Re Opening of Schools for Second Term 2017 – 2018

Re Opening of Schools for Second Term 2017 – 2018

It has come to the attention of the Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture that false information is being circulated informing parents and learners that schools are re-opening for the second trimester on 11 June 2017.

The text reads: “I, Katrina Hanse-Himarwa, MEAC, act (2) of (2017), hereby giving information that the school with hostel are no more going to open on 29th May, THE DAY has been postponed to 11 June 2017. This is because the GVT is still struggling with costs and it will end up cutting too much from hostel schools i.e secondary schools. This information is available at our page on internet, an educational institution in Namibia.”
The Ministry would like to clarify the confusion and inform school principals, teachers, parents and learners that Tuesday, 30th of May 2017 remains the first school day for the second trimester as per the approved 2017 School Calendar while the hostels (for boarding learners) will open on the 29th of May 2017.
Furthermore, the MEAC act (2) of 2017 referred to in the text is fictional. The Ministry is guided by the Education Act (Act No.16 of 2001) and not the said ‘MEAC act’.
Likewise, the website provided is not that of the Ministry. The Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture’s official website is
We understand the panic and confusion that this message has caused and would like to assure all learners, parents, guardians, teachers and all our stakeholders that the content is false and unfounded. Hostels opens on the 29th of May 2017 while school hostel(s) personnel are expected to report for duty on the 26th of May 2017.
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