Prof. Baryamureeba roots for National assessment of post O’level certificates

Prof. Baryamureeba roots for National assessment of post O’level certificates

While presiding over the closing ceremony of the Assessors Training workshop by UBTEB at Fisheries Training Institute on 16th August 2017, Baryamureeba told the participants that UBTEB has the sufficient

capacity to build the critical mass of technicians needed for rapid socio-economic transformation of Uganda. The training of Assessors workshop started on the 6th August 2017 where a total of 85 Assessors were trained in a variety of core areas including understanding competence based education and training principles, competence based assessment. The participants are composed of majorly

Lecturers/Instructors from various Technical and Vocational institutions in the country and from world of work. He said that with the country’s skilling Uganda programme, the need for quality skilled

man power has been boosted due to the various reforms by the Government of Uganda. He said that he is quite convinced that for the last 10 days, they have been able to share useful skills and knowledge and explored the competence based assessment for the benefit of the Board and the country at large.


Baryamureeba who also doubles as the Board’s chairperson informed the participants that with the quality of skills attained, they will be able to add value to the quality of the examinations set by the Board as well as building the capacity of other trainers in training institutions. “UBTEB shall continue to train more Assessors centrally and we encourage you to go and train other instructors in your various training institutions” Baryamureeba stated. He further said that in future the Board shall organize refresher courses for assessors.


On mandate and conduct of national examinations for post O’Level certificates, Baryamureeba observed that it is very important for institutions to present candidates for national examinations by the

relevant examining bodies because this guarantees the quality of the grades/ awards obtained. “In your own institution, you teach half of the curriculum and examine within that range of taught content but

with national examinations, you must teach the whole curriculum. National examinations guarantees and solves the issues of equating qualifications” Baryamureeba further stated. He further indicated that

there is need to harmonise across departments and agencies of the Ministry of education and sports in order to bring about clarity among them such as National Curriculum Development centre, national Council for higher Education, BTVET department among others. He added that it would be disaster for National Council for Higher education to continue accrediting post O’level certificate that are equivalent to senior six. He informed participants that UBTEB ensures the candidates leave the training institutions with skills and competencies required to do the exact occupations trained. In competence based assessment, you look at the entire curriculum and the quality of the trainers and we are confident as the Board that we have carried out this training of assessors.


The Executive Secretary of UBTEB Mr. Oyesigye Onesmus informed the participants that UBTEB examinations put much emphasis on practical skills, applied knowledge and appropriate attitudes.  “In view of the practical and theory examinations, the Board envisages the real tasks that the students in specific academic programmes are supposed to do.”  “I promise you that the Board will continue building your capacity to carry out effective Competence Based Assessment. The Board is going to keep interacting with you to share knowledge and ideas on competence based assessment. The Board is anxious to continue learning and doing things that will make UBTEB assessment procedures outstanding by being able to produce competitive graduates.” Oyesigye stated.

The participants were given certificates in competence based assessment.

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