Uganda Christian University School of Law Civil Procedure I Course

Uganda Christian University School of Law Civil Procedure I Course

Uganda Christian University

Faculty of Law

Programme: LLB IV

  1. Course Description

This part of the course will cover pre-trial conduct, commencement of proceedings, issue and service of court process or documents, parties to suits, Cause of action, pleadings and Appearance.

  1. Course Objectives

The course is intended to enable the student to draw out the main principles underlying civil litigation and to consider criticisms to the present system.

*The subject will be valuable to prospective litigation lawyers. The current position in the legal profession is that no lawyer can enter the world of litigation without the knowledge of the subject’s new principles and the modern emphasis upon human rights in the legal process.


  1. Required Readings



  2. SSEKAANA M & S.N. SSEKAANA: Civil Procedure and Practice in Uganda (2008)
  3. CHITALEY & RAO: The Code of Civil Procedure
  5. Andrews (Birks ed), ch. 19, vol. 2, Civil Procedure in English Private Law (3rd 2013)
  6. LANGAN & HENDERSON: Civil Procedure 3rd Edition
  7. MULLA: Mulla’s Code on Civil Procedure
  8. HARDWOOD: Odgers on Pleadings and Practice
  9. BULLEN & LEAKE: Precedents of Pleading
  10. JLOWICZ: On Civil Procedure (2000)
  11. KIAPI P.P: Practice Manual Series Civil Procedure Vol. 1, 2,3

                                    Forms and Precedents Vol.2

  1. KULOBA R: Judicial Hints on Civil Procedure 2nd Edition (2006)
  2. KULOBA R: Summary Judgments
  3. SPRY: Equitable Remedies
  4. O’HARE J & HILL RN: Civil Litigation 7th Edition (1995)
  5. Sir Jack I H: The Reform of Civil Procedure Law and Other Essays on Civil Procedure (1982)
  6. Sime S.A: A Practical Approach to Civil Procedure (1994)
  7. Halsbury’s Laws of England
  8. A Handbook for Magistrates (Revised Edition 2004)


  1. The Hon. Mr. Justice Lightman: Civil Litigation in the 21st Century (1998) 17 Justice Quarterly 373-394
  2. Lord Woolf: Access to Justice; Final Report , HMSO-(Internet)
  3. Mohammed Mbabazi: The Jurisprudence of the Interpretation and Application of Article 126(2)(e) of the Constitution; A case for desecration of the new Constitution
  4. Jacob, The Fabric of English Civil Justice (Hamlyn Lectures, 1986)
  5. Jolowicz, (1998) Legal Studies vol. 8, p. 1 (‘Comparative Law and the Reform of Civil Procedure’)
  6. Jolowicz, On Civil Procedure (2000)


  1. The Constitution of the Republic of Uganda
  2. Interpretation Act, Cap.3
  3. The Judicature Act, Cap.13
  4. The Judicature (Court Fees, Fines and Deposits) Rules SI 13-3
  5. The Judicature (Supreme Court Rules) Directions SI 13-11
  6. The Judicature (Court of Appeal Rules) Directions SI 13-10
  7. The Court of Appeal (Judicial Powers of Registrar) Rules SI 1 of 2004
  8. The Judicature (Habeas Corpus) Rules SI 13-6
  9. The Civil Procedure Act, Cap. 72
  10. The Civil Procedure Rules SI 71-3
  11. The Magistrates Courts Act, Cap. 13 as amended in 2007
  12. The Magistrates Courts (Magisterial Area) Instrument SI 16-1
  13. The Law Reform (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act, Cap.79
  14. The Civil Procedure(Judicial Review) Rules SI 75 of 2003
  15. The Government Proceedings Act, Cap. 77
  16. The Civil Procedure (Government Proceedings) Rules SI 77-1
  17. The Civil Procedure and Limitation (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act, Cap. 72
  18. The Civil Procedure and Limitation (Miscellaneous Provisions) Amendment Act 11 of 2000
  19. The Limitation Act, Cap. 80
  20. The Evidence Act, Cap.6
  21. The Civil Procedure and Limitation (Miscellaneous Provisions Act)(Amendment of Schedule 3) Order 2002
  22. The Judgments Extension Act, Cap. 12
  23. The Foreign Judgments (Reciprocal Enforcement) Act, Cap 9
  24. The Foreign Judgments (Reciprocal Enforcement) (General Application ) Order 2002
  25. The Foreign Judgments (Reciprocal Enforcement)(Grenada) Order, 2002
  26. The Local Council Courts Act No. 13 of 2006
  27. Advocates Act, Cap. 267
  28. Advocates (Professional Conduct) Regulations SI 267-2
  29. The Advocates (Remuneration and Taxation of Costs) Rules SI 267-4
  30. The Advocates (Taxation of Costs)(Appeals and References) Regulations SI 267-5
  31. Oaths Act, Cap. 19
  32. Statutory Declarations Act, Cap.22
  33. Course Content

