be issued, but the contract will be non-negotiable, and the institution cannot take any overheads.This applies also to Doctoral students.
  • You may apply as a team, but only one researcher should submit the proposal as the representative of the team.That individual will be the named individual on the contract and will be responsible for the project implementation, should it be successful.

    Apply by 30th June.


    For more information and application details, see; PEDL Exploratory Research Grants for Low-Income Countries


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