Uganda Christian University School of Law Administrative Processes Course

Uganda Christian University School of Law Administrative Processes Course








COURSE CODE:              BLAW 2101


CONTACT HOURS:         6




The course entails in-depth study of administrative processes and the remedies available for abuse of due process.




At the end of the course you should have attained a thorough understanding of the following:


  • The lawful exercise of administrative power;
  • How to identify an abuse of administrative power;
  • How to determine the appropriate mechanism/forum to challenge the unlawful exercise of administrative power;
  • How to identify the appropriate remedies in the event of an abuse of administrative power and or legal due process.

Assessment Criteria

          Course work                30%

Final Exam                   70%

Faith in Teaching

As Christians, the Bible calls upon us to be people of integrity. Administrative processes deals with ensuring an honest approach to using the different processes under it. It is a standard test of our integrity as we are either subjected to or called upon to exercise these powers and use these processes.

Secondly, as Law students at UCU, you are expected to be exemplary where ever you go since our University is established on Christian values, Administrative processes should not only be studied in theory, it should be put in practice even as you go out to work you should carry with you those good virtues and ensure that people you deal with are treated justly and fairly as you would want to be treated. Let us create a better environment to live in.






  1. The Constitution of the Republic of Uganda 1995, as amended;
  2. The Electricity Act 1999;
  3. The Kampala Capital City Authority Act 1 of 2010;
  4. Insurance Act;
  5. Capital Markets Authority Act;
  6. Income Tax Act;
  7. Public Enterprises Reform and Divestiture Act;
  8. National Water and Sewerage Corporation Act Cap 317;
  9. Petroleum Exploration, Development and Production Act 2013;
  10. National Oil and Gas Policy for Uganda 2008;


                                    3.2 JUDICIAL DECISIONS:


  1. Lukwago versus the Attorney General and Another Miscellaneous Cause 281 of 2013
  2. KCC Football Club Ltd versus Capital Market Authority HCCS 367 of 2007
  3. Charita Uganda versus Insurance Regulatory Authority High Court Miscellaneous Application 25 0f 2012;
  4. Legal Action for People with Disabilities versus The Attorney General, Kampala Capital City Authority and Another Miscellaneous Cause 146 of 2011
  5. Electro Maxx (U) LTD versus Electricity Regulatory Authority HCMAC 200 of 2007;
  6. Commissioner General Uganda Revenue Authority as appellant and Messrs Meera Investments Ltd, respondent Supreme Court Civil Appeal No 22 of 2007;
  7. Cable Corporation (U) LTD versus URA HCCA 1 of 2011;
  8. Prosecutorial Discretion before national courts and international tribunals; Daniel Nsereko
  9. Maxnams Properties Ltd vs Chertsey (1964) 1QB 214
  10. Congreve vs Home Office (1967)2 W.L.R 291
  11. Secretary of State vs Tameside U.P.C (1976)3 W.L.R 641
  12. Liversidge vs Anderson (1942) AC 206
  13. Cummings vs Birkenhead Corporation (1971)2 All ER 881
  14. Associated Provincial Picture Houses vs Wednesbury Corp (1948)1 KB 223IR
  15. Sharp vs Wakefield (1880) A.C 473
  16. Re Bukoba Gymkahana Club (1963) E.A 468
  17. Kruse vs Johnson (1898) QB91
  18. Uganda Cotton co vs R (1961) E.A 79
  19. Changanial vs Kericho D.C (1965) E.A 371
  20. Mugabi Edward versus Kampala District Land Board & Anor Misc.Cause 18 of 2012;
  21. Kuluo Joseph Andrews & 2 Others versus The Attorney General and 6 others Misc 106 of 2010;
  22. R vs Leigh (1897) QB 132
  23. Sydney Municipal Council vs Campbell (1925) AC pg 338
  24. Westminster Corporation vs L.N.W.R (1905) AC pg 426
  25. Webb vs Minister of Housing (1965) 2 All E.R 193
  26. Brimingham & Midlands vs Worcestershire C.C (1967) W.L.R 422
  27. Ibingira vs Uganda (1966) E.A 306 & 445
  28. Hanson vs Raddiffe U.D.C (1992)) E.A 400
  29. Honey vs Harris (1995) 1 NZLR 64 (H.C) Common Wealth Law Bulletin
  30. Jan 1995,pg 41 & 43
  31. Fernandes vs Kericho Licensing Court 1968 E.A 640
  32. Roberts vs Hapwood (1925) AC 578
  33. Prescott vs Birmingham Corporation (1954) 3 All E.R 698
  34. R vs Great London council Ex Bromley L.B.C (1982) 2WLR pg.62
  35. R vs Barnett & Camden Rent Tribunal (1972) 1 All ER 1185
  36. Padfied vs Minister of Agriculture (1968) A.C 997
  37. British oxygen Co. v Board of Trade (1970) 3 W.L.R 488
  38. NcEldourney vs Forde (1962) 2 All E.R 1039
  39. Re Ibrahim (1970) E.A 162
  40. Uganda v Commissioner of Prisons exparte Matovu (1966)E.A 514
  41. Stringer vs Minister of Housing 1970 1 W.L.R 1282
  42. R vs Commissioner for L.Admin exparte Croydon Londonborough Council and Anor (1986) 1 All ER 1033
  43. R vs Inner London Education Authority and Westminster City Council (1986)1 19 QBD;
  44. Sebudde Joseph versus Inspector General of Government Misc Cause 32 of 2010;
  45. Shell (U) Limited and 9 others versus Rock Petroleum and Others CAMA 645 of 2010;
  46. Hon Justice Anup Singh Choundry versus A.G CACA 91 of 2012;
  47. Attorney General and Hon Nyombi versus Uganda Law Society HMCA 321 of 2013