4.1 Course Outline and Content Description



Preliminary Steps

 Meaning of A suit S. 2 Civil Procedure Act (“suit” means all civil proceedings commenced in any manner prescribed)


Notice of Intention to sue (Rule 39 of the Advocates Remuneration and Taxation of Cost Rules)

  • Wambugu V Public Service Commission [1972]EA 29



Statutory Notice

Suits against government, scheduled corporations and local governments

  • Kabandize and 20 Others V Kampala Capital City Authority Civil Appeal No. 28 of 2011*
  • Katwe Butego Division LCG V Masaka Municipal Council
  • Kampala City Council V Nuliyati [1974] EA 400
  • Gulu Municipal Council V Nyeko Gabriel & others [1997]1 KALR 18


Exceptions to the rule on Statutory Notice

  • TEAN V A.G & NEMA Misc. Appln No. 29/2011
  • Rwanyarare & Others V AG HCMA No.85/1993
  • Compare with the recent decision in Kabandize and 20 Others V KCCA (Supra)


Payment of Court fees

  • The Judicature (Court fees) Rules
  • Order 9 rule 16 and Order 7 rule 11(c)
  • Lawrence Muwanga V Steven Kyeyune SCCA No. 12/2001
  • UNTA Exports Ltd V Commissioner of Customs (1970) EA 43
  • Byabazaire V Mukwano Industries Ltd [2002 2 EA
  • Banco Arabe Espanol V Bank of Uganda CACA No. 42 of 1998
  • Schwertza V Cunningham (1954) 22 EACA 252


Commencement of Civil Proceedings

S.19 (Every suit shall be instituted in such manner as may be prescribed by rules)

Orders 4, 34, 37 and 38 of the Civil Procedure Rules

Plaint, Summary suit, Petitions, Divorce Causes, Company Causes, Miscellaneous Causes, Originating Summons, Notice of Motion, Chamber Summons and Election Petitions

PETER LE PELLEY: Instructions to file Suits 6 EALJ 67

  1. Unta Exports Ltd v Customs [1970] EA 648
  2. Musango v Musango [1979] HCB 226
  3. Kataramu v Maliya [1992-1993] HCB 161 (no action filed unless fees paid)
  4. Banco ArabeEspanol v Bank of Uganda (1996) HCB 12 (fees must be filed at the time of lodging the document. no document is properly filed until fees are paid or provided for by general deposit by an advocate)
  5. Schweitzer v Cunningham (1955) 22 EACA 252
  6. OnapatoDelaSania v Petra [1970] HCB 21
  7. Mansion House Ltd v Wilkinson (1954) 21 EACA
  8. Lyagiye v Attorney General [1973] ULR 124
  9. Rwakasoro v Attorney General [1982] HCB 40
  10. Pamba v CMB [1975] 369
  11. Buikwe Coffee Estates v Lutabi [1962] EA 328
  12. United Assurance v Attorney General [1995] VI KA LR 109


Issue and Service of Summons

Article 250(2) Constitution (proceedings against by or against Government to be instituted by or against AG)

