Uganda Christian University School of Law Criminal Procedure Course

Uganda Christian University School of Law Criminal Procedure Course




                   BACHELOR OF LAWS

Tutorial Assistant:

  1. Course Description

Criminal Procedure is a practical subject that deals with the legal procedure for bringing criminal offenders to justice. These rules are found in statutory enactment and case law.


  1. Course Objective

At the end of this course, the student will be able to;

  1. Appreciate the legal basis for police work regarding crime, particularly police investigations.


  1. Demonstrate an understanding of the law relating to how suspects (or persons in conflict with the law) are brought to justice before the courts of law.


  1. Be able to understand the procedures and legal basis for punishment.


  1. Basic legal Materials

The Constitution of Uganda, 1995

The Magistrate Court Act Cap 16

The Magistrates’ Courts (Amendment) Act, 2007

The Criminal Procedure Code Act Cap 116

The Trial on Indictment Act Cap 23

The Penal Code Act Cap 120

The Penal Code (Amendment) Act, 2007

The Prisons Act Cap 303

The Probation Act Cap 122

The Children’s Act Cap 59

The Habitual Criminals (Preventive Detention) Act Cap 118

The Extradition Act Cap 117

The Judicature Act Cap 13

The Court of Appeal Rules, Directions, 1996

Justice of Peace Act Cap 15

The Magistrates Courts (Magisterial Areas) Instrument, 2007


  1. General Readings/Textbooks
  • Ayume, Francis J., Criminal Procedure and Law in Uganda, Longman, 1980
  • Odoki, B.J., A Guide to Criminal Procedure in Uganda, Kampala. L.D.C Publishers 1975
  • Odoki, B. J., Cases on Criminal Procedure Vol. II L.D.C. Publications: A Handbook for Magistrates, Kampala, 1972
  • Brown Donglas, Criminal Procedure in Uganda and Kenya ( 2nd), London, Sweet and Maxwell, 1970
  • Ssekandi F. W., Specimen Charges for Common Offences in Uganda, Kampala L.D.C Publishers, 1975
  • Roger Arguile, Criminal Procedure, London, Butterworths
  • Odoki, B. J, Sentencing in Uganda (L.D.C) Kampala, 1979
  • Hampton C., Criminal Procedure and Evidence London, Sweet & Maxwell, 1973


  1. Methodology, course requirements and evaluation

The instructor will use a variety of teaching methods including the lecture method and seminar style method (involving class discussions), with a bigger emphasis on the lecture method. Students will take their own notes as the instructor facilitates their learning. Lectures will be supplemented by tutorials.


Students are encouraged to attend all the classes and prepare for class by reading in advance.

This is a largely case based subject and students are encouraged to find and read the cases provided on the reading list.


Student will be assessed at two levels; course work and examination. Course work constitutes 30 percent, while examination accounts for the 70 percent of the marks. It should be noted that out of the 30 marks for coursework, 10 marks will be reserved for class attendance and class participation.


  • Nature of Criminal Proceedings
  • Jurisdiction
  • Extradition
  • Summons, Warrants and Arrest
  • Searches and Search Warrants
  • Bail
  • Charges and Indictments
  • Criminal Prosecutions ( Trial Procedure)
  • Trial before Magistrate Courts
  • Trial before the High Court
  • Pleas ( including change of plea and functus officio rule)
  • Judgments
  • Sentencing ( including orders related to sentencing- compensation, restitution, reconciliation, forfeiture, binding over order)
  • The trial of juvenile offenders
  • Appeals and Revisions


Topic Required Reading




Ayume: Ch.1, Pages 1-8

Abdul Aziz Suleman v R (1958) EA 31

Onumu & Another v R (1970) EA 453


Ayume : Ch.3,pages 15-16

Richard Card and Jones: Criminal Law, 13th Edn, Ch.4, page 45.

