2024-2025 HESFB Students Loan Scheme Application Form

Students Loan Scheme Uganda Application Form

Click Here to Download the 2024-2025 Students Loan Scheme Uganda Application Form

Uganda Students Loan Scheme Application Form 2017 – 2018

HESFB Student Loan Application

HESFB Students Loan Scheme Uganda Application Form

Universities Participating in HESFB Student Loan Scheme

Background of the HESFB Students Loan Scheme Uganda

History of the HESFB Students Loan Scheme Uganda 

HESFB Students Loan Scheme Uganda Mission and Vision

HESFB Students Loan Scheme Uganda Requirements

Uganda  Students Loan Scheme : HESFB Loan Amount

HESFB Uganda  Students Loan Scheme Beneficiaries

HESFB Uganda Students Loan Scheme Loan Coverage

HESFB Students Loan Scheme Uganda Application

HESFB Uganda Students Loan Scheme Application Procedure

HESFB Students Loan Scheme Uganda Contact Details

International Scholarships for Ugandans to Study Abroad

Admission Lists for Universities in Uganda

Admissions for Universities in Uganda

Internships for Ugandans and International Students

UNEB ( Uganda National Examinations Board )

Current Jobs in Uganda

45 thoughts on “2024-2025 HESFB Students Loan Scheme Application Form”

  1. bachelor of science in electrical engineering [not direct entry]

  2. When will the students loan scheme application forms for 2018-2019 be published

  3. When can one pick the application form for 2020)1/ 2022 loan scheme

    • My name is Amuza Samuel, when are the loan application forms for 2024-2025 be out. Or even where may I get them if possible?

  4. Hi..the board hesfb how can we access the form for this year 2021/2022?

  5. Hi..the board hesfb ,how can you help the one whose name have not emerged to loan beneficiaries due to delay of some institutions to release the shortlist. But afterwards published.the question is.do they have chance to be recruited?

  6. Hi..the board hesfb ,how can you help the one whose name have not emerged to loan beneficiaries due to delay of some institutions to release the shortlist. But afterwards published.the question is.do they have chance to be recruited?2020/2022

  7. Dear Management

    Please give chance to more students this year given the narrow access of information during the covid-19 situation and some students from disadvantaged parts of Uganda e.g. Agago who qualify and applied were left out. Unfortunately a student who has been admitted for Bachelor of Environmental Engineering and Management (Kyambogo) and Telecommunications Engineering (Makerere) will not study because she can’t afford!!
    Help this girl please!!!

  8. wanted to know when the forms of this year 2020/2021 be released?

  9. When are you starting applications for the next intake? Thanks

  10. From which institutions can l get admission for diploma in a medical course

  11. J applied three times for Diploma in mechanical engineering but J was left out

  12. Dear Management, we thank you very much for the great work you do to support we the Ugandans.
    my question, is there any chance for a continuing student who never had a loan in first year to also have apply for a loan scheme when continuing in next year.

  13. Please I’m kindly requesting to know when the forms will be released,

  14. Where Can I pick a loan scheem application form for Bukalasa agricultural College

  15. Greetings why am I failing to create an account with hesfb thanks

  16. My name is Nuwagaba Edgar ,I sat my UACE in 2019 and I was pursuing MEG/IT .
    Because of financial crisis my parents didn’t afford to put me to tertiary education.
    With due respect, I ask management of HESFB,to tell me about my eligibility for the project..
    I really need this

  17. I need help pliz some 1 help me and inform me when 2021/2022 students can apply.

  18. hi,how can i get the loan scheme form,im disadvantaged can not afford university tuition.

  19. Thanks,where can I.pick loan scheme application form for Gulu University

  20. This Godfrey lomongin will i also be given the opportunity of student’s loan scheme

  21. I am Kuteesa Job
    How do I apply for the loan scheme.
    I sat my UACE in 2019 and got 11 points in HEG/MTC,can I also apply for the loan.

  22. What if I get the loan, study & finish up campus but I fail to get a job to repay the loan,how could it be solved

  23. I sat for my UACE in 2020 and was admitted in kyambogo for chemical engineering ,how can I get the loan programme

  24. I am Ugandan holding diploma in business studies accounting option and wish to advance with studies but due to lack of support from my parents as they are even not in position to provide food to feed unless I do painful work for food purchase.

  25. I would like to apply for loan scheme but i have failed compeletly please help me to apply for it

  26. When will application forms of 2024-2025 be out some 1 help me

  27. Where can l get the application forms for year 2023. Plz help me l wanna apply and upgrade

  28. hello HESFB, is the criteria for selecting beneficiaries for the loan scheme fair? (someone can reply to me)


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