SEKOMU Functional Fees Structure
Sebastian Kolowa Memorial University Functional Fees Structure
Explanations to Costs of Studies
4.3.1 Fees Payable to SEKOMU Include :
SEKOMU Certificate Fees Structure
SEKOMU Undergraduate Fees Structure
SEKOMU Postgraduate Fees Structure
i.Tuition fee
The tuition fee of each Semester must be paid in total before the Semester begins.
ii.Caution deposit
A caution deposit is required from each student at the beginning of the academic year. If the deposit is depleted during the year, the student must restore the balance. At the end of the academic year, the unused amount is carried over to the next academic year. Any unpaid fees or other charges will be deducted from the deposit balance. The deposit must be fully restored at the beginning of each academic year. Unless specified otherwise by the payer of the deposit, the student shall receive eventual remaining balance upon leaving the University. Students cannot be granted loans for any purpose against their deposit balance. Student personal costs (e.g., medical or travel) cannot be paid from the caution deposit. The caution money should be paid together with the fees during registration.
(ii)Computer facilities and services
These are fees payable in two instalments during the academic year. The student computer fee supports the University’s substantial investment in ICT equipment, e-learning and internet services. The fee should be paid during registration.
The said fee above does not cover any printing or photocopying costs.
(iii)Examination fee
Examination fee of Tshs 40,000 is to be paid annually. The fee should be paid during registration.
(iv)Graduating Fee
Each graduating student will pay a graduation fee of Tshs. 20,000 and an extra charge (determined at that particular time) for hiring the academic attire, being Tshs 20,000 in Academic Year. Total amount: Tshs. 40,000/=.
(v)Identity (ID) Card
The possession of an ID Card is a prerequisite for benefiting from various University services and participating in academic as well as administrative tasks. Students shall carry the ID at all times, within and outside SEKOMU premises.
The ID fee is paid at registration and the ID card shall be demanded when:
–Entering and using the library as well as borrowing books and accessing special reserve.
–Entering the computer room and using the computers.
–Entering an examination room and sitting for any Examination administered and conducted by the University.
–Entering the University premises, especially by the University guards.
(vi)Students’ Activity fee
This is a fee payable before registration at the beginning of every academic year. The student union fee is designed to provide financial support to student recreational activities, events, and associations that are not academic oriented. The funds are deposited directly to the Students Organisation’s bank account 4162301220 NMB.
(vii)Registration fees
(1st Year will pay Tshs 20,000, 2nd, 3rd and 4th year will pay Tsh.10,000 each year). This is a compulsory fee and payments must be made directly to SEKOMU account.
(viii)Practical Training, Teaching Practice and Field work Fee for Bed SN, BSc ENC, BSc MHR, Diploma in Law and Certificate in Law
BEd SN, BSc ENC, Diploma in Law and Certificate in Law students have a period of Practical Training during some of or all long vacation. They have to pay a fee of Tshs. 50,000 per practical period to cover the extra costs SEKOMU is incurring when organizing and supervising the practical. The BSc MHR have 5 weeks of practical training per block (Academic Year), hence they have to pay a fee of Tshs. 100,000 per each block. Practical Training fee should be paid during registration.
1. |
BEd SN |
1st and 2nd |
2 |
2. |
1st, 2nd and 3rd |
3 |
3. |
1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th |
4 |
4. |
Dip. In Law |
1st and 2nd |
2 |
5. |
Cert. in Law |
1st |
1 |
(ix)Law Society
All Law students will join the SEKOMU Students Law Society and thus pay an annual Membership Fee of Tshs. 10,000/=.
4.3.2 Stipend to be Paid to the Student
The information in Table 4.2 is presented ‘for information only’ to potential students and their sponsors. The indicative figures in the table may help to estimate the total funding needed in addition to direct payments to SEKOMU.
Note, that even in case of a student being granted a HESLB – loan, the student may need private funds to top up the difference between the loan (even those granted 100 % loan) and the actual costs of studying at SEKOMU, as estimated in Tables 4.1 – 4.2.
In addition to the fees, costs for living, learning trips and other expenses indicated in the tables, there might be other occasional academic charges as per Table 4.2.
(i) Accommodation
If a student resides at a SEKOMU Residential Halls, a monthly rent is Tshs. 50,000/=.
Monthly rents in nearby villages range between Tshs. 30,000/= and 50,000/=, and in Lushoto town between Tshs. 20,000/= and 30,000/= per month.
(ii) Books & Stationery
It is recommended that students acquire basic literature required for their course. They are also responsible for buying their own stationery and for paying for photocopies of course materials. The annual estimate is Tshs. 500,000/=.
