TUDARCO Bank Account Number
Tumaini University Dar es Salaam College Bank Account Number
Note:1 Meals, accommodation and transport allowances are arranged personally between the student and his/her sponsor.
2All payments except students union fee should be addressed to TUMAINI UNIVERSITY DSM COLLEGE and deposited in one of the follow accounts :- CRDB – 01J1021002200 OR NBC-011103030931 OR Maendeleo Bank-013828266011.
3Students Union fee Tshs 25,000 should be addressed to TUSO-DARCO and deposited in the bank account number 0150021957100 at C
4It is recommended to clear all the required payments at the beginning of the first semester to avoid unnecessary disturbances.
5No student will be allowed to sit for any examination before clearing the required fee amount.
6Any financial fraud shall lead to discontinuation from studies and shall be reported to the police for further legal action.
TUDARCO Fees Structure
TUDARCO Registration Procedure
TUDARCO MBA Admissions