Uganda Christian University Application Procedure

Uganda Christian University Application Procedure

How many Intakes are at Uganda Christian University?

There are three intakes in an academic year, in September, January and May. Each of the intakes might have a different set of programs offered. For more details, proceeed to the applications page for details.

Who can apply?

Ugandan Applicants must have the minimum national entry requirements.

All other International applicants must have qualifications that are recognized for University entry in their respective countries. For help, contact our international student admissions coordinator Mr. Nicholas Mpairwe at or call +256702540262, +256774745440. Visit the international student page here.

How can one apply?

Applicants are required to pay a nonrefundable application fee of Ush. 50,000/= or $25 at any Stanbic bank branch in Uganda then proceed to the Academic office and present a receipt at the front desk for an application form.

Summary of University admissions procedure

  1. Know the programs we offer and the different intakes and make choices
  2. Apply
  3. Check for the results of the application
  4. If admitted pick admission letter
  5. Confirm acceptance by paying a non refundable tuition fee deposit.

I am not a Ugandan, how can I apply?

  • Know the programs we offer and the different intakes and make choices
  • Download application forms and fill them
  • Check for the results of your application on the dates specified below
  • If admitted pick admission letter or request for it by emailing to
  • Confirm acceptance by paying a non refundable tuition fee deposit.

What are the fees payment policies?

University fees may be paid in full at the opening of a semester or in two equal installments. Full Prompt Payment: EXEMPTS the student from payment of the Registration fee of 50,000/= (Fifty thousand Shillings). More information on payment can be found here.

Uganda Christian University Admission Requirements

Uganda Christian University Fees Payment Procedure

Uganda Christian University Courses Offered

Uganda Christian University International Students Admissions

Uganda Christian University Application Forms