S.20 Civil Procedure Act (when suit instituted service to be made upon defendant to enter appearance and answer the claim)

Order 5, Order 3rules 3,4 and 5, Order 29 rule 2, Order 30 rule 3, Order 37 rule 9, Order 51

  1. Kaur v City Auction Mart [1967] EA 108 (in practice notice of motion is treated as summons and has to be signed by judge and sealed by court)
  2. Nakitto& Brothers Ltd v Katumba [1983] HCB 70 (notice of motion falls within meaning of suit. No compliance with order 5 made the application a nullity)
  3. Attorney General v Satchu [1960] EA 108 (in the absence of mechanical apparatus rubber stamp can be used instead of a seal)
  4. Re Pritched Deceased [1963] All ER 873
  5. Kaigana Joy v DaboBoubon [1986] HCB 59
  6. OmuchiloErukan v AyubMachiwa [1966] EA 229
  7. Donnerbaum v Kurt Kimmollaschek [1966] EA 25
  8. EAGEN v Ntende [1979] HCB 227
  9. M B Automobiles v Kampala Bus Service [1966] EA 480
  10. Lalji v Devji [1962] EA 330
  11. ErukanaKavuma v Metha [1960] EA 305
  12. Waweru v Kiromo [1962] EA 172
  13. Mathias Kanimba v Suryan Kanji Patel [1973] HCB 185
  14. Otwani v BukenyaSsalongo [1976] HCB 62/337
  15. Kudanga v NIC [1977] HCB 243
  16. ZakaliyaKiggundu v Leo Kasujja [1971] HCB 164
  17. Ijjala v Energo Project [1988-1990] HCB 164
  18. Magera v Kakungulu [1976] HCB 289
  19. EsezaNamirembe v Musa Kizito [1973] 413
  20. NarijibhaiPrabhudas v Standard Bank [1968] EA 670



  1. 59 Civil Procedure Act (Interpleader)

Order 1, Order 29, Order 30, Order 31, Order 32 and Order 33 Civil Procedure Rules

  1. Komax v Landells (1848) 136 ER 1374
  2. Kabyesiza v Gold Trust Bank HCCS No 32 of 1998
  3. Oriental Insurance Brokers Ltd v Transocean (U) Ltd HCCS No. 230 of 1993
  4. Jingo v Kabangiza [1974] HCB 294
  5. Bibonde v Waiswa [1974] HCB 120
  6. Kabatore v Namatovu [1975] 159
  7. Nassozi v Water Resources Development Ltd [1978] HCB 210
  8. Musoke v Uganda Cooperative Savings [1978] HCB 189
  9. Masling v Motor Hiring Company [1919] KB 538
  10. Rhodes v Swithen Bank (1889) 22 QBD 577
  11. Dyke v Stehens 91885) 30 Ch D189
  12. Kaggwa v Attorney General [1981] HCB 333
  13. Wasswa v Senteza [1977] HCB 88
  14. Porter v Porter (1888) 37 Ch D 420
  15. Ashley v Taylor (1887) 10 Ch D 768
  16. Porter v Freudenberg [1915] 1 KB 857
  17. Schafennus v Golberg [1916] 1 KB 284
  18. Bugerere Coffee Growers v Sebadduka [1970] EA
  19. Bank of Ethiopia v National Bank of Egypt and Liguori (1937) Ch 513

Representative Action

Order 1 rule 8, Order 31, Order 7 rule 4 CPR

  1. Lewis v Daily Telegraph [1964] QB 601
  2. Kamouh v EAI (International ) Ltd [1980] 1 QB 199
  3. Ssonko v Aluma [1971] EA 443
  4. Makula International v Nsubuga [1982] HCB 85
  5. Campbell v Thompson [1953] 1 All ER 831
  6. Smith v Cardiff Corporation [1954] 1 QB 210
  7. Paulo Kanyima v Rugoora [1982] HCB 33
  8. Michael Otim v Okuza CACA No. 51 of 1985
  9. Johnson v Moss [1969] EA 654
  10. Danda v Ahmed 13 EACA 1
  11. J.J. Campos v De Souza 15 KLR 86

