Polytechnic of Namibia Bachelor of Informatics Honours
Applicants may be considered for admission to this programme if they have a Bachelor’s degree in Informatics, or a Bachelor of Information Technology in Business Computing from the Namibia University of Science and Technology, or an equivalent qualification at NQF Level 7 from a recognised institution, worth at least 360 credits.
Applicants are required to submit the following documents with their applications:
- A professional resume, highlighting practical and professional Computing and IT experience, if applicable;
- A written proposal/motivation for undertaking further studies.
Career Possibilities: Supervisory/middle management and applied research positions in the Computing industry, academia and in the public sector
Modes of Study: Full-time Part-time
Level of Programme: Postgraduate
Course Code: 08BIFH, 08BIHB
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Polytechnic of Namibia Master of Informatics
Polytechnic of Namibia Doctor of Philosophy in Informatics
Computer Science
Polytechnic of Namibia Master of Computer Science
Polytechnic of Namibia Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science
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