SUA Job Opportunity : Research Assistant in Veterinary Epidemiology

SUA Job Opportunity : Research Assistant in Veterinary Epidemiology

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Applications are invited from suitably qualified Tanzanians to fill a vacant position in the Intermediate Fellowship in Public Health and Tropical Medicine project funded by Wellcome Trust, UK, based at Sokoine University of Agriculture. Application letter accompanied with CV, Birth, Academic and Professional Certificates and recommendation letters from at least two referees be

addressed to the DEPUTY VICE CHANCELLOR (ADMINISTRATION AND FINANCE), P.O BOX 3000, CHUO KIKUU, MOROGORO, to reach him not later than THREE weeks from the date of this advertisement.

Job position: Research Assistant in Veterinary Epidemiology (One Post)

The Job opportunity in the Intermediate Fellowship in Public Health and Tropical Medicine (IFPHTM) – Foot-and-Mouth Disease (FMD) Project titled “Full-genome is sequencing to identify determinants that impact upon foot- and-mouth disease virus strains with potential for enhanced transmission in endemic settings in Africa


Holder of a BVM/BVSc from Government recognized University.

MSc degree in Epidemiology or related area with very good results from a recognized institution will be an added advantage.


Collection of samples and field epidemiological data during FMD outbreak investigation and targeted epidemiological studies in selected research sites.

Working with the Principal Investigator (PI) in carrying out selected analyses of data for modelling of FMD outbreaks.


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