Uganda Christian University School of Law Family Law Course

Uganda Christian University School of Law Family Law Course




Reading List and Course Outline

Course Content

The Module of Family Law II at the Uganda Christian University embraces two important aspects of Domestic Relations law, i.e. the Law relating to Children and the law relating to Succession. Having had an exposure into the fundamental legal concepts of the Family as a unit in Society under Family Law I, the student is expected to feed those principles learnt in the first semester by placing them within the context of having Children in the family as well as within the context of legal considerations that arise under situations of death in the family, i.e. the law of Succession.


Course Aim

By the end of this Course, students should be equipped with legal knowledge on children generally, starting from the right to life up to the right to inherit property. Under the Law of Succession, students will learn about testate and intestate succession; i.e. how to write wills, factors that invalidate wills, revocation of wills and what to do when a person dies without writing a valid will. Interpretation of wills is also covered. Procedure of applying for letters of administration of an estate and probate proceedings are also dealt with.


Course objectives

By the end of this study, you should be able to;

  • Appreciate the importance and relevance of a child within the family, as well as the legal values and principles attached to looking after a child or sharing a household with a child. Custody, Guardianship, Adoption.



  • Understand the obligations placed upon families upon the death of an individual within the family, more so, the head of the family.


  • Discuss various legal options available and principles that go with the existence or validity of a Will or non existence of the same at the demise of the family head. This gives consideration of the socio-economic realities in Uganda, such as the progressive evolution from an extended family system to the nuclear family.


  • Explain the key contents of a will and importance. How wills can be invalidated or revoked. Understand the legal consequences of not leaving behind a valid will


  • Identify relevant documents and practice the Drafting of relevant documents in each topic. Documents for custody application, guardianship application, adoption application, application for probate, letters of administration etc.


Teaching Methods

  1. Classes

We will meet on Mondays and Wednesday from 2: pm to 4: pm in K & M Building

The approach taken in each class will vary in accordance with the topic and materials. However, in general, the class will be divided into different groups. Each group will be expected to present in each class about the topic of the readings assigned for each class. The lecturer will after group discussions lecture about the topic of the readings. The classes will proceed on the presumption that the assigned readings have been prepared. Thus, do not expect that a summary of the readings will always be provided for you in class.


Therefore, TAKE WARNING: unless you have done the assigned readings, the class discussions will have less diminished value for you. Please bring your reading materials, your statutes and cases to class.


  1.  Participatory  group discussions
  2.  Review and discussion of  Main Cases
  3. Mini Moots in key topics


Means of Evaluation

(i) Course work assessment comprising a research question or test marked out of 20% and tutorial & group participation carrying 10 marks

(ii) End of semester written examination which contributes 70%.




  • Bromley & Lowe, Bromley’s Family Law 9 Ed
  • S.M. Cretney and J.M. Masson, Principles of Family Law. 6th Edition (This book is available in LDC Library and UCU Library).
  • W M Musyoka, A Casebook on the Law of Succession. (Available in UCU Library



  1. A,R. Mellows, The Law of Succession
  2. Jennifer Okumu Wengi: The Law of Succession in Uganda: Women, inheritance laws & Practices — Essays & Cases (1994)
  3. Okumu Wengi: Women’s Property Rights in Dissolution of Marriage and Widowhood: Weeding the Millet Field.
  4. H. Morris. The Law of Succession in Uganda: Integration of Customary and Modern Legal Systems; Institute of African Studies, African Publishing Corporation N.Y./ University of Ife Press, Iller-Ife, Nigeria (1971) pp. 3 11-325.
  5. George William Mugwanya. Re-invigorating the Struggle for Gender Equality in Uganda. A case for the Domestication of International Human Rights Standards – Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights, 20O1.
  6. Coulson NJ, Succession in the Muslim Family, London, Cambridge University Press 1971.
  7. Majisul Ulama of South Africa (Port Elizabeth), Kitaabul — Meer’ath:

The Book of Inheritance, Young Men’s Muslim Association, South Africa.

  1. Mohamed Mustafa Ali, Islamic Law of Inheritance: A new Approach, New Delhi, 1989.
  2. Neil Baille, Digest of Mohammedan Law, Lahore Premier Book House 1965.


