St. Elizabeth Girls’ Home Rubaga

St. Elizabeth Girls’ Home Rubaga

St. Elizabeth Girls’ Home for Vocational Training is a school in Central Uganda and is nearby to Mengo Hill, Mengo and Namirembe. St. Elizabeth Girls’ Home for Vocational Training is also close to St. Balikuddembe Market, Mengo Hospital and Rubaga Hospital.

St. Elizabeth Girl’s Home was established in 1998 by Good Samaritan Sisters. The home is administered and run by the Good Samaritan Sisters under the Archdiocese of Kampala. It is a locally registered Christian charitable NGO.

The duration and examining bodies for the courses offered are as follows:

CourseCatering & Hotel managementTailoring



Internal exams

Durationbody-1 yr


-6 months

-6 months


Examination DITDIT




The home recruits girls from the streets. They train girls drawn from the streets, from child labour and from commercial sex exploitation. Social workers go to the field to identify beneficiaries to be recruited. They work hand in hand with local leaders, police and the surrounding community in order to identify these target groups. Other ways of getting students include announcements in churches and referrals by old girls, sister institutions and the local leaders.


P.o.Box 70902



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