  1. Daniel D. Nsereko – Police Powers & The Rights of the Individual in Uganda
  2. de Smith – Judicial Review
  3. de Smith – Constitutional & Administrative Law,
  4. Wade – Administrative Law
  5. Graffith & Street – Principles of Administrative Law 5th Ed
  6. Schwartz & Wade – Legal Control of Government
  7. Jackson – Natural Justice
  8. Yardley – Principles of Administrative Law
  9. Yardley – A source Book of English Administrative Law
  10. Hood Phillips – Constitutional and Administrative Law
  11. Paul Jackson – 6th Sweet & Maxwell 1978
  12. P Craig – Administrative Law London, Sweet & Maxwell, 1983.
  13. Hugh Corder and Tiyanjana maluwa – Administrative Justice in Southern Africa 1996
  14. Hugh Corder and Linda Vander Vijver – Realizing Administrative Justice – 2002




The course will cover the following:


  1. The nature of and identification of subjects of administrative law;
  2. Exercise of administrative power – exercise of discretion and delegation of administrative power;
  3. Natural justice and the exercise of administrative power;
  4. Judicial review;
  5. Administrative appeals and reviews;
  6. Proceedings against the government and scheduled corporations.
  7. The Ugandan ombudspersons – Inspectorate of Government;




WEEK 1 – Introduction to the Administrative Process:


Required reading:

  1. The Constitution of the Republic of Uganda 1995;
  2. The Electricity Act 1999;
  3. The Kampala Capital City Authority Act 1 of 2010;
  4. Insurance Act;
  5. Capital Markets Authority Act;
  6. Income Tax Act;
  7. Public Enterprises Reform and Divestiture Act;
  8. National Water and Sewerage Corporation Act Cap 317;
  9. Petroleum Exploration, Development and Production Act 2013;
  10. National Oil and Gas Policy for Uganda 2008;
  11. Lukwago versus the Attorney General and Another Miscellaneous Cause 281 of 2013
  12. KCC Football Club Ltd versus Capital Market Authority HCCS 367 of 2007
  13. Charita Uganda versus Insurance Regulatory Authority High Court Miscellaneous Application 25 0f 2012;
  14. Legal Action for People with Disabilities versus The Attorney General, Kampala Capital City Authority and Another Miscellaneous Cause 146 of 2011
  15. Electro Maxx (U) LTD versus Electricity Regulatory Authority HCMAC 200 of 2007;