12            Wise v Perpetual Trustee Co. [1903] AC 139

  1. London Association for Protection of Trade v Greenlands Ltd [1916] 2 AC 15
  2. Market &Co. V Knoight S.S. Co. [1910] 2 KB 1021

Joinder of Parties

Order 1 rules 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 Civil Procedure Rules

Halsbury’s Laws of England Vol.30 Pg. 330 para. 565

MULLA: Code of Civil Procedure 12th Edition Vol. 1 Pg. 543

  1. Uganda General Trading Co. Ltd v Jinja Cash Stores Ltd [1965] EA 469
  2. Bank of India Ltd v Shah [1965] EA 18
  3. SempaMbabali v Kidza [1985] HCB 46
  4. Batemuka v Anywar [1987] HCB 71
  5. Lawrence M Kyazze v Eunice Busingye [1992] IV Ka LR 55
  6. YowanaKawere v Lunyo Estates Ltd [1959] EA 319
  7. Allah Ditta Qureshi v Patel (1951) 18 EACA 1
  8. Lombard Banking Kenya Ltd v Shah BaichandBhagwanyi [1960] EA 969
  9. Pathak v Mrekwe [1964] EA 24
  10. Ponjo v Toro African Bus Co. [1980] HCB 52
  11. Fernandes v Kara Arjan&Sons [1961] EA 693
  12. Kanani v Desai [1954] ULR 135
  13. Kaaso v AG [1975] HCB 194
  14. Makula International v Cardinal Nsubuga [1982] HCB 194
  15. Barclays Bank v Patel [1959] EA 219
  16. Burstall v Beyfus (1884) 26 ChD 35
  17. Norwich Pharmaacal Co. V Customs &Excise Commissioners [1973] 2 All ER 943
  18. Ellis v Kerr [1910] 1 ChD 529
  19. Hardie Line Ltd v Chilterm [1928] 1KB 563
  20. Bennets& Co. V Mcil Wraith & Co. [1896] 2QBD 404
  21. Parr v Snell [1923] 1KB 1

Third Parties

Order 1 rule 14 Civil Procedure Rules

Law Reform Miscellaneous Provisions Act

  1. Baxter v France [1922] All ER 270
  2. Standard Securities v Hubbard, Telensurance Third Party [1967] Ch 1056
  3. Nettleingham& Co. V Powell & Co. [1931] KB 1
  4. Overseas Touring Co. (road service) Ltd v African Produce Agency 1949 Ltd [1962] EA 190
  5. Sango Bay Estates Ltd v Dresdner Bank [1971] EA 30
  6. Wynne v Tempest [1897] 1 Ch 10
  7. Tafes, Walusimbi v AG of Uganda [1959] EA 233
  8. Kaggwa v L. Constaperavia [1963] EA 213
  9. Transami (U) Ltd v Transocean (U) Ltd [1991] HCB 59
  10. Slott v West Yorkshire Road Car Co. Home Bakeries [1971] 3 All ER 534
  11. Slade and Kempton (Jewellery) Ltd v N. Kayman [1969] 3 All ER 786
  12. Swansia Shipping Co. V QuahBengkee [1924] AC 177
  13. Easter Shipping Co. V Duncan [1876] 1QB 644
  14. Obongo v UTC [1975] HCB 118
  15. East Mengo Growers Cooperative Union Ltd v Nile [1985] HCB

Intervention by Amicus Curiae

  1. Re Nakivubo Chemists (U) Ltd [1977] HCB 311
  2. Jones v National Coal Board [1957] 2 QB 55
  3. Kayondo v AG (1987)

Vicarious Liability

  1. Mubiru v Byensiba [1985] HCB 106
  2. JovelynBarugahare v AG SCCA 28 of 1993
  3. Muwonge v AG [1967] EA 17
  4. Namwandu v AG [1970] EA
  5. Uganda American Insurance v Ruganzu SCCA 10 of 1992
  6. Canadian Pacific v Lockhart [1942] 2All ER 464