The Constitution of Uganda; arts. 129 -139

The Judicature Act

Magistrates Courts Act; s. 1, 2, 3, 31-41, 142, 157, 161 & 166

Trial on Indictments Act; s. 1, 3

The Penal Code Act; s. 4, 5

The High Court (Circuits) Instrument, SI No. 20 of 2004


Ug vs  Mustapha Atama (1975) HCB 254

Musisi  vs  R (1969)  EA 493

Animisic Ltd vs  Foreign Compensation Commission (1967) 2 All ER 986

Desai vs Warsama (1967) EA 351

Ug vs. James Bitambe ( 1983) HCB 17

R v Pinfold (1988) 2 WLR 635

Ug v Ongone Taresela (1992-93) HCB 75

Kabenge & 2 Ors vs Uganda ( 1971) ULR 20

R vs. Hashin S/O Mohammed Mfaume (1968) HCB 272

Ug vs. Katamu Alayo (1977) HCB 219

Ug vs. Santina Rakias [1980] HCB 98

Ug vs. Stabi Juman [1983] HCB 14

Ug vs. Ongone Taresela (1992 -1993) HCB 75

Ug vs. Christopher Kiwanuka (1979) HCB 210


















The Extradition Act, Cap. 117

The Extradition (Arrangements) (Enforcement) Instrument, SI No. 117-1

Ayume: Ch. 3, pages 21-28



Re Castioni (1891) 1 QB 149

Re an Application by the Attorney General of Tanganyika (1958) EA 482

R v Meunier (1894) 2 QB 41

R v Governor of Brixton Prison, Ex parte Kaleynski (1955) 2 WLR 116

R v Governor of Brixton Prison, Ex parte Gargener (1968) 1 All ER 636

Cheng vs. Governor of Pentoville Prison (1973) 2 WLR 746

Re an application by the Attorney General of Tanganyika [1958] E.A 482






Ayume: Ch.4

Odoki: pages 37-44

Constitution: Articles 23 and 24

MCA: s. 44-53

TIA: s. 5, 21-36

CPCA: s. 2-23


Uganda v Kamalawo & 4 Others  (1983) HCB 23

Stephen Obiro v R (1962) EA 61

Davey v Shawecroft (1948) 1 All ER 827

Christine v Leachinsky (1947) 1 All ER 567

Beard & Another v Republic (1970) EA 448

M’bui vs. Dyer (1967) EA 315

Mwangi s/o Njerege vs. R (1954) 21 EACA 377

Karum s/o Njerege vs. R (1954) 21 EACA 377

Joseph Byarugaba vs. Ug [1973] ULR 4

Gustus Nsubuga vs. Attorney General (1973) 1 ULR 74

Edward Lule Nsimbe vs. Ug (1982) HCB 77

Ug vs. D Kamalawo and 4 ors (1983) HCB 23

Nvule vs. Attorney General (1978) HCB 31

Stephen Oporocha vs. Ug [1991] HCB 9

Ug vs. Kizza [1983] HCB 12

F. Sentamu vs. U.C.B 7 Anor [1983] HCB 59

Byansi & Anor vs. Busoga District Local Administration [1975] HCB 286

R.K. Kasule vs. Makerere University Kampala [1975] HCB 375













Odoki: pages 45-48

Constitution: art. 27

Ayume: Ch.5

MCA: s. 69 -74

CPCA: s. 3-8

Police Act: s. 24 – 28


Kityo v Uganda (1967) EA 23

Onyango v Uganda (1967) EA 386

Tenywa v Uganda (1967) EA 102

Simon Musoke v R (1958) EA 715

Ug v Kakooza (1984) HCB 1

Ug v Twaha Muyangu [1975] HCB 329

Elias vs. Pasmore (1934) 2 KB 164

Mohanlal Trivedi vs. R [1967] EA 355

Dritoo vs. West Nile District Administration [1968] EA 428

Ug vs. Alfred Cox-Odoki [1973] HCB 191

Koech vs. R [1968] EA 109

Simon Musoke vs. Ug [1958]EA 715

Tumuhairwe vs. Ug [1967] EA 328

Ug vs. Musisi [1977] HCB 298

Kiwanuka & Anor vs. Ug [1977] HCB 1

Ug vs. Mukasa [1978] HCB 318

Ndege vs. Ug [1979] HCB 162 (CA)

Ug vs. Zakaria Kera [1975]107

Christopher Lubaale vs. Uganda [1995] VI KALR 36




The Constitution: Art. 23(6)

Ayume: Ch.6

Odoki: Ch. 14 pages 69-75

MCA: Sections 75-84, 205

TIA: Sections 14,15 and 17

The Judicature (Criminal Procedure)(Applications) Rules, SI No. 13-8: rules 2-4

Livingstone Mukasa & 5 Others v Uganda [1976] HCB 117

Panju v R (1973) 282

Nakyeyune v Uganda (1992-93) HCB 61

Jagger v R (1973) EA 39

Mugerwa Ssalongo v Uganda (1986) HCB 25

S. Ruparelia v Uganda (1992-93) HCB 52

Ug. Vs. Lawrence Luzinda [1986] HCB 33

In an Application for Bail for Balaki Kirya Misc. Criminal Appeal 65/1984

DPP vs. Col (RTD) Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Constitutional Reference No. 20 of 2005