International instruments

I     UN Convention on the Rights of the Child

ii    The African Charter on Human and People’s Rights (1981)

iii   The African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the African Child

iv   International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (1966)

  1. Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948).


Domestic laws

  1. The Constitution of the Republic of Uganda 1995
  2. The Children Act Cap. 59.
  3. Divorce Act Cap 249
  4. The Family and Children Court Rules 1998.
  5. The Adoption of Children Rules 1997
  6. Judicature Act Cap 13.
  7. The Succession Act Cap 162,
  8. The Administration of Estates (Small Estates) (Special Provisions) Act Cap 156
  9. The Estates of Missing Persons (Management) Act Cap 159.
  10. Administrator General’s Act Cap 157.
  11. Probates Resealing Act Cap 160.
  12. Public Trustee Act Cap 161
  13. The Administration of Estates of persons of unsound mind Act Cap. 155.
  14. The Trust Corporations (Probate and Administration) Act Cap. 163.






Course Details (Reading List)







 Law Applicable

– The Children Act, Cap 59 sections 2 – 9

– The Constitution of Uganda, 1995, Art 257 on definition of a child, Art 22(2)

– The Contract Act, Cap. 73

– The Employment Act, Cap 219

– The Bible Psalms



  • Family Law Fourth Edition by Jonathan Herring Chapter 8 PP397-450
  • Cretney & Proberts Family  Law Seventh Edition Chapter 14 PP351-368


Common law Cases

  1. McKay & Another v. Essex Area Health Authority & Anor (1982) 2 All E.R. 771.
  2. Udale v. Bloomsbury Area Health Authority (1983) 2 All E.R. 522.
  3. Sparttan Steel and Alloys Ltd. v. Martin & Co (Contractors) Ltd. (1972) 3 All E.R. 557 or (1973) 1 Q.B. 27 or (1972) 3 WLR 502.





Law Applicable

– The Constitution of Uganda, 1995, Article 3 1(4), (5), Art,34.

– The Divorce Act, Cap 249

– The Children Act, Cap 59 sections 4, 5,6, 73,76,77,78,81,82 85 – 87



  • Bromley’s Family Law, Chapter 9.
  • Principles of Family Law by Cretney & Masson, Chapter 21.



  • The Cambridge Law Journal Vol. 20, No 2 (Nov 1962) Pp 169-171Family Law .Custody of Children
  • Awarding Custody of Children by Paul CSayre, University of Chicago Law Review, Vol. 9, No 4 (Jun., 1942), pp 672-692
  • The Role and Responsibilities of a Judicial Officer in respect of Adoption, Legal Guardianship & Custody of Children. A paper presented at the 4th Magistrates Conference at Colline Hotel 2013 by Mutonyi Margaret. Ass. Registrar Inspector of Courts. Available at www.judicature
  • Best Practices in Family Law Courts by Justice Irene Mulyagonja Kakooza- High Court of Uganda




  1.  M v M (A 17/2005) [2008] NAHC 153 (23 July 2008)
  2. Peter Ddungu Matovu v Dorothy Ddungu Matovu- Uganda High Court  Case No 0037 of 2003
  3. Samwiri Massa v. Achan [1978] HCB 297
  1. Nakaggwa v. Kiggundu [1978] HCB 310
  2. Wambwa v. Okumu [1970] E.A. 578
  3. Re G.M. (An Infant) [1957] E.A. 714
  4. Mohammed Hassan v. Nana Binti Mzee (1944) 11 E.A.C.A. 4
  5. Habyarimana v. Habyarimana [1980] HCB 310
  6. Hofmann v. Hofmann [1972] E.A. 100
  7. Re H (Infants) (1966) 1 WLR 381
  8. Nyakairu v. Nyakairu [19…] HCB

10.Kararu v Njeru [1968] EA 361

11.Stark v Stark

  1. Lough v Ward
  2. Re Holmann [1972] EA 100
  3. Monda v Ahmed [1957] EA 673
  4. Musinga v Musinga [199?] vi KAI.R 160
  5. Williamson v Williamson [1993] vi KALR 16
  6. Kalisa v Kalisa [1974] HCB 408
  7. Karanu v Karanu [1975] PA 18
  8. Mohamed v Yasmin [1973] EACA.





