Research Fellowship in Oral History

Research Fellowship in Oral History

Research Fellowship in Oral History: The Baylor UniversityInstitute for Oral History welcomes applications for one annual fellowship for the academic year, open to individuals in any field who can benefit from the holdings of Baylor’s oral history collection.

The fellowship is designed to bring scholars to Waco, Texas, to work with oral history materials housed in The Texas Collection special library.

The Baylor oral history collection has many aspects–including civil rights, music, theater, historic preservation, judicial history, business history, and rural life–but is strongest in the areas of religion, Central Texas history, Texas Baptist history, and Baylor history.

The fellow will be expected to spend at least two weeks in research at Baylor between July 1 and May 31.

The Institute for Oral History will furnish the fellow office space and computer support during the visit.

The fellow will arrange appointments with The Texas Collection archivst to access memoirs and recordings.

The fellowship carries a stipend of $3,000. Payments will be made in two parts: $1,500 two weeks before the fellowship period begins and $1,500 after the completion of the fellowship.

Criteria for the grant include:


  • Suitability of the project for meaningful research in the Baylor oral history collection
  • Applicant’s academic training or professional experience
  • Potential of the project to make a significant contribution to scholarship.Applicants should send a copy of their vita and a description of their research project

    Follow the links below for more details and applicationcontacts.

Applications must be postmarked by June 11.

For more information and application, visit: Research Fellowship in Oral History

List of International Scholarships