UDSM Press Release-Launch of The Alliance for African Partnership
This is to inform the public that the Alliance for African Partnership (AAP) will be launched on 18 to 21 July, 2017 at the Hyatt, Kilimanjaro in Dar es Salaam,Tanzania. A launch event is organized by the Michigan State University (MSU) in collaboration with the University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM) and with the Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM). The aim of the launch is to provide greater exposure and awareness for the objectives and activities of the AAP to a diverse group of African organizations; provide an opportunity for extensive networking and development of new activities consistent with the mandates of AAP, UDSM and RUFORUM; dialogue on best practices and experiences from across the globe to guide AAP agenda; identify key issues and challenges to guide AAP activities in the future; and showcase the first cohort of African and MSU awardees to be granted by the AAP through its open call for proposals.
The Alliance for African Partnership (AAP) is a brainchild of African Universities, Michigan State University (MSU), and a variety of African organizations. AAP is an innovative model of collaborative research and practices to address global challenges aimed at strengthening existing partnerships within African universities and to identify new strategic opportunities for effective long-term partnerships. AAP aims to support sustainable, effective and equitable long-term partnerships among African organizations, MSU, and other international organizations. AAP aims to address mutually defined challenges across a range of thematic issues including transformation of African agri-food systems; water, energy and the environment; youth livelihoods; education; cultural heritage preservation; and health and nutrition.
We expect the participation of prominent African leaders from higher education, research institutes, NGOs, donor agencies, governments, regional economic consortia, civil society and the private sector. We will also have representatives from international organizations. Sessions are designed to be participatory and innovative so that invitees will join in a process of defining the landscape and vision of partnerships; sharing experiences; proposing new ideas for collaborative implementation and identifying socio-cultural and material resources needed to bring the vision into action.
Issued by the Directorate of Internationalization
See also