Col (RTD) Dr. Kiiza Besigye vs. Ug H.C. Criminal Misc. Application No. 37 of 2004 – Interim bail

Alvind Patel vs. Ug S.C.C.A No 1 of 2003 – consideration for bail pending appeal

Christopher Lubaale vs. Ug [1995] IV KALR 48

Capt. Wilberfore Serunkuma vs. Ug [1995] 1 KALR 32

Leonard Muyingo vs. Ug [1995] II KALR 32

Ug vs. Quarish Ggolooba [1998] II KALR 27

Charles Onyango Obbo & Andrew Mwenda vs. Ug [1997] V KALR 25

Mutyaba Semu vs. Ug H.C Criminal Misc. Application No. 99/92

Dr. Aggrey Kiyingi vs. Ug H.C. Misc. Criminal Application No.41 of 2005

Florence Byabazaire vs. Ug H.C. Misc. Criminal Application No.284 of 2006

Dens Obua Otima v. Ug H.C. Misc. Criminal Application No.18 of 2005

















































































Ayume:  Ch. 7

Odoki; Ch.11

MCA: S. 42(2), 85-88, 132,

TIA: s. 22-27, 50 – 51, 58

R v Timbukiza s/o Kiyonga (1958) EA 212

Judge & Ors v West Nile Administration (1963) EA 406

R v Wandera (1948) 15 EACA 105

Ug v Lakol (1986) HCB 27

R v Male (1963) EA 471

Kimeze & Anor. V Uganda (1983) HCB 9

Ug v Ndondo & 2 Ors. (1985) HCB 3

Balinda v Ug (1992-93) HCB 41

Matu v Ug (1951) EACA 311

Ug vs. Samwiri Baligeya [1977] HCB 223

Judagi & Ors vs. West Nile District Administration [1963] EA 406

Kayondo vs. Ug (1992 – 1993) HCB 41

Ug vs. Ndondo & 2 Ors [1985] HCB 3

Ug vs. Paulo Muwanga (1988 – 90) HCB 72

Ug. William Ibwokital [1980] HCB 3

Stephen Kisuwa & Anor vs. Ug [1980] HCB 95

Ug vs. Katabazi [1978] HCB 4

Ug vs. Mpaya [1975] HCB 245

Ug vs. Byaruhanga [1975] HCB 258


Ayume: pp. 70-75

Odoki: p.55

MCA s. 85 -87

TIA s. 23 -24


Alikaeli v R (1932) 12 EACA 371

Leban Koti v R (1962) EA 439

R v Peter  Scarmange 47 Cr. App. R 2132

Joseph s/o Odare v R (1954) 21 EACA 311

Dalip Singh v R (1971) hcb 364

Nathan v R (1965) EA 77

Ug v Bitambe (1983) HCB 17

Yowanda Buliza v Uganda (1965) EA 634

Kato v Ug 91971) HCB 36

Yakobo Uma & Anor vs. R [1965] EA 542

Sulemani Makerere vs. R (1973) 1 TLR ® 205

Ug vs. Katabazi [1978] HCB 67

Ug vs. Luabye [1986] AC 31

Joseph s/o Odare vs. R (1954) 21 EACA 311

Delip Sigh vs. R [1971] HCB 364

Yolamu Okecho & Anor vs. U {1977} HCB 270

Ug vs. Muwonge (1988 – 90) HCB 72

Ug vs. Emmanual Yigga [1984] HCB 25

Pin vs. Ug (1992 -93) HCB 32

Ug vs. Kadi Matovu & Anor [1983] HCB

Yorokamu Okech & Isaya Okumu vs. Ug [1977] HCB 270


MCA, s. 42

TIA s. 25, 50, 58

Odoki; pp.55-56

Ayume: pp. 76-80


Ug vs.  Matovu (1983) HCB 27

Kimaze & Anor. vs.  Uganda (1983) HCB 9

Koti vs. R (1962) EA 437

Opale vs. R (1962) EA 661

Ug vs.Sebaale (1986) HCB 36

Avone vs. Ug [1969] EA 129

Ug vs. James Bitambe [1983] HCB 17

Ug vs. Robert & Anor (1969) EA 622

Opale vs. R (1962) EA 611

Ug vs. Keneri Opidi (1965) EA 614

Abdul Rasul G. Subur vs. R [1958] EA 126

Harbans Singh vs. R[1958] EA 199

Ug vs. Bwambale & Anor [1979] HCB 254

Saidi vs R [1969] EA 280

Ludwike vs. R [1967} EA 763

Ug vs.Okello [1985]hcb 13