(iii) Practical Training (apart from LLB)
Practical Training periods of between five and eight weeks duration are organised at the end of academic years depending on the programme as shown in (ix) above. Costs incurred by the student are estimated to be an average of Tsh. 10,000/= per day.
(iv) Meals
Meals (mainly at SEKOMU Cafeterias) are estimated to cost an average of Tsh. 5,000/= per day of academic studies (36 weeks in total), totalling about Tsh. 1,440,000/= per Academic Year. Students living at SEKOMU Residential Halls are not allowed to cook on the premises.
(v) Medical Insurance
All students must have a Medical insurance before commencing studies at SEKOMU. In addition, students must be prepared to pay costs which are not covered by the Medical Insurance e.g. transport. The estimated annual cost is Tsh 60,000/=.
(vi) Research Project/ Dissertation
The average cost of Research Project is estimated to be Tsh. 750,000 for undergraduate and 1,000,000 for post graduate students. This covers expenses for travelling, accommodation and meals during field research.
(vii) Special Faculty Requirement
This is annual direct payments to the student intended to finance part of the various learning/teaching facilities peculiar to each faculty and field of specialization, this money is paid in by the sponsor. The list of specific items required for each faculty/field of specialization will be issued to the students annually by the respective Deans of Faculties/Heads of Departments.
(viii) Compulsory Learning Trips as required by Curriculum
Certain courses include one or more compulsory learning trip(s) as part of the coursework. The costs of each trip will be paid by the students. In addition to these, the Instructor of a course may arrange voluntary study trips. These costs will also be paid by the students.
(ix) Transport
Transport costs to and from permanent places of residence and SEKOMU campus is the responsibility of the student. Students who reside in Lushoto town will have to cover daily transport costs themselves. As at December 2013, bus fare between Lushoto and Magamba is Tshs. 1,000/=.
(x)Occasional Academic Payments:
(a)Academic Progress Report Fee
Many sponsors require that annual Academic Progress report showing the progress of the student(s) they sponsor be sent directly to them. The progress reports are available from the Registrar’s Office only, and a fee of Tshs 10,000 must accompany each Progress report request. Progress reports can be provided directly to other parties (e.g. sponsors or parents) if the student signs a release form and the fee is paid. Progress reports will not be issued until all fees, deposits, and other outstanding charges have been fully paid.
(b) Supplementary Examination Fee
Each student doing supplementary examinations will be required to pay Tshs 10,000 for each individual examination.
(c) Fee for Repeating a Course
Each student repeating a course will be required to pay Tshs 50,000 for each individual course.
(d) Printing and photocopying of materials
Printing a page (of e.g. materials downloaded from internet or of the Research Paper in Year 3) costs Tshs 350 per page. Photocopying services are available at the Library.
(e)Fee for postponing an examination for other than medical reasons A student postponing sitting for an examination on other than medical grounds will be required to pay Tshs 10,000 for each individual examination.
(f)Eventual Library payments and Fines
See Section 5.5 Library Facilities
Payment of Fees, Deposits and other Charges at SEKOMU
Payment of fees, deposits and other charges are a contract between the student and the University. All University fees, deposits, and charges, including eventual fines payable to Library, are mandatory payments unless specifically stated in the policies that the fee, deposit, or other charge is optional.
All fees, deposits, and other charges due at each instalment payment must be paid by the date indicated. If any unpaid balance remains after the due date for that instalment, a late payment fee will be charged.
The student may have an agreement with a sponsor to pay fees and deposits on behalf of the student. However, it is the responsibility of the student to pay all fees deposits in time. Only students who have paid their fees, deposits, and other charges can register and attend classes, sit for examinations, and graduate from the University.
Failure to pay fees and deposits in time may cause the student to be discontinued from studies (including the sitting for final exams), regardless of any agreement between the student and the sponsor.
Higher Education Students’ Loans Board
For information on the loan application process, contact the following: Dean of Students
SEKOMU P.O. Box 370 Lushoto
The Executive Director
Plot No. 8, Block No. 46, Sam Nujoma Road, Mwenge, P.O. Box 76068,
Dar es Salaam-Tanzania
email address:
Fax: +255 22 2669039
Tel. +255 22 2669036 / 2669037
or visit websites:
SEKOMU Certificate Fees Structure
SEKOMU Undergraduate Fees Structure
SEKOMU Postgraduate Fees Structure
SEKOMU Courses Offered
SEKOMU Prospectus
SEKOMU Diploma and Certificate in Clinical Medicine Admissions
SEKOMU Basic Tech Certificate in Community Health Admissions
SEKOMU Accommodation
SEKOMU Library
SEKOMU Grading System