RUCU Bank Account Number

RUCU Bank Account Number

Ruaha Catholic University Bank Account Number

Fees and other financial obligations are the sole responsibility of the student and/or the sponsor or guardian. Where sponsorship is by HESLB, the processing of such loans will be in accordance with the guidelines given by the Loans Board from time to time. The cost of each course will be clearly stated in the joining instructions. The fees are paid in full at the beginning of the academic year or the tuition fee may be paid in two equal instalments at the beginning of each semester. All payments by a local institution or individuals shall be made in the Tanzanian Currency.

Foreign based institutions or sponsors, whether sponsoring a local or foreign student, shall make payments in convertible currencies. These are to be paid into a foreign bank account held at the CRDB Bank (Iringa),

Account No 09J2071042600 and SWIFT CODE: CORUTZTZ in Euro.

Tuition Fees and direct University fees shall be paid through the University accounts as it is explained in the joining instructions or application form. The RUCU accounts are:

A/C No 020-0000271

Tanzania Postal Bank – Account Name: Ruaha University



A/C No 028103005680

NBC (Iringa) – Account Name: Ruaha University College


A/C No 01J1071042600 – Account Name: Ruaha University


CRDB (Iringa Branch)

Or A/C No 0437340009 – Account Name: Ruaha University


Exim Bank (Iringa Branch)

Fees may be revised from time to time without prior notice.

The following fee structures shall be applicable during the 2014/2015 academic year.

1.Only the tuition fee may be paid in two equal instalments, i.e. one half in Semester 1 and the other half in Semester 2.

2.Students are to pay half of the tuition fee instalment in full at the start of that particular semester.

3.Students must pay all direct university costs at the beginning of semester one.

4.The costs involved in the completion of Practicum/Fieldwork/Projects will be borne by the student.

5.The duration for such activities is about 56 days at TShs. 10,000/= per day.

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6. . The cost of borrowing or purchasing a graduation gown is not included in the above fee structure.

7.Grade/progress report will be supplied on request at a charge of TShs. 5,000/=.

8.Registration after the set dates for registration will carry a penalty of T Shs 50,000/=

9.For any student repeating any number of courses in a semester will have to pay fees to be computed as follows: Number of Courses to be Repeated x Amount of Tuition Fee to be paid in the semester divided by the Total Number of Courses in the Semester.

10.For any student repeating any number of courses, Direct University Costs will be computed as follows: Half the Total Amount of Direct

Costs Payable to the University for the whole year.

11.All off-campus students do not pay accommodation fees.

12.Books, stationery and meals allowances are to be paid directly to the student and may vary according to sponsor’s policies. These, if paid through RUCU accounts will not be refundable under any circumstances.

13.Refunds of any kind shall only be made after the completion of the programme.

About RUCU

RUCU Contact Details

RUCU Courses Offered

RUCU Entry Requirements

RUCU Joining Instructions

RUCU Application Forms

RUCU Fees Structure

RUCU Prospectus

RUCU Grading System

RUCU Accreditation Status

RUCU Registration Procedure