  1. Identify different subjects of administrative law under the Electricity Act 2009, The Inspectorate Government Act 2002 and the KCCA Act No. 1 of 2010;


  1. Identify the statutory powers of each of the above subjects as given under the respective acts which they are formed;




WEEK 2 – Administrative Discretion & Delegation


Reading Material:

  1. The Kampala Capital City Authority Act 1 of 2010;
  2. The Electricity Act 1999;
  3. Commissioner General Uganda Revenue Authority as appellant and Messrs Meera Investments Ltd, respondent Supreme Court Civil Appeal No 22 of 2007;
  4. Cable Corporation (U) LTD versus URA HCCA 1 of 2011;
  5. Prosecutorial Discretion before national courts and international tribunals; Daniel Nsereko
  6. Blacks Law Dictionary 8th Edition;
  7. Halsbury’s Laws of England, Administrative Law Volume 1 (2001 REISSUE);
  8. P Craig. Pg.358-359
  9. Maxnams Properties Ltd vs Chertsey (1964) 1QB 214
  10. Congreve vs Home Office (1967)2 W.L.R 291
  11. Secretary of State vs Tameside U.P.C (1976)3 W.L.R 641
  12. Liversidge vs Anderson (1942) AC 206
  13. Cummings vs Birkenhead Corporation (1971)2 All ER 881
  14. Associated Provincial Picture Houses vs Wednesbury Corp (1948)1 KB 223IR
  15. Sharp vs Wakefield (1880) A.C 473
  16. Re Bukoba Gymkahana Club (1963) E.A 468
  17. Kruse vs Johnson (1898) QB91
  18. Uganda Cotton co vs R (1961) E.A 79
  19. Changanial vs Kericho D.C (1965) E.A 371




  1. With legal authorities explain what is meant by the minister having general supervisory powers over an agency of government or and regulatory body.


WEEK 3 – Discretion & Delegation Continued;


  1. Mugabi Edward versus Kampala District Land Board & Anor Misc.Cause 18 of 2012;
  2. Kuluo Joseph Andrews & 2 Others versus The Attorney General and 6 others Misc 106 of 2010;
  3. Wade 70-88
  4. R vs Leigh (1897) QB 132
  5. Sydney Municipal Council vs Campbell (1925) AC pg 338
  6. Westminster Corporation vs L.N.W.R (1905) AC pg 426
  7. Webb vs Minister of Housing (1965) 2 All E.R 193
  8. Brimingham & Midlands vs Worcestershire C.C (1967) W.L.R 422
  9. Ibingira vs Uganda (1966) E.A 306 & 445
  10. Hanson vs Raddiffe U.D.C (1992)) E.A 400
  11. Honey vs Harris (1995) 1 NZLR 64 (H.C) Common Wealth Law Bulletin
  12. Jan 1995,pg 41 & 43
  13. Fernandes vs Kericho Licensing Court 1968 E.A 640
  14. Roberts vs Hapwood (1925) AC 578
  15. Prescott vs Birmingham Corporation (1954) 3 All E.R 698
  16. R vs Great London council Ex Bromley L.B.C (1982) 2WLR pg.62
  17. R vs Barnett & Camden Rent Tribunal (1972) 1 All ER 1185
  18. Padfied vs Minister of Agriculture (1968) A.C 997
  19. British oxygen Co. v Board of Trade (1970) 3 W.L.R 488
  20. NcEldourney vs Forde (1962) 2 All E.R 1039
  21. Re Ibrahim (1970) E.A 162
  22. Uganda v Commissioner of Prisons exparte Matovu (1966)E.A 514
  23. Stringer vs Minister of Housing 1970 1 W.L.R 1282
  24. R vs Commissioner for L.Admin exparte Croydon Londonborough Council and Anor (1986) 1 All ER 1033
  25. R vs Inner London Education Authority and Westminster City Council (1986)1 19 QBD;
  26. Sebudde Joseph versus Inspector General of Government Misc Cause 32 of 2010;
  27. Shell (U) Limited and 9 others versus Rock Petroleum and Others CAMA 645 of 2010;
  28. Hon Justice Anup Singh Choundry versus A.G CACA 91 of 2012;
  29. Kaggwa Andrew & 5 Others versus Minister of Internal Affairs HCMC 105 of 2002
  30. Jim Muhwezi & 3 Others versus Attorney General & Another Const Petition 10 of 2008




