PTS Kabalye Trainer Refresher Courses

PTS Kabalye Trainer Refresher Courses

Uganda Police Training School Kabalye Trainer Refresher Courses

This course is aimed at training officers and men who are, or who are about to be, regularly employed in a training establishment for instructional skills indoor and outdoor. ITC mainly deals with the technicalities involved in field training. This course is designed to develop officers to support training in UPF generally and training wings in particular.

Duration: 4 weeks

Target Group:

In-service Officers of any ranks can be deployed in training (Human Resource Development) if they are:

  • Physically fit
  • Disciplined
  • Motivated and
  • Knowledgeable

Course objective:

Instructional Techniques Course’s aim is to train and instil into officers the practice in using patterns of muscular activities from which result psychomotor skills.

Training Of Trainers (TOT)

As continues improvement become the mode of operations for many organizations, employees must constantly update their knowledge, skills and attitude to enhance service diligence.    This course equips selected UPF trainers with competencies to effectively manage the training functions especially in trainee facilitation.

Target group:

In-service Officers of any rank can be deployed in training (Human Resource Development) if they are:

  • Physically fit
  • Disciplined
  • Motivated and
  • Knowledgeable


To equip trainers with basic principles of teaching to enable them effectively and efficiently facilitate courses.