Order 6 CPR

(Plaint, Defence& Counter Claim, Reply) Ss. 2, 19 & 20 CPR, Order 6,7& 8 CPR

Sir Jack Jacob “The Present Importance of Pleadings” 2-1960 Current Law Problems

ODGERS’ Principles of Pleading and Practice Chap. 6

BULLEN AND LEAKE AND JACOB, Precedents of Pleadings 11th Edition 1975

  1. THANAWALL: Determining the Subject for Decision 10 EALJ 41
  2. Kasule v Makerere University [1975] HCB 376 at 378
  3. Talikuta v Nakendo [1979] HCB 276
  4. PainetoMubiru v UCB [1971] 1ULR 144
  5. Philips v Philips [1878] 4 QB 127 at 139
  6. Busuti v Busoga District Administration [1971] 1 ULR 179
  7. Mutongole v Nytil [1971] 1 ULR 179
  8. Acar& Others v AcarAliro [1982] HCB 60
  9. Lever Bros Ltd v Bell [1931] 1 KB 357
  10. Mbarara Coffee Curing v Grindlays [1975] HCB 57


Order 7 CPR

  1. Ghella M Shah v Abdullah [1962] EA 765
  2. Mutungi v Kabuchi [1966] EA 454
  3. Letang v Copper [1965] 1 qb 232 (Diplock J at 242)
  4. SempaMbabali v K. Kidza [1985] hcb 46
  5. Auto Grage v Motokov (no.3) [1973] EA 541
  6. Sullivan v Ali Mohammed Osman [1970] EA 476
  7. Odd Jobs v Mubia [1970] EA 476
  8. Libyan Arab Bank v Intepco Ltd [1985] HCB 73
  9. MikidadiKawesa v AG [1973] 1 ULR 21 [1973] HCB 114
  10. DhanjiRamji v Rambhai& Co. (U) Ltd [1970] EA 515
  11. Bamuwayire v AG [1973] HCB 89
  12. Birikwate v Kilembe Mines [1976] HCB 89
  13. Acar v AcarAliro [1982] HCB 60
  14. Ali Mustafa v Singo Bus Co. [1975] HCB 99
  15. Nagokno v Sir Charles Tahaba [1976] hcb 99
  16. Shap v Holdworth [1876] 3Ch 673
  17. YafesiKatimbo v Grindlays Bank [1973] HCB
  18. Nyandoi v EA Railways Corporation [1974] HCB 122
  19. Lukyamuzi v House Tenant Agencies Ltd [1983] HCB 75
  20. EruniyaEbyetu v Gusberit [1985] HCB 63
  21. Mrs. Kazoora v AG [1973] HCB 115
  22. EAGEN Co Ltd v Standard Bank HCCS 888 of 1971
  23. Bruce v Oldhams Press Ltd [1936] 1KB 697
  24. Bukenya v AG [1972] EA 326
  25. Cookie & Films Ltd v Speidel [1961] EA 1125 at 1129
  26. Plato Films Ltd v Speidel [1961] EA 1090 at 1131
  27. Lalji v MagnalalaPurshotem [1973] HCB at 142
  28. WanumeKibeedi v The Citizen & Fad

Particulars of Special Damages

  1. Kasule v Makerere University [1975] HCB 376
  2. Geilla Shah v Abdullah [1962] EA 765
  3. Semutima v Kaddu [1976] HCB 15
  4. Plotti v Acacia Co. [1959] EA 248
  5. Kahigiriza v Sezi
  6. Take Me Home v Apollo Construction
  7. Kisige v MuzakamiBatolewo [1981] HCB 67