  1. List the different discretionary powers of the Authority and Minister under the Electricity Act 1999 and the Regulations made thereunder;


  1. Classify the aforementioned/listed discretion powers


WEEK 4 – Judicial Review:


Required reading:

  1. General Foulkes page 314-402
  2. De Smith – Judicial Review
  3. Common Wealth Law Bulletin. July-Oct 1996, pg 725-734
  4. Common Wealth Law Bulletin Jan, 1995 pg. 40-41
  5. 8th Foulkes: Judicial Review 337- 361
  6. Suba v Egerton University HCCS 929/36 (HCK) (1995-98) 1 EA 303
  7. R vs. Devon County, exparte Baker & Anor (1995) 1 All ER
  8. World Development Movement Ltd (1995) 1 AllER
  9. R v Disciplinary Committee of a Jockey Club, ex parte A of a Khan (1993) 2 All ER 853
  10. R v Football Association Ltd (1993) 2 ALLER 833


Assignment:           CASE STUDY- Kuluo Joseph Andrews & 2 Others versus The                                       Attorney General and 6 others Misc 106 of 2010 – Explain why                                 the decision of the Minister was found to be illegal.


WEEK 5 – Judicial Review continued:


Required reading:

  1. Pascal R. Gakyaro versus Civil Aviation Authority CACA 60 of 2006;
  2. Mondo Kagonyera versus Attorney General and Another HCMC 10 of 2010;
  3. Mpungu & Sons Transporters LTD versus A.G and Another SCCA 17 of 2001;
  4. Gordon Sentiba & Others versus Uganda revenue Authority Misc Cause 35 of 2010
  5. M/s Semwo Construction Co. v Rukungiri District Local Government Misc. Cause No 30 0f 2010
  6. China Civil Engineering Construction Corporation versus Attorney General HMCS 71 of 2014
  7. Attorney General and Hon Nyombi versus Uganda Law Society HMCA 321 of 2013


Assignment:         Case study – Attorney General and Hon Nyombi versus Uganda Law Society HMCA 321 of 2013 Explain why the appointment of Kampala Associated Advocates to represent the Attorney General was found illegal.


WEEK 6 – Administrative Review & Administrative Appeals:

Required reading:

  1. Wade 33 – 48
  2. Foukes 314 – 315;
  3. Craig pg. 166 – 170
  4. Commissioner of Income Tax vs. Menon C.A. No. 19 of 1981
  5. Anisminic vs. Foreign Compensation Commission (1969) 2 A. C 141
  6. R vs. Nat Bell Liquors (1922) 2 A.C 128


WEEK 7 – Administrative Review and Administrative Appeals Continued;


  1. Karimani Restaurant vs. Embu Liquor Licensing Court, (1967) E.A. 426
  2. Sargala Investments vs. Norwich Corporation (1971) 2 QB 614




WEEK 8 – Proceedings against the Government


Required reading:

  1. Article 250 (2) Constitution of the Republic;
  2. Sec 3 Government Proceedings Act Cap 77
  3. Attorney General and Hon Nyombi versus Uganda Law Society HMCA 321 of 2013
  4. R vs Dixon exp Brince & Oliver above 7(a)
  5. “The Select Committee on Parliamentary Commission” 1982, Public Law, 49
  6. Justice, “The Citizen and the Administration” (1969)
  7. Our fettered Ombudsman 1977
  8. Also see, “Maladministration – A Judicial Sighting of the Golden Fleece” 1979 (95) LQR 488
  9. Daymond vs Plymouth City Council (1976) AC 609
  10. R vs Liverpool City Council (1977) 1 WLR 995


WEEK 9 – Proceedings against the Government continued


Required reading:


  1. Garner, ch. 5, pg. 98
  2. Wade 13
  3. Inspector of General of Government Act Cap 167
  4. Norton (1973) 1 C.L.Q
  5. R vs Local Government for Administration (1979) QB 287
  6. Annual Reports of the Permanent Commission (1967) etc
  7. Commissions of Inquiry Act Cap 166
  8. Decree 6 of 1971
  9. Oluyede “Development through Silent Redress of Grievances in Tanzania” (1972) 8 E.A.L.J 141
  10. Kakuli “ Ombudsman for Kenya” (1970) E.A.L.J
  11. Duncan vs Camdell Laid (1942) AC 624
  12. Rukwaro (1) “Redress of Grievance: the case for an Ombudsman in Kenya” (1973) E.A.L J 141
  13. (2) “Kenya Sessional Paper No. 5 of 1974 and the Ombudsman” (1974) E.A.L.J 115
  14. R vs Local Commissioner, the Local Commissioner exparte Eastleigh BC (1988)
  15. R vs Local Commissioner for Admin. exparte Branford MCC (1979) QB 287
  16. Kakooza Mutale vs A.G 2003
  17. Fox Odoi vs A.G. 2004


Assignment:         What is the rationale of and implication of the decision in Kabandize                                      and 20 others versus KCCA Court of Appeal Civil Appeal No. 28 of 2011                                 on the institution of proceedings against government?




  1. a) Prerogative Orders


  1. b) Certiorari & Prohibition


  • Judicature Act cap 13
  • R vs Electricity Commissioners (1924)1 KE 171
  • R vs Woodhouse (above)
  • Shiekh Bros case (above)
  • R Bukoba Gymkhana Case (above)
  • Ndegwa case(above)
  • Kobwome Mera v Attorney General
  • Miscellaneous Application 26 of 1998
  • Re:Maries (above)
  • Nakuda Ali case (above)
  • R vs Manchester Legal Aid exp Brand (1952)2 QB 413
  • R Milling Ordinance (above)
  • R vs Paddington Valuation Officer (1966)1 QC 380
  • R vs Criminal Injuries Compensation Coard (1967)2 QB 864
  • Jayawardine vs Silva (1970)1 W L.R 1365
  • Farmers Bus Service vs Transport Licensing (1959) E A 1959
  • Re vs Post Office Ex. p Byrne (1975)1 I C r 221
  • Re vs Board of Visitors of Hull Prison Ex p St
  • Germain (1978)2 W L R 598
  • R vs MacCoil (1974)42 Del R. (3RD ) 7630
  • R Paddington Valuation Officer (1965)2 AllER 836
  • Devshi vs Transport Licensing (1971) E.A 289
  • R vs Herrod Ex.p. Leed City Council (1976)1 All E A 273, 292.
  • R vs York JJ (1956) 1 W L R 254
  • Railway Corp vs Sefu (1973) E.A 327
  • R vs Hendon R. D C ex.p Chorley (1933)1 KO 696
  • R vs Hradford – Avan UDC (1964)1 W.L R 1136
  • R vs Secretary of State for Environment (1981)1 AllER 788
  • John vs Chatalos (1973)3 AllER 410
  • Mwesigye Enock vs Electoral Commission 1998




