RUCU Certificate and Diploma Admissions 2017 – 2018

RUCU Certificate and Diploma Admissions 2017 – 2018

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Ruaha Catholic University Certificate and Diploma Admissions

Re: Application Materials     

Thank you for your interest in Ruaha Catholic University (RUCU) former (Ruaha University College (RUCO), Iringa. Attached are the necessary forms for applying to RUCU.

The following items must accompany your application for admissions before it will be processed:

  1. Completed Application Form [Download Application Form] [View Entry Requirements]
  2. 30,000/= non-refundable application fee for Tanzanians and U$ 30 for non-Tanzanians
  3. Certified copy of “O” Level Certificate
  4. Certified copy of “A” Level Certificate
  5. Certified copies of other Certificate(s)
  6. Medical Examination Form
  7. Two Passport-size photographs (taken within the past six months)
  8. Certified copy of Birth Certificate (affidavits are not acceptable).

Our foreign applicants are also required to submit  5 passport-size photographs (light blue background)

Application Forms should be accompanied by a non-refundable fee of 30,000/=Tshs. or 30USD for non-Tanzanians through

Account No. 026-0000701, Tanzania Postal Bank (TPB),

            ACCOUNT NAME: Ruaha Catholic University.

The deadline for submitting the duly filled-in Application Forms is  August 2017 and are to be submitted to:


Admission’s Office

Ruaha Catholic University  (RUCU)

P. O. Box 774,

Tel.: 026 2702431


An assessment of your application will be performed after all the materials have been received.



Admissions Team.

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