Written Statement of Defence

Order 8 CPR

  1. Kanji David Damdan [1934] EA
  2. JamadasSodha v Gordhandas 7 ILR 7
  3. Sengendo v AG [1971] HCB 304
  4. Bitaitan v Kananura [1977] HCB 34
  5. Uganda Wholesalers v Impex House [1971] HCB 245
  6. FazalHace v Singh 19 KLR 23
  7. Mapeera Trading Co. V Semwanje [1973] HCB 65
  8. Talikuta v Nakendo [1979] HCB
  9. Posts & Telecoms v TerrazioPaviors (1973) EA 344

Reply and Departure

Order 6 rule 6

  1. Wrghtson Cooks [1908] 1 Ch
  2. Kahigiriza v Sezi
  3. Uganda Wholesalers Ltd v Impex House Ltd [1971] 245
  4. Moses Katuramu v AG hcb 39


Joshi v Uganda Sugar Factory Ltd [1968] EA 570


Order 6 rule 19

  1. Eastern Bakery v Castelino [1958] EA 461
  2. General Manager & HV Theirstein [1968] EA 354
  3. Roe v Kavies [1876] ChD 729 at 733
  4. Kasolo v Nile Bus Service Co. [1979] HCB 17
  5. KalodiaNambi v Bunyoro General Merchants [1974] HCB 124
  6. Kapkwata Saw Mills v Universal Plumbing CACA No. 5 of 1984
  7. Talikuta v Nakendo [1979] HCB 276
  8. Balikurungi v AG [1976] HCB 346
  9. Uganda Tanicare Ltd v MB Patel [1971] HCB 78
  10. ShokataliLalji v Purshotam [1973] 6 HCB 142
  11. Nzirane v Lukwago [1971] HCB 75
  12. Marshal v London Passenger Transport Board [1936] 3 All ER 83
  13. Wasswa v Uganda Rayon Textiles [1982] HCB 142
  14. Baker v Medway Building and Supplies Ltd [1958] 3 All ER 540
  15. Nsereko v Lubega [1982] HCB 51
  16. Birikwate v Kilembe Mines [1976] HCB
  17. British India General Insurance Co. Ltd v Parmar& Co. [1966] EA 172
  18. D.D. Bawa v Singh [1961] EA 282
  19. Gaso Transport v AdalaObene SCCA No. 4 of 1994
  20. Lucy v Heney [1970] 1 QB 893
  21. CMB V Frank Kizito [1992-93] HCB 175
  22. Sebunya v UCB [1992-93] HCB 224

Unpleaded Issues

  1. Kaliwa&Bikorwenda v UTC [1978] HCB 316
  2. Nkalubo v Kibirige [1973] EA 102
  3. Plotti v The Acacia Co. Ltd [1959] EA 248
  4. Kahigiriza v Sezi [1982] HCB 148
  5. Damji v Rambhai [1970] EA 515
  6. Shah v Patel & Others [1961] EA 297
  7. Odd Jobs v Mubia [1970] EA 476
  8. Take Me Home Ltd v Apollo Construction [1981] HCB 43
  9. Mbarara Coffee Curing Works Ltd [1975] HCB 57



  1. Auto Garage v Motokov [1971] EA 314
  2. SsempaMbabali v Kiiza [1985] HCB
  3. Kayondo v AG 1987
  4. Cooke v Gill [1873] LR 8 CP 107
  5. Uganda Aluminium Ltd v RestutaTwinomugisha CACA No. 22 of 2000
  6. Tororo Cement Co. Ltd v Frokina SCCA No. 2 of 2001
  7. Kapeeka Coffee Works Ltd v NPART caca No. 3 of 2000
  8. Ali Mustafa v Sango Bay Bus Co. [1975] HCB 93

Joinder of Causes of Action

Order 1 rules 2,5,6

  1. Christopher Kayoboke v Amos Agaba HCCS No. 630 of 1991
  2. Bolton v Salim Khambi [1958] EA 360
  3. Sacahain Corporation Ltd v Wild [1903] 1ChD 365
  4. Re Martin (1882) 20 ChD 365
  5. William v Hunt [1905] 1 KB 512
  6. Godrei, Foncard& Sons v Sinclair [1916-17] All ER 898
  7. Kamunye v Pioncer General Assurance Society Ltd [1971] EA 263
  8. Semakula v Mugala [1979] HCB 90
  9. West Leigh Colliery Co. Ltd v Tunn, CliffeHompson Ltd [1904-07] All ER 189
  10. Isaac & Sons v Salsbstein [1916-17] All ER 386
  11. Margison v Blackburn Borough Council [1939] All ER 272


