St Joseph Nursing School Examinations and Awards

St Joseph Nursing School Examinations and Awards

St. Joseph’s Midwifery and Nurses training School Examinations and Awards

There shall be insititute examinations as a mode of assessment for all programmes leading -to Academic Awards of the Institute. The examinations shall be conducted at the end of every Semester. The following pre-conditions are necessary before a student is cleared for examinations.
a)      You should have covered at least 30 (thirty) contact hours per course unit.
b)      You should submit course work and clear with the Dean of School.
c)      Payment of fees in full.
d)      Filling a certificate of due performance (Pre-qualification Form) which is duly signed by the officials hereto.
e)      Being a fully registered student of St.Joseph’s Training Centre with a valid ID
and Authority Card.
NOTE: The Institute may organize one examination for all programmes.

The Pass mark
The pass mark for all Institute examinations shall be 50% based on a combination of both course work and final examinations. A student who fails to obtain the above pass mark shall be required to RETAKE the course subject to payment of Shs. 1 00,000/=.

End of Semester results
You are required to collect your End of Semester results from the School each Semester. An annual report of your results will be obtained upon payment of Ugx. 5,000/= (five thousand shillings only).

St Joseph Nursing School Courses Offered

St Joseph Nursing School Contact Address

St Joseph Nursing School Fees Structure

St Joseph Nursing School Registration

Background of St Joseph Nursing School

St Joseph Nursing School Lecture Sessions

St Joseph Nursing School Semester Duration

St Joseph Nursing School Library

St Joseph Nursing School Accommodation

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