SEKOMU Registration

SEKOMU Registration

Sebastian Kolowa Memorial University Registration


SEKOMU has its regulations, rules and by-laws. An applicant is admitted to SEKOMU on condition that he/she is willing and committed to adhere to the regulations, rules and by-laws.

Students’ Registration

(i)Students’ registration is compulsory for all students and for every semester.

(ii)Registration of new students begins one week before commencing studies. The aim is to give allowance for in-depth orientation to the new students.

(iii)Registration for continuing students is done during the first 2 days before the beginning of classes.

(iv)No registration shall be done after 2 weeks of classes of the respective semester.

(v)No student shall be allowed to register or attend classes unless he/she paid all fees and University deposits and produce a valid payment receipt.

(vi)Under special circumstances, late registration may be done after the first two weeks of classes for the respective semester and a late registration fee of Tshs. 50,000/= shall be charged.

Requirements for registration are:

(i)Arrival on time: A student who arrives two weeks after studies have commenced will not be allowed to register for that academic year.


(ii)Possession of Medical Insurance: No student will be registered without having a valid Medical Insurance. A student who has no valid Medical Insurance must pay a non-refundable medical capitation of Tshs. 50,000 per semester.

(iii)Original certificates: These have to be submitted for verification when the student reports for the first time.

(iv)Payment of tuition fees and other stipulated charges.

(v)Students who choose to utilize SEKOMU hostels are required to sign a contract and pay for accommodation before being given the keys to their rooms.

Registration for courses in SARIS

i.Registration into the Students’ Academic Records Integrated System (SARIS) is mandatory for all courses that a student undertakes to study in a particular semester.

ii.The deadline for course registration for ALL students shall be two weeks from the date the semester started or as may otherwise be directed by the University.

iii.Eligibility of course registration before deadline for ALL students shall be two weeks from the date the semester started or as may otherwise be directed by the University. Ineligible course registration shall lead to impose of a penalty of Tsh. 50,000/= plus dropping of the courses from the account of such student.

iv.After the deadline, the system will automatically be blocked. Any student who fails to register for a course within the deadline without compelling reasons shall not be eligible to enter classes or to do any


coursework activity or to sit for the final examination for that course. Such student shall be required to defer his or her studies.

v.Except under exceptional circumstances, no student shall be allowed to change subjects/courses after the deadline for course registration in a given semester.

vi.A course (core or elective) shall only be offered if ten (10) or more candidates have registered for it, except for natural science courses which shall require at least Five (5) candidates to register for it.

Late registration for courses

If for whatever reasons, a student has to be registered for any course or courses later than the prescribed deadline, the following procedure shall be applicable:

(i)The student shall apply in writing to the Deputy Vice Chancellor for Academics, Research and Consultancy stating the reasons for late registration;

(ii)Upon satisfaction for the reasons given, the Deputy Vice Chancellor for Academic, Research and Consultancy shall authorize registration of such student upon payment of a penalty of TShs. 50,000.

(iii)Late registration of courses is only possible up to three weeks from the date the semester started; after that the student shall not be eligible to register for that course and such student shall be required to postpone his/her studies.


SEKOMU Courses Offered

SEKOMU Entry Requirements

SEKOMU Application Forms

SEKOMU Prospectus

SEKOMU Fees Structure

SEKOMU Contact Details

SEKOMU Joining Instructions

SEKOMU Diploma and Certificate in Clinical Medicine Admissions

SEKOMU Basic Tech Certificate in Community Health Admissions

SEKOMU Accommodation

SEKOMU Library

SEKOMU Grading System