  • R vs Met Police Commissioner Ex.p Blackburn
  • Re: Fazal Kassam (1960) E 8 168
  • Paddington Valuation Officer (above)
  • Passmore vs Oswalthwhistle U.D.C (1898) AC 387
  • R vs Hereford Corporation (1970)1 W L R 1424
  • C vs Manchester Corporation (1911)1 KB 560
  • Shah vs A.G (1970) E A543
  • R vs Bank of England (1819)B & ALD 62
  • R vs inland Revenue Commissioners, exp National Federation of Self-Employed and Small Business Ltd (1982) AC 617
  • R vs Russell, exp Beaver Brook Newspaper Ltd (1969)1 QB 342 348
  • R vs Hereford Corporation, exp Hanower (1970)1 W.L R 1424
  • Brother Peter A G (1980) H C B 107
  • Fire master Ltd v Uganda Railways Corporation H C.C 23 1998

Equitable Remedies


Injunction & Declaration

  • Government Proceedings Act
  • Civil Procedure Act
  • Civil Procedure Rules
  • American Cynamide vs Ethicon (1973)1 AllER 504
  • Birmingham Corpne vs Perry Stadium (1972)1 All E R 725
  • AG vs Block and Another (1959) E.A 180
  • Sazamazo vs A.G (1960) E.A 207
  • A.G vs Harris (1960)1 QB 31 On Appeal (1961)1 QB 74
  • Cox vs Green (1966)Ch 216
  • Odhiambo vs Odenyo (1973) E.A 416
  • Immigration Control Board vs Singh (1956)
  • Sungai Wangi Estates vs Uni. (1975)1 M.L J 136
  • Chutram vs Mystery Model (1972) E.A 525
  • Couriet vs Union of Post Office Workers (1977)2 W L.R 3100
  • (CA)- (1977)3 W.L.R 300 (HL)
  • Barnard vs National Dock Labour Board (1953)1 All E.R
  • Pynx Granite Co vs Minister of Housing (1960) A.C 615
  • Matalanga vs A.G (1972) E A 518
  • Less vs Showmans Guild (1952)2 QB 3Z90
  • Barraciough vs Brown (1997) A C 615
  • Ealmg B.C vs Race Relations Board (1972) A C 342
  • Healey vs Minister of Health (1955)1 QB 221
  • Imperial Tobacco Ltd vs FH-Gen (1980)2 W L R 466
  • See also. Cane, “A Fresh Look at Puntons Case” 1980 M.L.R and (1979)
  • Puncon vs Minister of Pensions No.2 (above)
  • Opolot vs AG (1969)
  • Anismmic Ltd vs Foreign Compensation Comminion (1968)2 QB 862
  • Boath and Co. (International) Ltd vs National Enterprise Board (1978)3 ALLER 624
  • Lonrho Ltd vs Shell Petroleum (No.2) (1982] A C 173
  • Bams vs Bethell (1981)3 WLR 874
  • Buxton vs Minister of Housing and Local Government (1961)1 QB 278
  • Arsenal Football Club Ltd vs Eride (1979)A.C 1
  • R vs I R C (1982)AC 6I7
  • Ug. Moslem Supreme Council vs Sheikh Kagimu Mulumba & Others (1980) HCB 110



