PHD Scholarship in Environmental Economics

PHD Scholarship in Environmental Economics

PHD Scholarship in Environmental Economics: Under this program, PhD Scholarships will be offered to candidates intending to pursue PhD studies in environmental economics.

Eligible candidates include all African scholars who have been admitted or will be admitted for PhD studies at the University of Pretoria.

There will be two doctoral scholarships each year over the life of the project.

The scholarship will be designed to reward especially those with strong academic performances in their bachelors and masters degrees.

This scholarship provides a subsistence allowance of R3000.00 per month plus all other costs associated with the study program such as tuition, registrations, medical cover and travel costs.

The scholarship is granted for a maximum duration of 3 years.

Applicants will be notified before the end of November before the intended year of study whether or not their applicationwas successful.

Send all electronic submissions to Dalène du Plessis: dalene.duplessis [at]

For more information and scholarship applications, see: PHD Scholarship in Environmental Economics

List of International Scholarships