Shah vs. R [1960] EZ 562

Ug vs. Ssebaale [1986] HCB 230

Ug vs. Bitambe [1983] HCB 17


MCA, s.132

TIA, s. 50

Ayume: Ch.81 – 83

Odoki, pg 71


Wanje  Kanyoro Kamau v R (1965) EA 501

Lubega & Ors vs. Ug (1967) EA 240

Mwangi vs. R (1974) EA 499

R. vs Sitapakwe [1945] 19 EACA 240

Mbithi Kisoi vs. R (1955) 22 EACA 484

Maine s/o Kamunye vs. R (1954) 21 EACA 254 (k)

Yusuf Mauma vs. R [1966} EA 167

Saucier vs. R [1962] EA 30

R vs. Pople (1951) 1 KB 53

Maulidi Abdullah Chengo vs. Republic [1964] EA 122 (T)

William Sebugenyi vs. R (1959) EA 411

Ug vs. Isake Irumba & 4 Ors [1978] HCB* 229

Musoke vs. R (1956 -57) 8 ULR 108





Ayume: Ch.8

Odoki: PP. 92-100


Wanje  Kanyoro Kamau v R (1965) EA 501

Lubega & Ors v Uganda (1967) EA 240

Mwangi v R (1974) EA 499

R. v Sitapakwe [1945] 19 EACA 240

Lubega & Ors vs. R (1967) EACA 240

R vs. Hans 20 Cr. App EA 144

Batala vs. E [1974] EA 402

Ug vs. Akai & Ors [1979] HCB 6

Musa & Ors v. R [1970] EA 42

Ug vs. Ndungo [1978] HCB 226

R vs. Suke d/o Samw & Ors (1947) 14 EACA 134

























Ayume: Ch.9

Odoki: Ch. 14

MCA: S.124


R v Inns 69 Crim. App. R 231

Adam v R (1975) EA 445

Ug. v Mwebesa (1978) HCB 872

Ug. v Lwanga (1984) HCB 20.

R v Thomas (1950) KB 26

Ug. v Tukei (1979) HCB 127

Ug. v Lakot (1986) HCB 27

Ug. v Kilama (1992-93) HCB 50

Ug. v Muwonge & Ors (1978) HCB 23

Haji Sedi Senyaga vs. Ug [1975] EA 186

Ug. Vs. Muwonge & Ors [1978} HCB 23

Ug. Vs. Bwambale & Anor [1979] HCB 252

Ug. Vs. Milenge & Anor [1970] EA 269

George Kanalusasi vs. Ug (1988 – 90) HCB 9

Ug vs. Charles Olet & Anor [1991] HCB 13

Ug vs. Matovu [1973] HCB 95


Ayume: Ch.9

Mugola S/o Pudha v R (1953) 20 EACA 171

Kulundi Gatithi v R (1973) EA 540

R v Guest (1964) 3 All ER 685

George Yiga v Uganda 1974) HCB 162

Lapi & 2 Ors v R MB 98/65

Okello v R (1969) EA 167

Yusuf Mbumba v R (1966)  EA 383

R v Guest (1964) 2 All ER 685

S (an infant) v Manchester City Recorder & Ors (1969) 3 All ER 1230

Ug. vs. Savio Elio Crim. Rev. 90/77

Ug. vs Ndondo & 2 Ors (1985) HCB 3

Yiga vs Ug (1974) HCB 162

Ug. Vs. Tukei (1979) HCB 127

Ug vs Bakamwise (1986) HCB 15

Ug vs. Okwang Michael ( 1992 – 93) HCB 62


Uganda Christian University Bachelor of Laws Courses For Year 1


Contracts I

Introducing Law

Criminal Law

Constitutional History

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Foundations of Land Law

Nature and History of Torts

Administrative Processes

Legal Methods

Law of Sales

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Jurisprudence II

Business Associations I

Evidence I

Criminal Procedure

International Law 1

Family Law

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Civil Procedure I

Clinical Legal Education I

Intellectual Property I

International Humanitarian Law

Oil & Gas  Law

Labour Law 1

Alternative Dispute Resolution

ICT Law and Policy

Environmental Law and Policy

Gender & the Law

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