Project Inspire seeking Life-changing Ideas

Project Inspire seeking Life-changing Ideas

Project Inspire seeking Life-changing Ideas: UN Women Singapore and MasterCard have started a joint initiative called “PROJECT INSPIRE: 5 Minutes to Change the World” to help you create a better world of opportunities for women and girls in Asia Pacific, Middle East and Africa.

The initiative is inviting submissions of life-changing ideas on how to make a difference.

If you have an inspirational idea that can empower women, improve their livelihoods and change the world, then you can submit it here.

If your idea gets selected, you can win US $25,000 to make it a reality.

The idea should be creative and should make a meaningful impact with the limited resources you have. It should be practical enough and must inspire others to do the same.

It should be accessible, doable, measurable and sustainable. The idea should lead to the empowerment of disadvantaged women or girls through education, skills training, financial inclusion and social entrepreneurship.

Ideas should be submitted in form of a video running for a length of five minutes. Applicants sending the submissions should be 18-35 years old.

Besides the winner getting the $25,000 grant, there will be a special recognition to the Best Financial Literacy/ Livelihood proposal which will win a start-up grant of US$10,000.

Finalists will get an opportunity to come to Singapore to present their inspiring idea to an expert judging panel.

You will also attend a workshop on sustainable social entrepreneurship and presentation skills training.

For scholarships application: Project Inspire seeking Life-changing Ideas

List of International Scholarships