Postgraduate Funded Studentship

Postgraduate Funded Studentship

Postgraduate Funded Studentship: PhD in Improving Risk-based Decision-making using a Simulated Decision Environment

A PhD is currently available that would suit a computing, social sciences or engineering graduate with an aptitude for lateral thinking.

How can we improve risk-based decision making?

Substantive work has been conducted in Government on the handling of risk and uncertainty, and yet there is a view that our current decision frameworks fail to capture the nuances and complexities of decision-making in practice.

For example, the influence of power structures, of individual personalities and of the brokering and acceptance (or not) of scientific knowledge are rarely accounted for.

This PhD will examine how we can evaluate and learn from these influences in a structured fashion and improve our capacity for better regulation.

The timing and length of many decisions often precludes tracking these in real time, but we can construct decision-contexts, based on these authentic processes using the concept of automated decision makers.

We will do this by constructing a powerful, virtual decision-making environment, where these factors can be simulated, explored and where we can gain insights that are not currently possible by studying real-time, real-life, human behaviour.

The PhD will develop insights of direct relevance to decision makers in Government and beyond.

Applicants should have a background in computing, social sciences or engineering, and have or expect to gain a minimum of a First or an Upper Second Class (2:1) UK Honours degree or equivalent.

Funding of up to £36,900 over three years, plus tuition fees is available via an EPSRC studentship to suitably qualified students.

Follow the links below for more details and application contacts.

For more information and an application form please contact: Enquiries, Cranfield University, School of Applied Sciences*, Cranfield, Bedfordshire, MK43 0AL, UK. Tel +44 (0)1234 754086. Fax +44 (0)1234 754109. Email: appliedsciences [at]

Full list of Research Studentships can be found at: Postgraduate Funded Studentship

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