Statute Law

  • The Children Act, Cap 59 sections 67 – 75
  • The Common Law

Text Book

  • Principles of Family Law by S.M. Cretney and J.M. Masson, 6th Edition pp.625-635.
  • Family Law Fourth Edition by Jonathan Herring Chapter 7 PP324-369


  • Arguments about Parentage by Andrew Bainham. Source Cambridge Law Journal Vol. 67, No2 (July 2008) Pp 322-357
  • Reforming English Law Concerning Illegitimate Persons by J.MEEKELAAR .Source Family Law Quarterly Vol. 14 No 1 (spring 1980).
  •  Uniform Parentage Act by Harry D. Krause Family Law Quarterly, Vol. 8 No1 (Spring) 1974) pp 1-25




  1. S v McCW vs. Official Solicitor [1972] A.C. 24 on scientific tests.
  2. H v H (1966) 1 All ER 356— Importance of discovery of truth about parentage, different blood groups.
  3. Re C(S) (An Infant) Times Newspaper, 25 June 1971.
  4. R v. R (1968) p.414 — Acceptance of child.
  5. Moore v. Hewitt (1947) K.B. 831 — previous association
  6. Simpson v. Collinson (1964) 1 All E.R. 262.
  7. CT v MW. [1969] E.A. 375.
  8. Mbwambo v. Wandoa  Aaron [1966] E.A. 241,
  9. B. v. Attorney General (1963) 1 W.L.R 776.
  10. Peretonia v Nsabimana (1994)iv Kalr 89




Law Applicable

  • The Children Act, Cap 59 Part IV, esp. sections 44 – 55
  • The Adoption of Children Rules
  • The Constitution of Uganda, 1995, Art. 11(2)


  • Bromley’s Family Law, Chap. 10, pp.335-358
  • Principles of Family Law, 6th Edition, Chap 24
  • Jonathan Herring Family Law 4th Edition, Chapter 11 PP.677-711

Articles/ Papers

  • Awarding Adoption of Children , Marriage and Family Living Vo. 16.No4. International Issue on the Family (Nov 1954)
  • Transnational Adoption of Black Children by Amuzie Chimezie . Social Work. Vol 20 No.4 (July 1973) P 296-301
  • Adoption of Children with Special Needs by Judith Mckenzie(The Future of Children Vol. 3 No1 Adoption Spring 1993) Pp 62-76
  • When Children Cannot Return Home: Adoption and Guardianship: by Mark F. Testa available at www.futureof


  1. Re: Sharon Asige (An Infant) Adoption Cause No. 144 of 2009
  2. In the matter of David Meyer Sempijja Family Cause UGHC No 83 of 2010
  3. Re Juliet Jane Nakazibwe’s case [1973] E.A.
  4.  In the Matter of Margaret Laker and Savannah Apio, Adoption Cause No.3 of 1998.
  5.  In the Matter of Edith Nnassaazi — An Infant, Adoption Cause No.4/97.
  6.  Re M (An Infant), Civil Appeal No. 22/1994 (before the Supreme Court of Uganda).
  7. All cases on Custody of children are applicable — especially on the issue of welfare of the child.
  8. Re Sarah Nyakairu Adoption Cause No. 14: 1995
  9. Re Serwadda Mayanja Adoption Cause No. 7/1987
  10. Re B [1972] 1 Aller 898
  11. Re S [19871 2 Aller 99
  12. Re D (1980) 2 FLR 102
  13. Re S (1977) 3 Aller 67
  14. Re T [1977] 2 Aller 77
  15. Brach v Wollans [1949] 2 KB 388





Law Applicable


  • The Judicature Act, Cap 13
  • The Children Act, Cap 59
  • Common Law


Bromley’s Family Law, Chapter 11.

