Scrymgeour LLM Scholarships

Scrymgeour LLM Scholarships

Scrymgeour LLM Scholarships: The Dundee Law School will be offering a number of Scrymgeour Scholarships to applicants for its taught and research LLM programmes.

These are likely to be available as follows:


  • up to £4,250 for international students from the African continent.Applicants must already have applied for admission to the LLM degree.

    Successful applicants will be contacted by the end of June each year.

    The following documents should accompany your completed application:

    International Students (qualifications from a UK university)

    – a photocopy/scan of your Degree Certificate

    Entrance Requirements


  • Applicants must be in possession of a good honours degree (at least upper second class or equivalent).
  • Applicants who have not yet graduated but who expect to do so in the anticipated year of entry onto the LL.M programme will be considered.
  • A law degree is a desirable but not always a necessary pre-requisite for LL.M applicants. In such cases, admissionsselectors will consider relevant experience in a legal working environment as well as the nature of the applicant’s previous studies.Follow the links below for more details and applicationcontacts.

Scholarships will be awarded on the basis of academic merit and financial need and applicants must address these issues in their letter of motivation, to be received by Mrs Fiona Clark (f.j.clark[at] by 20 June.

For further details, and application materials, contact: Scrymgeour LLM Scholarships

List of International Scholarships