Soroti University SUN Admissions 2024-2025

Soroti University Admissions 2024-2025

Admission For Soroti University. Visit Our Admissions Portal For the Admission Forms of other Universities in Uganda.

This article contains information on Soroti University, SU Uganda Admission and Application Forms: 2024-2025 and how to Apply? It also contains the Soroti University, SU Uganda Application form download link as well as its online application where necessary.

Soroti University, SUN Uganda Admission and Application Forms: 2024-2025 - How to Apply?

Mountains of the Moon University, MMU Admission and Application Forms: 2024-2025 - How to Apply?

This article contains information on the Soroti University, SU Uganda Application form and Requirements for admission into Undergraduate Degree, Diploma Programmes and Postgraduate Programmes for the 2024-2025 academic year.

Applications are invited from suitably qualified SCHOOL LEAVERS, NON SCHOOL LEAVERS and SPECIAL CASES.


  • OBTAIN Application Forms from Soroti University Admissions Office at Main Campus, Plot 50 & 51 Arapai, PO Box 211 Soroti, Uganda.
  • Fill the form with the necessary documents attached as well as with the original copy of the application fee payment deposit slip and send to:
  • The Admission Office, Soroti University
  • PO Box 211 Soroti, Uganda
  • Email:
  • Tel: +256 454 461 605/+256782 655 290/ +256 702 655 290
  • No application is valid unless the appropriate application fee has been paid.
  • Further information is indicated on the application form

Soroti University, SU Uganda Application Procedure

Soroti University, SU Uganda offers undergraduate courses at Diploma levels besides those offered at the Postgraduate degree levels. Prospective students should apply by filling the application forms before the deadline date as it is communicated by the Admissions office. Late applications are only accepted if the program space allows. These should be received not later than two weeks after the start of the appropriate semester; OR not later than a week after the beginning of a session. The admission procedure includes the Master’s Program applicants.

Once you submit your form, you must pay the application fee for your form to be processed. Otherwise, it will not be processed.

Soroti University, SU Uganda Application Forms

To access the application forms, you need to obtain the application form from the University’s main campus or contact the telephone numbers as indicated above.

Click here to check the Soroti University, SU Uganda minimum Admission requirements

Below are the Programs Available at Soroti University

School of Medicine and Health Sciences

Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MB ChB)
BSc. Biomedical Sciences
BSc in Nursing Science
BSc. Biomedical Laboratory Technology
BSc. Biomedical Engineering
Bachelor of Dentistry
Bachelor of Pharmacy
Diploma in Pharmacy

School of Engineering and Technology

BSc Computer Engineering
BSc. Physics Engineering
BSc. Electrical and Electronic Engineering
BSc. Industrial Engineering
Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering
Bachelor of Science in Mechatronics Engineering
Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering
Bachelor of Engineering in Aeronautical Engineering

School of Applied Sciences and Education

BSc. With Education (Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Economics, Biology, Computer Science and Physical Education)
BSc. Mathematics (Major and Minor)

School of Business Sciences and Economics

Bachelor of Science in Multimedia Technology and Design
BSc. Accounting, Finance and Computing
BSc. Economics (Major and Minor)

Institute of Gastronomy and Culinary Sciences

BSc in Gastronomy and Culinary Sciences.
Courses for Professionals and Gastronomy enthusiasts.

Soroti University Admissions : General Entry Requirements For Soroti University of Science and Technology


The minimum entry requirements for admission to a bachelor’s degree programme are—
(a) For direct entry—
(i) Uganda Certificate of Education (UCE); and
(ii) At least 2 principal passes at Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education (UACE) obtained at the same sitting or its equivalent.

(b) For mature age entry—
(i) 25 years of age and above; and
(ii) Must have passed mature age entry examinations with 50% mark and above.


The minimum entry requirements for admission to an ordinary diploma programme are—
(a) Uganda Certificate of Education (UCE) with at least 5 passes; and
(b) Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education (UACE) with 1 principal pass and 2 subsidiary passes obtained at the same sitting or its equivalent.


The minimum entry requirements for admission to an ordinary certificate programme is a Uganda Certificate of Education (UCE) with at least 3 credits obtained at the same sitting.


The minimum entry requirements for admission to a Postgraduate programme are—
(a) for a master’s degree, a bachelor’s degree or its equivalent; and
(b) For a doctoral degree, a master’s degree or its equivalent.


Admission Lists For Universities in Uganda

Admissions 2024-2025 for Public Universities in Uganda

Admissions 2024-2025 for Private Universities in Uganda

Admissions 2024-2025 For University Colleges in Uganda

5 thoughts on “Soroti University SUN Admissions 2024-2025”

  1. I wish to apply for PhD program in Management for August September/October, 2016 intake.I hold Bsc in management studies and MBA with 10 years working experience

    • Abubakar You can. Admissions to the Doctorate programs do not follow the routines of bachelor admissions. so simply visit the registrar office and pick up a form. The details will be communicated to you.

  2. Requesting to know whether Soroti university offers masters in civil engineering related field

  3. Well, wat of degree in law,i need som of the requirements,fees structure,in takes,activities done at the compus and schoolarship plz rply m??

  4. Is there in service program of Bachelor in Education? English and literature.


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