Journals/ Articles

Guardianship: Every Child’s Right by Irving Weissman: Annals of the American Academy of Political & Social Science Programs Vol. 355


  1. In the matter of Deborah Joyce Alitubeera. Uganda Civil Appeal No 70 of 2011
  2. In the matter of Ramona Whyat Stephens (Infant) Uganda Family Cause No 237 of 2010
  3. In the matter of Application of Legal Guardianship of   Hodkins Andrew (Infant) by Michael Friedrich  & Danielle Jean Friedrich Family Cause No.222 of 2013
  4. In the matter of Application for Legal Guardianship of Lunyol Brigatte(Child) by Coriova Vera & Radek Cori HCT-04-AC-0001-2013
  5. Rwabuhemba Tim Musinguzi Harriet Kamakune Civil Application no 142 of 2009
  6. In the Matter of Maria Nalugya — An Infant, H.C. Misc App. No.775 of 1997
  1. Peters v. Jones (1914) 12 K.B. 781
  2. Yasmin v Mohamed [1973] ERCA
  3. Adomati v Okware Adoption Cause No. 4/1994
  4. Re Lawrence Ikeda & Beatrice Ikeda Misc. App. No. 299/1993
  5. Re Katende & Namakula App. No. 291/1993
  6. Re Application for Guardianship Misc. App No. 58/1992
  7. Re C [1989] 1 Aller 395


Termination of Guardianship

  1. Exparte B [1972] 3 Aller 317
  2. Beaufort v Berty (1721) 1 P Wms 703
  3. Rl v (1899) 1 ch 526
  4. F v F [19021 1 ch 688

Other Provisions of the Children Act

  1. 19, 21, 24, 29, 31, 34, 35, 56-66, 105, 10 & 11 Children Act.

Supervision Order

Care order

Foster Care Placements

Approved homes

Role of the Community







  1. Introduction

The Nature and Functions of Wills


  1. Capacity to Make a Will, Requirements for a Valid Will



 Statute Law:

The Succession Act, Cap 162: Sections 55, 36, 47, 49, 50, 52, 53.



  • A Casebook on the Law of Succession by W M Musyoka Chapters 3,4
  • Halsbury’s Laws of England, 3 Ed. Vol 39 para— 1273— 1274.

       Articles & Journals

  • Validity. Necessity of Testamentary Intent published by The Yale Law Journal, Vol 31, No. 3 (Jan ., 1922), P.334
  • Testamentary Competency: Reconciling Doctrine with the Role of the Expert Witness – by Willis. J. Spaulding .Published by Law & Human Behaviour, Vol 9. No 2 of 1985
  • Can a Soldier Under Age Make a Valid Will? Published by the Yale Law Journal, Vol. 27, No6 (1918) 



  • Banks v. Goodfellow [1861 -73] All ER. 47
  • Boughton and Marston v Knight (1861-73) ALLER Rep 40. See PP 70 Casebook on the Law of Succession
  • Cock v Cooke (1866) L.R. 1 P & D. 241.
  • In the Goods of Morgan (1866) L.R. 1P & D 214
  • In the Estate of Park, [1954] p. 89.
  • Parker v. Felgate (1883) 8 P.D. 171
  • Battan Singh v. Amirchand [1948] A.C. 161
  • Christian v. Instiful [1954] 1 W.L.R. 253


WEEK 7:  Application for Grant of Probate; Revocation of a Will and Revocation of Probate



The Succession Act, Cap 162, Sections 56, 57, 59, 60.


  1. Re Bird —Deceased [1970] E.A. 289 (T)
  2. Re Hawkesley’s Settlement; Black v Tidy (1934) CH 384 ALLER Rep 94
  1. Moonlight Sengooba v. Administrator General [1974] H.C.B. 62.
  2. Olive Arnedia Kawalya Kaggwa v. Joanita Nyanzi Kaggwa [1972] U.L.R. 126
  3. Maria Naluvugo v. Hategyekimana [1977] HCB 71
  4. Estate of Petit [1958] E.A. 671
  5. Sallis v. Jones [1935] All ER. 872
  6. Bamwite v. Nangobi [1977] H.C.B. 41
  7. Re Oldham [1920] E.R. 288
  8. Petit v. Tonnet [1961] E.A. 949


  1. Invalid Bequest
  2. In the Estate of Hall, Hall v. Knight and Baxter [1914] p.1.
  3. Re Callaway (deceased), Callaway v. Treasury Solicitor (1956) 2 All E.R. 451.
  4. Cleaver v. Mutual Reserve Fund Life Association (1892) 1 Q.B. 147.
  5. Section 54 of the Succession Act, Cap 162.




