RUCU Joining Instructions

RUCU Joining Instructions

Ruaha Catholic University Joining Instructions

For Undergraduate Degree courses, applications should be routed through the Tanzania Commission for Universities under the Central Admission System. The Diploma and Certificate programmes applications are invited from March to early May of the year for which admission is sought. These are sent straight to the University. The academic year starts in early October.

For Masters and Postgraduate Diploma programmes applications are normally invited from March to the third week of July of the year for which admission is sought. The academic year starts at the beginning of October.

For Postgraduate, Diploma, and Certificate courses applicants, duly filled-in application forms should be submitted with the following supporting documents to reach the University as early as possible:

  1. Two passport-size photographs;
  2. Names of two referees, who have known the applicant and are able to evaluate the applicant’s ability for the course being sought;
  3. Copies of all educational certificates and relevant testimonials.
  4. A copy of the birth certificate.
  5. A medical certificate from a recognized medical practitioner;
  6. An endorsement and/or letter from the sponsor/employer or guardian confirming his/her readiness to sponsor the applicant;
  7. A fee of Tshs 20,000 should accompany the application.The pay-in slip should be attached to the application. It should be paid directly into either the College Bank
    1. Account No. 028101001384, NBC Iringa Branch, Ac. Name: Ruaha University College
    2. Ac. No. 020-0000271, Tanzania Postal Bank, Ac. Name: Ruaha University College
    3. Non-Tanzanians should pay Euro 22 into Bank Ac. No. 019J2071042600 held at CRDB Iringa Branch, Ac. Name: Ruaha University College.
  8. In the case of undergraduate degree programmes, successful candidates are to come up with the documents in (I) to VII) above at the time of registration as might be instructed in the admission letter.


Candidates for undergraduate courses Certificates and Diplomas are expected, if notified, to sit for the University Aptitude test. A fee (currently of Tshs 30,000) will be charged for each candidate.


When an admission dossier is completed and where applicable, the final results of the aptitude tests are obtained, the University will proceed to its evaluation. If prove satisfactory, the University will notify the applicant of his/her acceptability and will send appropriate joining instructions, either directly or through the applicant’s sponsor or guardian.


Enrolment may be deferred for one academic year, after which a new application form will have to be filled.


All new students must arrive one week before the start of classes ready for orientation programme.


Travel and other arrangements:


  1. Students should make their own travel arrangements to RUCU and should make sure that they have enough pocket money for needful expenses.
  2. Students from countries other than Tanzania are expected to conform to all immigration formalities in their countries before they depart for Tanzania. They must also obtain a study or residence permit from the nearest Tanzanian Embassy or High Commission before they arrive at the University. It is advisable when travelling to Tanzania to keep one’s documents readily available as well as evidence from RUCU confirming an offer of admission. One should also have details of financial support, in case these documents are required at the port of entry by the immigration authority.

About RUCU

RUCU Contact Details

RUCU Courses Offered

RUCU Entry Requirements

RUCU Application Forms

RUCU Fees Structure

RUCU Prospectus

RUCU Grading System

RUCU Accreditation Status

RUCU Registration Procedure

RUCU Bank Account Number