Consolidation of Actions/Test Suits

Order 11, Order 29 rule 1

  1. YowanaAkirod v FilipoMalinga [1992-93] HCB 91
  2. Kawoya v Tumpeco [1974] HCB 68
  3. Amos Mugisha v DAPCB [1990] Ka LR 38
  4. Karsan v Harman SirighBhogal (1953) 20 EACA 74
  5. TeopistaKyebitama v DamyanoBatuma [1976] HCB 276
  6. Stumberg v Portgieter [1970] EA 323
  7. Hearly v Waddington & Sons Ltd [1954] All ER 861
  8. Martin v Martin & Co [1897] 1 QB 429
  9. Kiva Mukuteesa Consumers v Ssebugwawo [1986] HCB 61
  10. Amos v Chadwick (1887) 9 Ch D 459
  11. Allen v Water’s & Co. [1935] 1QB 367
  12. Surrendra Overseas Ltd v Government of Sri Lanka [1977] 1WLR 565
  13. Kirby v Leather [1965] 2QB 367
  14. Parnell v Roche [1927] 2Ch 142
  15. Spencer v Hemmerde [1922] AC 507
  16. Busch v Stevens [1963] 1QB
  17. Wilberforce John v Sezi Wako CACA No. 1 of 1998



Limitation Act, Cap. 80

S.8 (2) Law Reform (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act Cap. 74

Interpretation Act S.34

Civil Procedure and Limitation (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2000

  1. Charles Mpiima v Attorney General HCCS No. 980 of 1990 [1990-91] 2Ka LR 54
  2. Hilton v Sulton Steam Laundry [1946] 1 KB 1
  3. Thomson v Lord Clan Morris [1900] 1Ch 718
  4. Re Russo Asiatic Bank [1934] Ch 720
  5. MusurusBey v Gadban [1894] 2QB 352
  6. Groom v Crocker [1939] 1 KB 194
  7. Bagot v Stevens, Scalan& Co. Ltd [1966] 1 QB 197
  8. Auto Garage v Motokov [1971] EA 514
  9. Arnold v Central Electricity Generating Board [1988] AC 288
  10. Miramago v Attorney General [1979] HCB 24
  11. SayikwoMuroma v YovanKuko [1985] HCB 68
  12. Radcliff v Bartholomew [1892] QB 161
  13. Bulenzi V Wandera [1990-91] 1KA LR 107
  14. Mugabi v Nytil [1992-93] HCB 227
  15. JoweriaNamaganda v AG [1996] 2 kalr 83
  16. EridadOtabong v AG SCCANo. 6 of 1990
  17. National Pharmacy Ltd v KCC CACA No. 29 of 1979
  18. Kampala Bottlers v Damanico (U) Ltd SCCA No. 22 of 1992
  19. Peter Mangeni t/a Makerere Institute of Commerce v DAPCB SCCA No. 13 of 1995

Limitations Against Government

  1. EridadOtabong v AG SCCANo. 6 of 1990
  2. National Pharmacy Ltd v KCC [1979] 256
  3. Peco Arts Inc. v Hazlic Gallery Ltd [1983] 1WLR 1315



S.20 CPA

Order 3 CPR

  1. Beliram v Salkand (1954) KLR 28
  2. EAP&TC v TerrazoPaviours [1973] EA 344
  3. EA Roofing Co. Ltd v Pandit (1954) 27 KLR 86
  4. Shangara v Farm Vehicles [1969] EA 588
  5. Kisembo v Ogengo [1970] EA 96
  6. Nassanga v Nanyonga [1977] HCB 319
  7. Kawooya v Naava [1975] HCB 314
  8. KyobeSenyange v Naks [1980] HCB 31
  9. Bitaitan v Kananura [1977] HCB 34
  10. Lalji v agnalal [1973] HCB 142
  11. Sebugulu v Katunda [1979] HCB 46
  12. Sebunya v AG [1980] HCB

