Polytechnic of Namibia Bachelor of Journalism and Media Technology

Polytechnic of Namibia Bachelor of Journalism and Media Technology

The Bachelor of Journalism and Media T echnology replace s the Bachelor of Journalism and Communication Technology currently registered on the NQF. The programme has been revised to ensure its continued relevance, as well as full compliance with Curriculum Framework and National Qualifications Fr amework (NQF) requirements.

In keeping with the Namibia University of Science and Technology’s requirements regarding curriculum development and review, the Degree programme has been benchmarked against similar Degree programmes offered at local, regional and international partner instit utions. The Bachelor of Journalism and Media Technology is, therefore, revised to address the ongoing need for qualified personnel in both the public and private sectors, as confirmed by members of the Programme Advisory Committee during consultations. Gra duates of this programme will be able to contribute significantly to the attainment of national development objectives in the economy by taking up relevant jobs in the public and private sectors of Namibia.

Candidates may be admitted to this Programme if they meet the General Admission Requirements of the Namibia University of Science and Technology (NUST) (GI2.1 in Part 1 of NUST Yearbook).

Candidates who meet the minimum admission requirements will be required to write a special Final Selection English test (not a placement test), as well as a journalism – related General Knowledge test.

Career Possibilities:  Journalist, Public Relations and Communications, Multi-media Design and Production
Modes of Study:  Full-time  Part-time  Distance
Duration:  3 Years
Level of Programme:  Undergraduate
Course Code:  07BJMT
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