  Text Book

Read Case Book on Succession Law by W M  Musyoka Chapter 22

General Principles of Islamic Law of Sucession



  • Chelang’a v Juma { 2002} 1 KLR 339- . See P. 691 of Succession Law Casebook
  • Musereza v. Jiwa [1966] E.A 117
  • Administrator General v. Mtumwa [1958] E.A. 285.
  • Rashida Begum v. Administrator General & Kararn Din (1951) E.A.C.A. 102.
  • Khalfan Busaidi v. Hamed [1962] E.A. 248.
  • Shalo v. Maryam [1967] E.A. 409
  • In the Estate of Sheikh Fazal Ibhi [1957] E.A. 697 (K)
  • Re Juma Sadala’s Estate [1958] E.A. 308 (K)




Who is entitled to inherit; Scheme of distribution.


The Succession Act, Cap 162

The Law of Succession in Uganda, Women, Inheritance Laws & Practice by

P.N. Tuhaise, WLEA(U) Publications No. 2 (2001)


WEEK 10: Application for Letters of Administration & Revocation of Letters of Administration


Read: Succession Act, Cap 162.



  • Florence Sali Nurdin v Charmas Charania & Others Civil Appeal No. 56 of 2008
  • Solo David & Anor vs Pagali Abdu & Anor H.C.T -04 CA 0027 -2009 arising from HCCS 0033 of 2008
  • Re Kibiego [1972] E.A. 179
  • Christine Male v.Namanda [1982] 1-I.C.B. 140
  • Nduga v. Nansikombi & Others [1980] HCB 79
  • Marko Kajubi v.Kulanima Kabali (1944) E.A.C.A. 34
  • Sempa Mbabali v. Kidza & 4 Others [1985] HCB 48
  • Rwabaganda v. Bahemurwabusha [1977] HCB 224
  • Naluvugo v. Hategyekimana [1977) HCB 71
  • Konde v. Nankya [1975] HCB 197
  • Kayizzi v Bisia [1980] HCB 139
  • Alitabala v. Kakaire (1989) KALR 44
  • Estate of Fatuma Binti Saleh [1961] E.A. 219 (K)
  • Murungi v. Kasingwa H.C.C.S. No. 10/1993
  • Katinti v. Nakalemera HCCS 84/199 1
  • Mboijana v. Mboijana HCCS No. 879/1990
  • Nakire v. Mpanga Kaggwa (1991) ULR 204
  • Administrator General v. Bukirwa & Anor HCCS No.208/1992
  • Administrator General v. Bruno Serunkuma [1993] IV KALR 79



WEEK 11: Duties, Powers and Liabilities of Executors and Administrators


The Succession Act, Cap 162


  • Rosemary Nalubega & Yahaya Walusimbi vs Jackson Kakayira Civil Appeal No. 40 of 2004
  • Kasawuli v. Dumba HCCS No. 38/1988
  • Nsindika v. Tindibuhwa [1977] HCB 31
  • Najero v. Serwanga [1974] E.A. 32
  • Panayatis Catravas v. Bhanji [1957] E.A. 234
  • Mureeba v. The Administrator of the Estate of Mureeba, Civil Suit No 128/1988


WEEK 12: Powers of the Administrator General


The Administrator General Act, Public Trustee Act, Cap


  • In the Matter of the Estate of David Murage Muchina (Deceased) Nairobi High Court session Cause No 2077 0f 2002- See Succession Casebook P.519
  • Shital Bimal Shah and Others v Akiba Bank Limited –Nairobi High Court C 567 of 2004. See Casebook p. 528
  • Ebrahimji Gulamhussein Anjarwala as Administrator of the estate of Hussenabai Musajee, Deceased (1946) 22 (1) EACA 3
  • Nakabugo v. AG [1967] E.A. 60
  • Re Barton[1970]E.A. 191.

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Criminal Law

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Nature and History of Torts

Administrative Processes

Legal Methods

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Jurisprudence II

Business Associations I

Evidence I

Criminal Procedure

International Law 1

Family Law

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Clinical Legal Education I

Intellectual Property I

International Humanitarian Law

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Alternative Dispute Resolution

ICT Law and Policy

Environmental Law and Policy

Gender & the Law

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