RE-ADVERTISED Call For Applications: 8 Masters Scholarships under CABUTE Project

RE-ADVERTISED Call For Applications: 8 Masters Scholarships under CABUTE Project

Makerere University in collaboration with University of Bergen, Norway; Kyambogo University, Uganda; National Institute of Teacher Education (UNITE); and Western Norway University of Applied Sciences is implementing a Six (6) years NORHED II supported Project titled ‘Capacity Building for Research–Based Teacher Education (CABUTE)’.

CABUTE is aimed at enabling Uganda’s successful implementation of the National Teacher Policy through capacity building in English Education, General/Foundation of Education, Mathematics Education and Music Education. The specific objectives of CABUTE are:

  • To strengthen the quality and relevance of postgraduate teacher education and research program and methods in selected subjects
  • To strengthen postgraduate teacher educator education and research systems in the selected subjects.
  • To increase competence and capacity of higher education faculty and teacher educators.
  • To improve institutional small-scale infrastructure and equipment for education and research.
  • To improve gender equality and inclusion of marginalized groups in teacher education and research in selected subjects.
  • To increase availability of opportunities for lifelong learning among teacher educators, and
  • To increase engagement with the Ugandan ministry of education and sports and other relevant stakeholders for dissemination of knowledge, among others.

To achieve these objectives, CABUTE provides a total of eight (8) Masters scholarships to promising scholars conducting their studies and research in one or a combination of the following subject areas:

  • English/English Education (two scholarships)
  • General Education/Foundations of Education (two scholarships)
  • Mathematics/Mathematics Education (two scholarships)
  • Music/Music Education (two scholarships)

The training of the eight (8) students will take place at Makerere University, with co-supervision from the University of Bergen and/or Western Norway University of Applied Sciences.

CABUTE especially invites interested candidates from the Ugandan CABUTE-partner institutions (Makerere University, Kyambogo University, and UNITE) to apply for the scholarships. Applicants from other Teacher Training Colleges in Uganda may come into consideration if the CABUTE-partner institutions are unable to recruit well-qualified applicants to the scholarships.

The Masters training will commence in September 2022 and will be supported for a period of two (2) years on full-time basis. The training is preferably under Education-relevant Masters programmes at Makerere University.


Applicants must:

  1. Be holding a relevant Bachelor’s degree in one of the following subjects: English/English Education, General Education/Foundations of Education, Mathematics/Mathematics Education, or Music/Music Education
  2. Be a Ugandan citizen, aged not more than 45 years
  3. Be able to stay in Norway for a period of three weeks during the study;
  4. Not holding any other scholarship for Masters studies
  5. Demonstrate the ability to think creatively and work independently
  6. Be able to work in a team of researchers from Uganda and Norway.
  7. Take on a Masters research project in any of the four subject areas
  8. Be a tutor/lecturer in one of the Ugandan CABUTE partner institution (Makerere, Kyambogo or UNITE) or another Teacher Training College in Uganda

Interested applicants should submit the following sets of documents:

  1. An application letter for scholarship for Masters scholarship;
  2. A research Concept Note of maximum five (5) pages (see guidelines given below)
  3. A current CV (maximum five (5) pages), which includes a detailed description of previous education at university level (all courses and grades)
  4. A certified copy of the applicant’s Bachelor degree/diploma certificate
  5. Certified transcripts of grades from all courses at university level
  6. At least two (2) letters of recommendation from academic referees, signed and dated from 2022.
  7. Copy of appointment letter from the Education Service Commission, Ministry of Education and Sports, or proof of employment from own Head of Department/Dean.
  8. Citizenship Proof; copy of national identity card or passport

The Concept Note must include:

  1. A description of the applicant’s research interest in any of the above subject areas
  2. A description of the applicant’s background in this area/these areas
  3. A discussion on the applicant’s motivation for conducting Masters studies
  4. A discussion on what outputs the applicant expects to realize through the Masters studies

Application procedure

All application documents must be zipped up into one file folder named Application for CABUTE PhD Scholarship.

The application with supporting documents should be submitted electronically on email to:
Dr. Paul Birevu Muyinda
Coordinator of CABUTE at Makerere University

Copies should be sent to:
Assoc. Prof. Steinar Sætre
Principal investigator for the CABUTE project, University of Bergen

Professor Buyinza Makadasi, Directorate of Research and Graduate Training, Makerere University
Overall Coordinator of NORHED II Programme at Makerere University

No hardcopies of application documents will be required due to the prevailing Covid-19 situation. Application submission deadline is Wednesday March 9th 2022 at 5pm. Interviews will be conducted at an appropriate date to be communicated. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for interviews.


Selection Process

These are competitive Masters scholarships. The applications shall be vetted by a selection panel consisting of professors selected from Makerere University, Kyambogo University,

Uganda National Institute of Teacher Education (UNITE), Western Norway University of Applied Sciences and University of Bergen in Norway.

Admission for Masters Studies at Makerere University

The admission for Masters in the four areas of specialization is independent of the scholarship award and hence candidates must follow the existing admission processes/regulations at Makerere University.

Successful candidates for the scholarship who are not yet admitted at Makerere University will be required to follow Makerere University Masters application procedure and secure admission before commencement of the Masters training in September 2022.

Improving equality and inclusion

The CABUTE-project is aiming to improve equality and inclusion of marginalized groups in teacher education, and women, members of ethnic and cultural minorities, and other marginalized groups are therefore strongly encouraged to apply. Please inform us in your application if you want to be considered as an applicant on this basis.

For more details on the different research areas, contact:

Assoc. Prof. Paul Birevu Muyinda, PhD Coordinator CABUTE Project at Makerere University
Deputy Principal, College of Education and External Studies
Makerere University E-mail: (


Assoc. Prof. Steinar Saetre
Principal Investigator for the CABUTE Project
Department of Education
University of Bergen
E-mail: (

For more details on CABUTE, check our website:

This is a re-advert of the CABUTE Masters Scholarships. Those who applied in our earlier advert should re-apply following the requirements in this new advert. We are sorry for any inconveniences.

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3 thoughts on “RE-ADVERTISED Call For Applications: 8 Masters Scholarships under CABUTE Project”

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