Postgraduate Courses Offered at Busitema University Namasagali Campus

Postgraduate Courses Offered at Busitema University Namasagali Campus

MSc. Climate Change and Disaster Management

Duration: 2 Years


The Faculty of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences is currently implementing a program on Natural Resource Economics and is in the process of developing both undergraduate and graduate programs. The proposed master’s program is linked to natural resource economics with a focus on climate change and disaster management.

The program is unique and the first of its kind in the region focusing on climate change and related disasters which are key issues of National development. The program cuts across several disciplines and is foreseen to be on high demand in the country and region at large.

The program is designed to impart skills and knowledge to professionals involved in the design and implementation of interventions to minimize damages of climate change and response to related disasters often with international orientation. Graduates will be in a good position to negotiate compensation deals and the marketing of carbon related transactions.

The two year duration course will cover theories and related analytical tools in the following areas: Climatology and climate change, socio-economic methodology, disaster assessment and management, decision modeling and GIS and Spatial Analysis. Thesis research and seminars are also covered comprehensively

Program Content

Year 1, Semester I
MCC 8101 Principles of Climatology and Climate Change
MCC 8102 Industrial Ecology
MCC 8103 GIS and Spatial Analysis
MCC 8104 Methods in Environmental Sociology
MCC 8105 Applied statistics: Design and Analysis of Experiments
Year 1, Semester II
MCC 8201 Mathematical Modeling and Econometrics
MCC 8202 Research Methods
MCC 8203 Resource and Environmental Economics
MCC 8204 Disaster assessment and management
MCC 8205 Natural resource governance
Year 2, Semester I
MCC 9101 Methods in Environmental Impact Assessment & Social safeguards
MCC 9102 Climate Change Mitigation, Adaptation and Assessment
MCC 9103 Environmental degradation and Early Warning Techniques
MCC 9104 Project Cycle Management and Carbon Projects
MCC 9105 Decision modeling
MCC 9106 Ecological Debt, Environmental Law and Policy
MCC 9107 Methods in natural resource evaluation and use planning
Year 2, Semester II
MCC 9401 Thesis research
MCC 9402 Seminars