Postgraduate Scholarships For Students From Developing Countries
Postgraduate Scholarships for Students from Developing Countries, Ghent University, Belgium. Ghent University provides postgraduate scholarships to candidates from developing countries who wish to obtain a master’s degree.
The grants are available for all master programmes at Ghent University. They are awarded for the duration of the studies with a maximum of 2 years.
In case of a two-year-programme the scholarship will only be paid for the full term if the student successfully completes the first year of the programme.
The scholarship consists of an allowance of € 850 per month plus the yearly tuition fee.
Graduate Scholarship – How does it work?
The applications for postgraduate scholarships for candidates from developing countries must be submitted on specific application forms.
The Council for Development Cooperation (COS: “Commissie voor Ontwikkelingssamenwerking”) makes a selection of the applications based in part on the recommendations obtained from a working group of this Council and proceeds to formulate well-founded recommendations to the Executive Committee of the university.
The recommendation is based on:
- the qualifications of the applicant
- the relevance of the postgraduate study to the student’s country of origin
- the validation of the knowledge in the student’s country of origin
- the motivation of the applicant
- the student’s nationality. In the event of equal rankingson
- the basis of the quality of the file, priority will be given to the categories on the DAC List of Aid Recipients with the lowest level of development and income.
For more information and scholarship application materials, see: Postgraduate Scholarships For Students From Developing Countries
List of International Scholarships