4.2 Weekly Schedule

Week Topic Required Reading Assignments
1 Commencement of proceedings


1.        Anthony J Draper: Corruptions in the Administration of Justice: Bentham’s Critique of Civil Procedure 1806-1811

2.       SSEKAANA M & S.N. SSEKAANA: Civil Procedure and Practice in Uganda (2008)

3.       For cases and Statutory provisions, refer to the course outline above.

2 Issue and Service of Summons


1.        SSEKAANA M & S.N. SSEKAANA: Civil Procedure and Practice in Uganda (2008)

2.       For cases and Statutory provisions, refer to the course outline above.

3 TO 4 Parties to civil actions


1.        SSEKAANA M & S.N. SSEKAANA: Civil Procedure and Practice in Uganda (2008)

2.       For cases and Statutory provisions, refer to the course outline above.

3.       S. 59 Civil Procedure Act

4.      Order 1,29,30,31,32


5 Interpleader Order 34 CPR


6TO 7 pleadings


1.        SSEKAANA M & S.N. SSEKAANA: Civil Procedure and Practice in Uganda (2008)

2.       Order 6, 7 and 8 CPR

3.       For cases and Statutory provisions, refer to the course outline above.


8 Cause of action


1.        SSEKAANA M & S.N. SSEKAANA: Civil Procedure and Practice in Uganda (2008)

2.       For cases and Statutory provisions, refer to the course outline above.

3.       Order 1 rules 2,5,6 CPR

4.      Order 2 rule 2,4,7,8 CPR

9 Consolidation and Test Suits Order 11, Order 29 rule 1


10 Limitation of actions


1.        SSEKAANA M & S.N. SSEKAANA: Civil Procedure and Practice in Uganda (2008)

2.       Limitation Act, Cap. 80, S.8 (2) Law Reform (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act Cap. 74, Interpretation Act S.34, Civil Procedure and Limitation (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2000

3.       For cases and other Statutory provisions, refer to the course outline above.


11 Appearance and Recognised Agents


Order 3 CPR

Cases on course outline above


12 Revision

4.3 Assignment Explanations

Civil Procedure is going to be a writing intensive course for Fourth Year students. Each stream will be separated into smaller classes in order to provide the students with more intensive oversight and feedback in the tutorial sections. 

The tutorial assistants will develop   multiple writing assignments that will be the basis of the coursework mark in the course.  Students will not be allowed to conduct group work.  Thus the tutorial assistants will be creating multiple assignments.

  1. Assessment Criteria


                Coursework/Test                                             30%

                Final Exam                                          70% (LIMITED OPEN BOOK)

  1. Faith in Teaching [1-3 ideas of how Faith is incorporated in content or learning – bible reference, examples; relation to Christian ethics or concepts; faith in action/service, etc]

Ecclesiastes 3:1-2

“To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: A time to be born and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;”

This is the time to plant and what you plant is what you will sow.

  1. Bibliography

See Required Readings Above

Uganda Christian University Bachelor of Laws Courses For Year 1


Contracts I

Introducing Law

Criminal Law

Constitutional History

Uganda Christian University Bachelor of Laws Courses For Year 2


Foundations of Land Law

Nature and History of Torts

Administrative Processes

Legal Methods

Law of Sales

Uganda Christian University Bachelor of Laws Courses For Year 3


Jurisprudence II

Business Associations I

Evidence I

Criminal Procedure

International Law 1

Family Law

Uganda Christian University Bachelor of Laws Courses For Year 4


Civil Procedure I

Clinical Legal Education I

Intellectual Property I

International Humanitarian Law

Oil & Gas  Law

Labour Law 1

Alternative Dispute Resolution

ICT Law and Policy

Environmental Law and Policy

Gender & the Law

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