  • Government Proceedings Act
  • Evidence Act
  • Bayne – Government Liability for Torts by Officials E A.L R
  • Metropolitan Asylum Co vs Hill (1816) app Case 143
  • Hammersmith Ry Co vs Brand (1816) LR 4. H.L 171
  • Geddis vs Proprietors of Bann Reservior (187313 App Cas 430
  • Dun vs N.W Case Board (1964) QB 866,
  • East Suffolk Catchment Board vs Kent (1914) A C 74
  • Cooper vs Wandsoworth Board of Works (above)
  • Wood vs Wood (1974) LR 9 EX 190
  • Davies vs Bromley Corporation (1908)1 KB 170
  • O’Connor vs Isaacs (1956)22 QB 328
  • David vs Abdul Cader (1963) All E R 79
  • Kimam vs AG (1969) E.A 29
  • Home Office vs Dorset Yacht Co (1970)2 W L R 1148
  • Minister of Housing vs Sharp (1970)2 W L R 802
  • Dutton vs Bognor Regis UDC 91972)2 W L R 299
  • Gohil vs AG (1967) ER
  • West Nile District Administration vs Dritoo (1966) E A 324
  • Tamlin vs Hannaford (1950)1 KB 18
  • A.G for New South Wales vs Perpetual Trustee Co (1955) A.C 457
  • Abbot vs Sullivan (1952) AllER 226
  • Conway vs Rimmer (1968) AC 910
  • R vs Lews JJ (1972)3 W L R 279
  • Cromtons vs Customs & Excise Commissioners (1972)2 QB 102
  • Tampion vs Anderson (1973) V R 715
  • Roncarelli vs Duplessis (1959)16 D L R (2nd ) 689
  • Sirros vs Moor (1974)3 All ER 776
  • Anns vs Merton I.B C (1977)2 W L R 1025
  • Burmah Oil Co Ltd vs Governior of Bank of England (1979)1 W L.R 473
  • Takaro Properties (in receivership) vs Rowling (1976)2 N.Z.L R
  • D vs Nat Society Prev of Cruelty to children (1977)1 All E.R 589
  • See also Nott, (1980) Public Law 10
  • General Reading of Remedies by P P Crag, pg 461-496


WEEK 11- Non Judicial Remedies, Ombudspersons and others(The                Inspector General of Government


  1. Garner Ch 5. pg.9Wade Chd.13
  2. Constitution Chapter 13
  3. Inspector of Government Act, 2002
  4. The Anti-Corruption Act, 2009
  5. The Leadership Code Act
  6. Hon Sam Kuteesa and 2 others Vs. AG Constitutional Petition No 46 and Reference No.54 of 2011;
  7. Kakooza Mutale v. A.G 2003
  8. Fox Odoi v A G 2004
  9. John Ken Lukyamuzi Vs AG-Supreme Court Constitutional Appeal No.02/2006
  10. R vs Local Government for Adminisration (1979) QB 287
  11. Commissions of Inquiry Act
  12. Oluyede – “Development through silent Redress of Grievances in Tanzania” 1972 8 E A L J 141
  13. Kakuli “Ombudsman for Kenya” (1970) E.A L J
  14. Duncan vs Camdell (1942) AC 624
  15. Rukwaro (1) “Redress of Grievances, the case for an Ombudsman in Kenya” (1973) E A.L J 141
  16. “Kenya Sessional Paper No.5 of 1974 and the Ombudsman” (1974) E A L J 115
  17. “The Select Committee on Parliamentary Commission 1982 Public Law. 49 Justice.
  18. ‘The Citizen and the Administration” (1969)
  19. Our fettered Ombudsman 1977
  20. Also see, ‘Maladministration – a judicial sighting of the golden fleece?’ 1979 (95) LQR 488
  21. Daymond vs Plymouth City Council (1976) AC 609
  22. R vs Liverpool City Council (1977)1 WLR 995
  23. R vs Local Commissioner, the Local Commissioner exp Eastleigh BC (1988)
  24. R vs Local Commissioner for Admin exp Branford MCC (1979) QB 287
  25. Also visit and


WEEK 12: Semester re-cap


Week 13 – Developments/contemporary and future issues in Uganda’s administrative                      processes legal framework

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Constitutional History

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Foundations of Land Law

Nature and History of Torts

Administrative Processes

Legal Methods

Law of Sales

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Jurisprudence II

Business Associations I

Evidence I

Criminal Procedure

International Law 1

Family Law

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Clinical Legal Education I

Intellectual Property I

International Humanitarian Law

Oil & Gas  Law

Labour Law 1

Alternative Dispute Resolution

ICT Law and Policy

Environmental Law and Policy

Gender & the Law

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