SMMUCO Registration Details

SMMUCO Registration

Stefano Moshi Memorial University College Registration

Any application made will only be considered if the University receives satisfactory evidence that the candidate qualifies for the programmes applied for.

All accepted students are expected to conform to the college rules and regulations.

i.New students must report, with their original certificates, to the Admission Officer during registration week for registration.

ii.Any applicant will lose the right of admission (including all payments) and legal action will be taken against him /her upon submission of any forged documents.

iii.No student shall be allowed to register or attend classes at SMMUCo unless they show proof of payments of the required fees.

Note: Registration of students into Students Records Integrated System (SARIS) is mandatory. All new selected students shall be required to fill the SMMUCo online registration forms within the registration time. All students (new and continuing) must register online for the irrespective courses within the ten working days beginning of each semester.

iv.New students must ensure the payment of fees and complete the registration process within ten working days from the first day of orientation.

v.Continuing students must complete registration and fee payments within ten working days of the opening of college regardless of financial sponsorship.

vi.A student will be liable to a penalty of Tshs. 50,000/- per semester for any late payment of fees and registration extended to one month from the date of opening the college. STRICTLY no registration will be allowed after one month from the date of opening the college.

vii.Change of course programme shall only be permitted under special conditions provided the applicant meets the requirements for the academic programme for which the transfer is sought and vacancy exists in that programme. Change of programme will only be allowed within two weeks at the beginning of the academic year.

viii.No change of names by students will be permitted during the course of study in the University College and they will only be allowed to use names appearing on their certificates.

Note; Registration in the University is conditional upon agreement by the student to abide by the Students By- Laws. The operation and application of the Students By-Laws is without prejudice to the Constitution of the University/College and the Constitution and general laws of the United Republic of Tanzania.

All inquiries for admission should be addressed to:

The Deputy Provost for Academic Affairs

Stefano Moshi Memorial University College


Tel: 255 27 2753720: or 255(027) 2757070 Fax 2757880

Email: or


SMMUCO Application Forms

SMMUCO Courses Offered

SMMUCO Contact Details

SMMUCO Prospectus

SMMUCO Fees Structure

SMMUCO Entry Requirements

SMMUCO Joining Instructions

SMMUCO Grading System

SMMUCO Bank Account Number

SMMUCO Student Accommodation

SMMUCO Dress Code

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